Una de las características de Dios es Su bondad. When we become a new creation and the Holy Spirit dwells in us, then we shall also bear the fruit goodness. A lo largo de la Biblia,…
El fruto del Espíritu
What does the fruit gentleness actually mean? Does it mean to be happy, to smile, to look happy, to be tolerant and accept and approve all things? Does it mean, Para…
The fruit longsuffering, is a fruit, that is needed in our world Today. How many times, do people loose their patience and become angry, when someone insults them? How many times,…
¿Qué dice la Biblia acerca del fruto de la paz?? El fruto de la paz es una paz que va más allá de todo entendimiento humano. The fruit peace is a peace that the world can’t explain or…
The fruit joy is the fruit of the Spirit. Therefore the fruit of joy should be present in your life as a born-again believer. Desafortunadamente, many Christians don’t experience joy in…