Many churches have appointed leaders, who lead the people of God back to Egypt. Postoje vođe, who have come up with all kinds of doctrines that deviates from the Word…
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Svaki Božji savez je napadnut od đavla. Njegovi napadi su duhovni, ali rezultat njegovih napada postat će vidljiv u prirodnom carstvu. When you see chaos…
Evil will come and if the Bride; the Body of Jesus Christ doesn’t repent and remove all the sins out of her midst; out of the lives of the believers, Bog…
The church of Jesus Christ is placed upon the fertile soil of the Kingdom of God. This fertile soil has enough water and nutrition for the church to bear good fruit.…
Isus gradi svoju crkvu na svjedočanstvu, da je On Krist, Sin Boga živoga. Sve dok Njegova crkva ostaje u Njemu, the gates of hell shall…