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  • The message nobody wants to hear

    The message that nobody wants to hear

    Throughout the years, the ears of Christians have become so used to the vain philosophies and doctrines of man, that they can’t endure the truth of God and His words anymore.

  • Sodomos Pakartoto Įstatymo vynmedis 32

    Sodomos vynmedis

    Beveik kiekvienas krikščionis yra susipažinęs su Sodomos ir Gomoros istorija ir žino, kas nutiko Sodomoje ir Gomoroje. The inhabitants of Sodom were wicked and great sinners against God.

  • Life coaches instead of spiritual fathers, motivational speakers

    Life coaches instead of spiritual fathers

    Many church leaders have become life coaches instead of spiritual fathers. The spiritual fathers have changed their role as shepherds of the flock to motivational speakers. They encourage the people, feed

klaida: Šis turinys yra apsaugotas