Všetko, čo vidíte a čo sa deje vo svete, má svoj pôvod v duchovnej sfére. The creation and all there is within is created by the Word and originated…
Kategória prehliadania
Although the Bible used to play a major role in society and people’s lives, Už to tak nie je. Bohužiaľ, the Bible has slowly disappeared from the scene and no…
Žijeme vo svete, kde má každý svoj názor. Dajte sa do skupiny desiatich ľudí a nastolte tému a budete počuť rôzne názory. To nie je prekvapujúce, since…
The washing water of the Word is necessary for sanctification and cleansing. In Ephesians 5:26, we read about the sanctification and cleansing of the Church with the washing of water by the…
There are many trials in life, where you will show what you believe, koho počúvaš, and by your actions, show to whom you belong. You can say all kinds…