U Knjizi Otkrivenja, Jesus not only mentioned the doctrine of the Nicolaitans and the works of the Nicolaitans, koje je Isus mrzio, but Jesus also mentioned the doctrine of Balaam.…
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Ne čitamo puno o nikolaitima u Bibliji i o nauku i djelima nikolaita koji se spominju u Otkrivenju 2:6 i 2:15. We only know from…
Ima mnogo kršćana, koji se nanovo rađaju i počinju hoditi za Duhom, but after a while something happens and they go back to the Old Covenant and begin…
I charge thee therefore before God, and the Lord Jesus Christ, who shall judge the quick and the dead at his appearing and his kingdom; Preach the word; be instant in…
In the previous blog post the modern gospel was discussed, which has been changed into a prosperity gospel, whereby everything revolves around the material and financial prosperity and wealth of the…