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  • Ce este pocăința

    Ce este pocăința?

    The regenerated life of a Christian begins with repentance. Repentance is the first step after hearing the word of God and believing in Jesus Christ (the Son of God) and His

  • What do you choose Heaven or hell?

    What will you choose: Heaven or Hell?

    Heaven or hell, that’s the choice that every person must make in his or her life. The final destination of a person’s life is made during the person’s life on earth. Every

  • Who says there will be a tomorrow?

    Who says there will be a tomorrow?

    Mulți oameni trăiesc ca și cum ar avea viață veșnică pe pământ. Vor să-și trăiască propriile vieți, făcându-și treaba, without interference from people telling them what to do.

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