Kategória prehliadania

Zákon, prikázania

  • are the commandments of God valid

    Sú Božie prikázania stále platné?

    V mnohých kostoloch, people are more focused on supernatural manifestations than on the Word of God and the process of sanctification. Kríž, krv Ježiša, and the grace of God

  • Tajomstvo zákona

    Čo je tajomstvom Zákona?

    V Matúšovi 5:17, it is written that Jesus didn’t come to earth to destroy the law, ale Ježiš prišiel naplniť zákon. Although many people in the Old Covenant considered the

  • How do you establish the law?

    Ako ustanovujete zákon podľa Biblie?

    By faith and regeneration in Jesus Christ, you have been delivered from the power of death and set free from every bondage, and have received a new life in Christ. The…

chyba: Tento obsah je chránený