Ljudi ne cijene uvijek Božje riječi. I u Starom i u Novom savezu, mnogi ljudi nisu bili u stanju čuti i podnijeti riječi Božje,…
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Kad kršćani izgubljene vrate kući, što se s njima događa? Gdje će otići? Hoće li ići u duhovnu crkvu, where Jesus is the center and they speak His…
In the second and third chapters of the Book of Revelation, Jesus spoke to John about the seven churches in Asia and their works. While the messages to the churches differed…
Iako se promjene rade u crkvama diljem svijeta, i mnoge crkve kompromitiraju i prilagođavaju Božje riječi i snižavaju Božje standarde, služimo svemogućem Bogu, Who is the…
When some of the Pharisees heard the words of Jesus, how He had come for judgment into the world, that they which see not might see and that they which see…