Čo znamená pochovaný s Kristom v krste a vzkriesený s Ním?

V Kolosanom 2:11-12 we read about the circumcision in Christ and being buried with Christ in baptism and risen with Him through the faith of the operation of God. But what does buried with Christ in baptism and risen with Him through the faith of the operation of God mean according to the Bible?

The circumcision in Christ 

V ktorom ste aj vy obrezaní obriezkou vykonanou bez rúk, v odložení tela telesných hriechov Kristovou obriezkou: Buried with Him in baptism, wherein also ye are risen with Him through the faith of the operation of God, who hath raised Him from the dead (Kolosanov 2:11-12)

The new creation is circumcised in the circumcision of Jesus Christ. This circumcision is not made with hands, a natural circumcision of the foreskin of a male. But this circumcision is a work of the Spirit and takes place by putting off the body of the sinful flesh of males and females. The circumcision in Christ; the putting off the body of the sins of the flesh, takes place by baptism, when the old man (mäso) is buried with Christ and becomes a partaker of His death and the new man (duch) has risen from the dead through the faith of the operation of God, who has raised Him from the dead.

The old man is buried with Christ in baptism 

Čo si potom povieme? Máme pokračovať v hriechu, aby milosť bola hojná? chráň Boh. Ako môžeme, ktorí sú mŕtvi hriechu, žiť v ňom ďalej? Know ye not, že mnohí z nás, ktorí sme boli pokrstení v Ježiša Krista, boli pokrstení v Jeho smrť? Preto sme spolu s Ním pochovaní krstom do smrti: že ako Kristus bol vzkriesený z mŕtvych slávou Otca, tak aj my by sme mali kráčať v novosti života.

Lebo ak sme boli spolu zasadení do podoby Jeho smrti, budeme tiež podobní Jeho vzkrieseniu: Toto vedieť, že náš starec je s Ním ukrižovaný, aby telo hriechu mohlo byť zničené, aby sme odteraz neslúžili hriechu. Lebo kto zomrel, je oslobodený od hriechu (Rimanom 6:1-7)

Baptism in water

Keď si bol pokrstený, you were circumcised in the circumcision of Christ and you have buried your old former life.

Starý muž, who is carnal and sense-ruled and is dominated by the sinful nature, no longer exists.  

Starý muž, the carnal man, has died in Christ and the new man, the spiritual man, has been risen in Christ from the dead.

Old things have passed away, všetky veci sa stali novými!

You believed in Jesus Christ and decided to nasledovať Ježiša and entered a covenant with Him and as a sign of the covenant is the circumcision in Christ. 

Just like in the Old Covenant the natural circumcision of the foreskin was a sign of the covenant between God, Abraham, a his Seed, in the New Covenant, the circumcision by putting off the body of the sins of the flesh through baptism, is a sign of the New Covenant in Christ.

The new man is risen with Christ from the dead

Teraz, ak sme mŕtvi s Kristom, veríme, že s Ním budeme aj žiť: Vediac, že ​​Kristus vstal z mŕtvych už nezomiera; smrť už nad Ním nepanuje. Lebo v tom zomrel, Raz zomrel hriechu: ale v tom On žije, On žije Bohu. Podobne považujte aj vy za to, že ste skutočne mŕtvi hriechu, ale živý Bohu skrze Ježiša Krista, nášho Pána.

Nech teda nevládne hriech vo vašom smrteľnom tele, aby ste ho poslúchali v jeho žiadostiach. Ani nevydávajte svoje údy ako nástroje neprávosti do hriechu: ale odovzdajte sa Bohu, ako tí, ktorí sú živí z mŕtvych, a vaše údy ako nástroje spravodlivosti pre Boha. Lebo hriech nad tebou nebude panovať: Veď nie ste pod zákonom, ale pod milosťou.

V Ňom nie je hriech, kto zostáva v Ňom nehreší

Čo potom? Budeme hrešiť, pretože nie sme pod zákonom, ale pod milosťou? chráň Boh. Know ye not, that to whom ye yield yourselves servants to obey, his servants ye are to whom ye obey; či už od hriechu až po smrť, alebo z poslušnosti k spravodlivosti? (Rimanom 6:8-16)

And if Christ be in you, the body is dead because of sin; but the Spirit is life because of righteousness (Rimanom 8:10)

Lebo ak žijete podľa tela, áno zomrie: ale ak vy skrze Ducha umŕtvujete skutky tela, budete žiť. Lebo všetci, ktorých vedie Duch Boží, sú to synovia Boží (Rimanom 8:13-14)

Jesus Christ has conquered the death! If you have become a new creation in Him, you have been redeemed from the power of sin and death by the putting of the body of the sins of the flesh and you have been given power in Christ to reign over sin and death.

You shall no longer listen to the flesh and be led by the sinful nature of the flesh and fulfill the lusts and desires of the flesh, since the flesh with its sinful nature has died in Christ.

The proof that the flesh has died in Christ

If the flesh with the sinful nature has died in Christ, the flesh shall no longer produce the unrighteous works of the flesh, which are a.o. cudzoložstvo, smilstvo, rozvod, (sexuálne) nečistoty, effeminacy, nadmerná náklonnosť (žiadostivosť), zlá žiadostivosť, žiadostivosť, hnev, hnev, zloba, rúhanie, filthy communication, klamstvo, lascívnosť, modlárstvo, čarodejníctvo, nenávisť, rozptyl, emulácie, rozbroje, poburovania, herézy, závisti, kradnutie, vraždy, opilstvo, revellings (1 Korinťanom 6:9- 6, Galaťanom 5:19-21, Kolosanov 3:5-10). 

If you still do the works of the flesh, you are not circumcised in Christ, because the body of the sins of the flesh has not been put off and is not buried in Christ but is still alive.

Starý výtvor, who belongs to the world and lives in the kingdom of darkness, does these unrighteous works. But if you are born again and you are circumcised in the circumcision of Christ by the putting off the body of sins of the flesh, you shall not do those works anymore, but you shall do righteous works according to the will of God. 

You shall listen to the Father and submit yourself to His Word and obey the words of God and apply them into your life, since the Word of God is the truth. You shall walk after the Spirit in the will of God and the Spirit shall reign in your life. Ako výsledok, you shall live a holy life unto God and bear the ovocie Ducha.

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