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Umthetho, imiyalo

  • image mountain with blog title What does it mean to live under the law

    Kusho ukuthini ukuphila ngaphansi komthetho?

    What does it mean to live under the law according to the Bible? Since there is often a misconception about the term ‘living under the law’ and ‘living under grace’. Many

  • image bible with title ukuthi yini embi kangaka ngemithetho eyishumi kaNkulunkulu

    Yini embi kangaka ngemithetho eyishumi kaNkulunkulu?

    Kulezi zinsuku, iMithetho Eyishumi, uNkulunkulu awunika uMose, ngokuvamile zibhekwa njengobubi nomthwalo osindayo. AmaKristu amaningi abheka iMithetho Eyishumi kaNkulunkulu njengomthetho nobugqila. And since

  • Kungani ukulalela kungcono kunomhlatshelo 1 uSamuweli 15:22

    Kungani Ukulalela Kungcono Kunomhlatshelo?

    Ezindaweni ezihlukahlukene eBhayibhelini, kulotshiwe, ukuthi ukulalela kungcono kunomhlatshelo. Kodwa kungani ukulalela kungcono kunomhlatshelo? UNkulunkulu wayenike imithetho yemihlatshelo. Therefore you

  • Commandments of God and the commandments of the devil

    Imiyalo kaNkulunkulu nemiyalo kadeveli

    Kusukela ekuqaleni kwendalo, the devil twisted the words and truth of God and commanded the exact opposite of what God commanded. UNkulunkulu wathi, that man couldn’t eat from the

iphutha: Lokhu okuqukethwe kuvikelwe