Когда Бог создал человека из праха земного,, Бог вдохнул Свое дыхание жизни в ноздри человека, whereby man came to life and became a living soul. Man lived in communion with God until man became disobedient to God and sinned, и в результате, death entered man and the spirit died, and the spiritual connection between God and was broken. This spiritual connection between God and man was restored through the redemptive work of Jesus Christ and the coming of the Holy Spirit, whereby the breath of God returned into man and the dead came to life and the sons of God (это касается как мужчин, так и женщин) были рождены.
The breath of God brought man to life
And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and man became a living soul (Бытие 2:7)
Дух Божий сотворил меня, и дыхание Вседержителя дало мне жизнь (Работа 33:4)
На шестой день, God created man. God formed man of the dust of the ground and breathed His breath of life into the nostrils of man (Адам). By the breath of God man came to life and became a living soul.
Man was one with God and lived in communion with God, until man chose to believe satan, противник Бога, выше Бога.
Through disobedience to God and obedience to the serpent, man bowed to satan and submitted himself to him, whereby death entered and the spirit of man died. The spiritual connection between God and man was broken and the spirit of man came under the authority of death and when man would die, man would enter the kingdom of death.
From the fall of man, death and sin reigned in (упал) mankind and the seed of man had become corrupt, whereby everyone, who would be born of the seed of man would be born as a sinner; a son of the devil having his (грешный) nature.
The reign of death in humanity became visible through the works of the sinful flesh, which derived from a corrupt mind and the evil nature of fallen humanity.
The law represented God’s will, святость, and righteousness
Поэтому, как через одного человека грех вошел в мир, и смерть от греха; и так смерть перешла на всех людей, за это все согрешили: (Ибо до тех пор, пока в мире не было греха закона,: but sin is not imputed when there is no law. Nevertheless death reigned from Adam to Moses, even over them that had not sinned after the similitude of Adam’s transgression, who is the figure of him that was to come (римляне 5:12-14)
Before God chose Himself a people among all the nations on earth, and made His will known to them, sin and death already reigned in mankind. Sin and death didn’t come by the law. Через закон, which represents God’s will, святость, and righteousness, sin was made known to mankind.
Те, родившиеся от семени Иакова (Израиль) and were circumcised in the flesh, were privileged, that they belonged to God’s chosen people Israel.
They were privileged that the Almighty God, the Creator of the heaven and earth and all there is within, was their God and that they might know Him, through the law and the prophets, and that God would be with them.
However those, who rejected this privilege and broke God’s covenant, by choosing consciously to sin and live unrighteous, would receive the wages of sin, что такое смерть.
While the Gentiles, who belonged to satan (правитель мира) and were controlled by death, walked in idolatry, колдовство, (сексуальный) нечистота, perversion, corruption, and all those things, that opposed the will of God, God’s people differentiated themselves from them through obedience to the law, которые представляли волю Бога, whereby God’s people lived holy and righteous under God’s protection.
The law kept God’s people
Although God’s people also belonged to the generation of fallen man (Старик) and would enter the kingdom of death (Аид) after living on earth, since they lived under the dominion of death, the law kept God’s people, через повиновение закону, and they were protected in God and had a special place in the kingdom of death, where they were protected against the torments and fiery flames (Люк 16:19-31)
Jesus fulfilled the law through His obedience
Не думайте, что я пришел нарушить закон, или пророки: Я пришел не разрушать, но выполнить. Ибо истинно говорю вам, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled (Мэтью 5:17-18)
Jesus was born of the virgin Mary, who was overshadowed by the Holy Spirit. Although Jesus was born in the flesh and became equal to man, Jesus didn’t walk as man in obedience to the father of fallen man, дьявол. Death didn’t have dominion over Jesus, as death has dominion over fallen mankind, because Jesus was not born of the (corrupt) seed of man.
Jesus was born of God and belonged to God, which was visible by His walk on earth
Иисус говорит ему, Have I been so long time with you, and yet hast thou not known Me, Philip? he that hath seen Me hath seen the Father; and how sayest thou then, Shew us the Father? Разве ты не веришь, что Я в Отце, и Отец во Мне? the words that I speak unto you I speak not of Myself: но Отец, обитающий во Мне, Он творит дела. Believe me that I am in the Father, и Отец во Мне: or else believe me for the very works’ ради (Джон 14:9-11)
I do not ask for these only, but also for those who will believe in Me through their word, that they may all be one, just as you, Отец, are in Me, и я в тебе, that they also may be in us, so that the world may believe that you have sent Me. The glory that you have given Me I have given to them, that they may be one even as we are one, I in them and you in me, that they may become perfectly one, so that the world may know that you sent me and loved them even as you loved me (Джон 17:20-23)
Jesus walked in obedience to His Father and spoke the words of His Father and did the things He had seen His Father do. Jesus spent a lot of time with His Father and did nothing outside His Spirit. Отец, the Son Jesus; слово, and the Holy Spirit lived in union and did everything together.
They were (и являются) One. Therefore They spoke the same words and acted the same, whereby They did the same works. They possessed the same nature and the same will and therefore Jesus differentiated Himself from man, который принадлежал к поколению падшего человека.
Although Jesus had come in the flesh, Jesus was a living Spirit.
Jesus was spiritual instead of carnal and walked in submission to God after the will of the Spirit through obedience to the words of His Father.
Jesus was led by the Holy Spirit, whereby Jesus didn’t perceive and act from His flesh; His senses, плотской ум, чувства, и эмоции, but from the Spirit.
Though Jesus could sin, Иисус не согрешил. There was no corruption in the flesh of Jesus.
Jesus was perfect in contrast to fallen man, who was born of corrupt seed and lived in a fallen state and a fallen position.
But through the fulfillment of the law and the perfect redemptive work of Jesus Christ and His resurrection from the dead, Иисус восстановлен (исцелённый) man in His state and reconciled man with God, whereby man was made whole (полный, идеальный) в нем (Читайте также: Как Иисус нарушил завет со смертью и договор с адом).
The perfect state of man was necessary, since only in the (духовный) perfect state of man, God could breathe His breath back again into man and His Spirit could live in man.
In the imperfect state of fallen man, this was impossible. Therefore God gave the written laws to His people, to make His nature and will known, because His carnal people couldn’t receive His Spirit.
Jesus came to fulfill the law and to create in Him, новое творение, who is perfect (полный) in his state and restored in His position and reconciled with God (Ой. 1 Коринфянам 2:5-6, Колоссянам 2:10).
Jesus blew on His disciples
Тогда Иисус снова сказал им:, Мир вам: как послал Меня Отец Мой, даже в этом случае я отправлю тебя. And when he had said this, he breathed on them, и сказал им, Примите Святого Духа: Чьи бы грехи вы ни прощали, они переводятся им; и чьи бы грехи вы ни сохранили, они сохраняются (Джон 20:21-23)
On the day of His resurrection, the first day of the week, Jesus came to His disciples and said to them, that as the Father had sent Him, He would also send them.
Then Jesus breathed on His disciples, just like God breathed and the breath of life of God entered Adam. И Иисус сказал, receive the Holy Ghost: Whose sins you remit, they are remitted unto them and whose sins you retain, they are retained.
Jesus showed by breathing on them that the Spirit of God would return into man by the coming of the Holy Spirit. What in God is, would return in man.
Дыхание Бога, вернувшееся в человека
And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, они все были единодушно в одном месте. И вдруг послышался с неба звук, как будто от несущегося сильного ветра., и оно наполнило весь дом, где они сидели. И явились им разделяющиеся языки, как бы огненные., и оно сидело на каждом из них. And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, и начал говорить на иных языках, as the Spirit gave them utterance (Действия 2:1-4)
В день Пятидесятницы, God breathed His breath into man and the life of God returned into man by the Holy Spirit, and the spirit was made alive and man became a living spirit.
The Holy Spirit came as a sound from heaven of a rushing mighty wind, the breath of God, and filled the whole house where all those, who obeyed the words of Jesus and were in one accord in one place, praying and waiting for the promise of the Holy Spirit (Ой. Иезекииль 37:7-14, Джон 3:8; 14:16-26; 15:26-27; 16:7-15).
The breath of God returned into man and everyone was filled with the Holy Spirit, whereby they began to speak in other tongues.
Tongues of God, which were part of the new creation, who is anointed in the Anointed, сын, and therefore has been justified and made complete and as proof thereof received the Holy Spirit.
The spiritual connection between God and man, who is the crown of His creation, was restored and God could communicate and walk with man again, just like God communicated and walked with Adam from the beginning of creation (Читайте также: Адам, where are you?)
The Holy Spirit lives in the sons of God and leads them
Поэтому, братья, мы должники, не для плоти, жить по плоти. Ибо если вы живете по плоти, да, умру: а если вы духом умерщвляете дела телесные, вы будете жить. Ибо все, водимые Духом Божьим, они сыновья Бога. Ибо вы не получили снова духа рабства, чтобы бояться; но вы получили Духа усыновления, из-за чего мы плачем, Абба, Отец. Сам Дух свидетельствует духу нашему, что мы дети Божьи (римляне 8:12-16)
В Ветхом Завете (упал) man was separated from God and God could only communicate to His people through His prophets and His Son. But in the New Covenant man is justified in Christ and the spirit of man has been made alive by the Holy Spirit and reconciled with God and lives by the Holy Spirit, который обитает в новом творении, in union with the Father and the Son.
The Spirit, Who had to leave man because of the change of owner, could return into the lives of people and live in man. Not in the old man (грешник), whose spirit is dead and disconnected from God and belongs to the devil and lives under the authority of the devil and death, but in the new man (saint), who is justified in Christ and whose spirit is raised from the dead and made alive and has become a son of God and belongs to God.
The Holy Spirit dwells in the sons of God (это касается как мужчин, так и женщин), кто рожден от Бога, and shall lead the sons of God and shall bear witness with the spirit of man, that they are the children of God.
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