When God formed man of the dust of the ground, God breathed His breath of life in the nostrils of man, whereby man came to life and became a living soul.…
Pyhä Henki
Jesus prophesied several times about the coming of the Holy Spirit. Jesus made the Holy Spirit known to His disciples and promised His disciples the Holy Spirit. But when do you…
The new age is a spirit of the world and is active in many lives, which is visible through the speech, conduct, and behavior of people. Until a few years ago,…
In Joel 2:28, God promised that He would pour out His Spirit upon all flesh. There are many people, who believe through the doctrines of people that the promise in Joel…
Viime vuosikymmeninä, Monia oppeja erilaisista voiteluista on saarnattu kaikkialla maailmassa. Äkkiä, Siellä oli päivittäinen voitelu, Seitsenkertainen voitelu; Jahven voitelu, the anointing…