Jésus a averti ses disciples qu’il y avait des loups déguisés en brebis. Il a donné un aperçu détaillé de la nature et des caractéristiques d’un loup déguisé en mouton. Jésus leur a dit, how to recognize…
Dans la vision de la vallée des ossements desséchés à Ézéchiel 37:1-14, Dieu a révélé au prêtre Ézéchiel l’état de son peuple Israël, who were defeated and lived in captivity…
Many churches are not controlled and steered from a pure and good church board that acts according to the will of God, qui est écrit dans la Parole, and represents, Prêche,…
The devil tempted mankind with the lie, that if man would eat from the fruit of the forbidden tree, man would not surely die, as God said, but that the eyes…
Many churches have allowed the spirit of the world to enter and because of that many Christians don’t live holy lives after the Spirit in obedience to the Word, but have…