根據聖經,生活在律法之下意味著什麼? 因為人們常對「活在律法之下」和「活在恩典之下」這兩個字有誤解. 多…
法律, 誡命
這些日子, 十誡, 神賜給摩西的, 通常被認為是邪惡的和沈重的負擔. 許多基督徒認為上帝的十誡是律法主義和束縛. And since…
聖經中不同的地方, 這個已經寫完了, 服從比犧牲好. 但為什麼服從比犧牲好? 神已賜下祭祀律法. Therefore you…
In Hebrews 7:12, it is written that a change of priesthood means a necessary change of law. But what does this change of law in the change of priesthood mean? 如何…
From the beginning of creation, the devil twisted the words and truth of God and commanded the exact opposite of what God commanded. 神說, that man couldn’t eat from the…