Nacido para la batalla

Every son of God is born for the battle. When you repent and become born again in Christ and receive the Holy Spirit, te conviertes en un hijo de Dios (esto se aplica tanto a hombres como a mujeres) and a citizen of the Kingdom of God and no longer belong to the kingdom of darkness; el mundo, but you have become an enemy of the kingdom of darkness.

You have become a soldier of Jesus Christ and His Kingdom and have become part of His Body; His government on earth and shall live after His commandments. You shall not war anymore against flesh and blood but against the principalities, potestades, the rulers of darkness, y maldad espiritual en las regiones altas (Oh. Efesios 6:12). 

Acknowledging and recognizing the spiritual warfare

Many people don’t acknowledge and don’t recognize the spiritual warfare and/or have become afraid to become involved in spiritual warfare due to false doctrines, which made them afraid of retaliation spirits and spiritual reprisal. By their attitude, they show what they really believe, a saber, that they consider the power of the devil greater than the power of our almighty God, el creador of heaven and earth, y todo lo que hay dentro. They have more fear for the devil than a fear for God, causing them to become passive in the spiritual warfare and do what the devil wants, a saber, to let the devil and his companions have their way and tolerate their lies and destructive works (Leer también: ‘Destruir las obras de Dios en lugar de las obras del diablo'). 

Pero la verdad es, that there is a spiritual warfare between the Kingdom of God and the kingdom of darkness and that you are involved in it, quieras o no.

The chaos in the world is the result of spiritual chaos and negligence of the Church

Everything that happens in the spiritual realm becomes visible in the natural realm. If it is chaos in the world, it means that it is chaos in the spiritual realm, which shows that the Church of Christ has not done what it should have done, which is spiritual enforcement in the Church and in the power of Christ create order in the heavenly places and execute the will of God by walking in the truth after the will of God and keep standing on the Word and the Truth of God, instead of compromising with the world and allowing sin. And now we see the result of this behavior in the natural realm. 

¿Por qué me llamáis Señor, Señor, y no hacéis lo que os digo, Lucas 6:46

Many churches have become rebellious and have exalted themselves above God; above His Word, His Truth, y su voluntad, and have changed His words, His Truth, and His will for the people.

They have compromised with the world by believing the lies of the world and by allowing sin, whereby many believers practice the same sins as the world and approve of sin. There is hardly any difference anymore between the people, who say they believe and the people, who don’t believe and/or practice another religion or philosophy (Leer también: ‘Si los cristianos viven como el mundo, ¿De qué debería arrepentirse el mundo?f?’ y ‘Si los cristianos callan, que pondrá en libertad a los cautivos de las tinieblas?')

Let the sons of God, spiritually wake up and awake to righteousness and walk as true sons of God in His Truth and His will, which will separate them from the world, instead of walking as sons of the devil in his truth and his will.

Let them put off the armor of the devil and the kingdom of darkness and put on the armor of God and the Kingdom of Heaven and pray always, so that they shall overcome the temptations of the devil and sin, instead of falling into the temptations of the devil and sin (Leer también: 'La armadura de la oscuridad', y 'The armor of light').

The sons of God are born for the battle and need the armor of God 

Finalmente, mis hermanos, fortalézcase en el Señor, and in the power of His might. Vestíos de toda la armadura de Dios, para que podáis resistir las artimañas del diablo. Porque no luchamos contra sangre y carne, sino contra principados, contra poderes, contra los gobernantes de las tinieblas de este mundo, contra la maldad espiritual en las alturas. Por tanto, tomad para vosotros toda la armadura de Dios, para que podáis resistir en el día malo, y habiendo hecho todo lo posible, para ponerse de pie. (Efesios 6:10-13)

Regeneration in Christ is necessary because without regeneration your spirit is dead and you shall not be able to see the spiritual realm nor discern the spirits. Not until your spirit is raised from the dead, you will be able to walk after the spirit. When your flesh has died in Christ and your spirit is raised from the dead and you have received the Holy Spirit, you will be able to yield yourself to the Word and the Holy Spirit and walk in the Truth of God after God’s will in His armor.

The spiritual armor of God and persistent prayer are already discussed in previous articles. Every element of the spiritual armor is listed below. If you would like to read the article, then all you have to do is click on the subject and you will be directed to the article.

You are born for the battle, but without the spiritual armor of God and persistent prayer, you shall not be able to stand in the spiritual warfare.

Por lo tanto, put on the whole armor of God and pray without ceasing and stay in Christ, so that the devil will not be able to tempt you and you shall not bow for the spirits of this world and become a victim, but that you shall discern his lies and his works and expose and destroy them, so that you become victorious and come out of the battle as a victor.

Se la sal de la tierra’

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