U Ivanu 9, čitamo o ozdravljenju slijepca u subotu. Čovjek je rođen slijep i bio je prosjak, but after his encounter with Jesus the…
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In Hosea 4:6, God spoke to the prophet Hosea about His unfaithful adulterous people of Israel and the consequences of their unfaithfulness and adultery for His people and the land. Bog…
“Jao tebi, odvjetnici! jer si uzeo ključ znanja: ušli ste ne u sebe, i spriječiše one koji u tebe ulaze”, said Jesus to the lawyers…
Kroz stoljeća, pojavile su se mnoge krive doktrine koje su uvreda za Boga i nisu približile kršćane Bogu, ali dalje od Boga. These false doctrines have led…
Svatko, who has repented and is born again in Jesus Christ, has become a new creation and belongs to the Body of Christ; Crkvi. The Church is seated in Christ…