When sin and death entered the lives of man, by eating from the forbidden tree in the Garden of Eden, and caused man to be separated from God, God already had…
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Every year, Good Friday is remembered by Christians. But what is the meaning of Good Friday? What happened on Good Friday? What does the Bible say about Good Friday? Why is…
ឈើឆ្កាងគឺជាកន្លែងនៃដង្វាយធួន និងជាកន្លែងនៃការប្រោសលោះ និងព្រះគុណ. Jesus was the perfect Lamb of God, ដោយគ្មានស្នាមនិងកន្លែង, Who made atonement for you. Jesus Christ, Who…
When man ate from the forbidden tree in the Garden of Eden, sin and death entered the lives of man and caused a separation between God and man. But God, in…