Under what condition does the blood of Jesus cleanse us from all sin?

В 1 Джон 1:7, it is written that the blood of Jesus Christ the Son of God cleanses us from all sin. This Scripture is often cited and used for the justification of sin and used as a permit to sin, after someone comes to the faith in Jesus Christ. But under what condition does the blood of Jesus cleanse us from all sin?

How can you discern the children of God from the children of the devil?

This then is the message which we have heard of Him and declare unto you, що Бог є світло, і в Ньому немає жодної темряви. Якщо ми кажемо, що ми маємо спілкування з Ним, і ходити в темряві, ми брешемо, і не правда: Але якщо ми ходимо у світлі, як Він у світлі, we have fellowship with another, і кров Ісуса Христа, Його Сина, очищає нас від усіх гріхів (1 Джон 1:5-7)

How can you discern the children of God from the children of the devil? You can discern the children of God from the children of the devil by one thing, а саме, whose will are they doing on earth?

Джон 10:26-28 you believe not because you are not of my sheep my sheep hear my voice

The children of God are born of God (through regeneration in Christ). They belong to God and recognize His voice and listen to His voice (Читайте також: Can the voice of God be heard today?)

They believe the words of God and obey His words, whereby they walk in righteousness according to His will.

The children of the devil belong to the devil (through natural birth) and listen to his voice.

They believe his words and obey his words, whereby they walk in unrighteousness according to his will (Читайте також: Воля Бога проти волі диявола).

The children of God have fellowship with God and walk by faith in the truth of God’s Word, whereby they walk in the light. And as long as they walk in the light, the blood of Jesus Christ cleanses them from all sin. This doesn’t apply to those, who walk in darkness.

The blood of Jesus doesn’t justify the wicked, who walk in darkness

There are lot of people, who say they are children of God and live in fellowship with Him, while they walk in darkness and keep doing the works of the flesh. But as long as people walk in darkness and do the works of the flesh, their works testify, that they are not children of God and don’t belong to God, but that they are children of the devil and belong to the devil (Ой. Джон 8:44, Ефесян 4:17-5:21, Колосяни 3, 1 Джон 3:7-10).

Children of the devil walk in darkness in sin. They are carnal and do the desires and works of the flesh and enjoy doing them.

The children of God walk in the light in holiness (separated from the world and devoted unto God) and righteousness. They are spiritual and do the will and the works of God and bear the fruit of the Spirit.

A lack of knowledge of God’s Word destroys the children of God

But because many Christians have a lack of knowledge of God’s Word and are not led by the Word and the Holy Spirit, but are led by their feelings, емоції, and the opinions and experiences of preachers, many Christians live in a lie and walk on sideways that lead to the abyss (Читайте також: Багато пастирів ведуть овець у безодню).

Through false doctrines that please the ears and feelings of Christians, the works of the flesh are not put off after repentance, but Christians keep doing the works of the flesh and persevere in sin, thinking they are saved by the blood of Jesus. While the Bible says something different than what they believe.

1 Джон 3:5-6 У Ньому немає гріха, хто в Ньому перебуває, не грішить

They believe they are saved, despite their lifestyle and the works they do.

Але Біблія каже, що кожен, who is born of God doesn’t sin (persevere in sin) and doesn’t walk in darkness, but walks in the light. (Ой. римляни 6, 2 Петро 2, 1 Джон 3, 5, Читайте також: Любов і благодать Божа не йде на компроміс з гріхом).

Because only when someone walks in the light, the blood of Jesus cleanses the person from all sin.

Through faith in Jesus Christ and His redemptive work and repentance, the person is cleansed of all his sins and iniquities by the blood of Jesus. And through regeneration in Christ (the death of the flesh and resurrection of the spirit from the death), the person has become a new creation, who is spiritual and has received a new heart and a new nature (Ой. Ezekiel 36:25-27, Joel 2:28-29, Акти 2:17-18 Євреїв 8:8-13 (Читайте також: Восьмий день, День Нового Творіння)). 

Як ми будемо, що мертві для гріха, жити далі там?

римляни 6:2

If the flesh has died in Christ and the person is dead to sin, how can someone keep doing the works of the flesh and live in sin? Someone can only continue to do the works of the flesh, when the flesh is still alive.

тому, if someone keeps doing the works of the flesh and refuses to repent and lay down the evil works by the Spirit, then the blood of Jesus is of no value to the person, але замість цього, the blood of Jesus accuses the person.

If we walk in the light, the blood of Jesus cleanses us from all sin

The devil tries to keep the people in his power through ignorance and by making them believe in his half-truths, which are lies. He makes people believe that you are saved when you persevere in sin and refuse to remove the sins from your life. чому? Because as long as people live in sin, they do the will of the devil and yield to him and the devil has power over their lives.

Джон 8-34 whosoever commits sin is servant of sin

Слово говорить, that as long as people want to do the works of the flesh and enjoy doing them and live in sin in darkness, they are not delivered, but they still live in the bondage of the devil, Гріх, and death (Ой. Джон 8:34, римляни 1:18-2:9; 6, 7, 8, 1 Джон 3 (Читайте також: Чи можна жити в гріху і спастися?)). 

The blood of Jesus doesn’t make sinning approved. Jesus didn’t die for sinners so that sinners could continue doing their evil works and live after the flesh in the power of darkness in sin. Ні!

Jesus died for sinners. So that sinners would be delivered from their evil, perverse, crooked, and sinful nature and be cleansed, renewed, justified, and reconciled with God (Читайте також: Jesus restored the peace between fallen man and God).

Jesus gave His life and made a way for sinners, so that they would no longer be sinners and no longer live under the oppression and authority of the devil, sin and death in darkness, but they would be delivered from the power of darkness and be transferred from the darkness into the light and become righteous, and from their holy and righteous state, they would live holy and walk in righteousness as children of God in the light.

Because only if you walk in the light, the blood of Jesus cleanses you from all sin.

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