Paul was not ashamed of the gospel of Christ. He wouldn’t dare to speak of anything else but the crucified and risen Christ, elava Jumala Poeg. The preaching…
Good Friday is an important day for Christians, but Good Friday should actually be an important day for all people. Why is it called Good Friday? What happened on Good Friday…
The Old Covenant shows the relationship between God and His carnal people, who are born of the seed of Israel. Many times, we read about how God’s people started right but…
Johannese evangeeliumis 3:14, Jeesus ütles:, ja kui Mooses tõstis kõrbes mao üles, isegi nii, tuleb Inimese Poeg üles tõsta: that whosoever believes in Him should…
Kas sa suudad Jeesuse uuesti risti lüüa ja ta avalikult häbisse panna? Mida Piibel ütleb? In Hebrews 6:6 we read that you can crucify Jesus again and put Him…