“I will give you the riches of the world” is the message, that is preached in many churches today. The modern gospel has been changed into a prosperity gospel for the…
U 1 Ivan 1:15 it is written that God is light and in Him is no darkness. The first thing, that God created, when the earth was without form and void…
New age duh koji vlada u današnjem svijetu zahvatio je i oskvrnio mnoge crkve. Ali kako se ovo moglo dogoditi? Kako bi Crkva koja sjedi u Isusu Kristu; the…
Today’s world is full of new age. It’s all about love, mir, sklad, sloboda, respect, and tolerance. There is an enormous curiosity and interest in the supernatural realm aka the occult.…
A church can experience unity in Christ until something happens that causes divisions in the church. Divisions in the church happen often. But what causes divisions in the church, tko je…