Browsing Category


  • バラムの教義, バラムの賃金, バラムの道


    黙示録では, Jesus not only mentioned the doctrine of the Nicolaitans and the works of the Nicolaitans, which Jesus hated, but Jesus also mentioned the doctrine of Balaam.

  • The doctrine of the Nicolaitans works of the Nicolaitans, who were the Nicolaitans in the Bible


    聖書のニコライ派や、黙示録で言及されているニコライ派の教義や働きについてはあまり読んでいません 2:6 そして 2:15. We only know from

  • 古い契約に戻る


    クリスチャンはたくさんいます, who become born again and begin to walk after the Spirit, but after a while something happens and they go back to the Old Covenant and begin

  • why is the prosperity gospel preached

    Why the prosperity gospel is preached

    In the previous blog post the modern gospel was discussed, which has been changed into a prosperity gospel, whereby everything revolves around the material and financial prosperity and wealth of the

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