Czy chrześcijanin może żyć pod przekleństwem??

Jest wielu wierzących, who believe that a Christian can live under a curse. Przez lata, many books have been written about generational curses and curses in general. In these books, it is claimed that a born again Christian can live under a curse. These books provide methods and technics on how to find out what kind of curse is upon someone’s life and how to break the curse, so that the person will be redeemed from the curse. These books are very popular among believers. Since many believers do believe that they or others can live under a curse. Ale czy to prawda? Can a Christian live under a curse or not? The generational curses I cursings, which are spoken over Christians are already discussed in previous blogposts. In this blogpost we shall discuss what a curse is and whether a born again Christian can live under a curse.

What is a curse?

People think, that if things in life don’t go according to the will of people or don’t go according as planned or expected, or if people experience resistance and are not prosperous, they live under a curse. But if that would be true, then many people in the Bible would have lived under a curse.

Because many prophets in the Old Covenant and sons of God (new creations) in the New Covenant, experienced setbacks, opór, and/or persecution and were not prosperous and things in life didn’t turn out as they expected or wanted, and still they were blessed and God was with them.

Dlatego, dobrobyt, powodzenie, and wealth in the world may never be an indicator whether a person is living right with God and live in His will and whether God is with a person or not.

Because there are many people on earth, who are prosperous, udany, powerful, and wealthy and seem happy, but still live under a curse.

What is a curse? The curse, as described in the Bible came from God and not from the devil. The curse was the judgment of God, which came through disobedience to God; grzech.

Therefore man brought mischief; the judgment of God upon himself or herself by his own actions, through disobedience to God (grzech). Through disobedience to God, a person became separated from God and no longer lived under God’s protection (Przeczytaj także: ‘Psoty ludzie sprowadzają na siebie„).

Every other curse (a prayer or invocation for harm or injury to come upon one*) which is described as imprecation or a spell, doesn’t originate from the Bible, but from the occult and pagan religions.

In the occult and in pagan religions people believe in generational curses and that people can live under a curse. poza tym, they use words and natural means (objects) and/or rituals to curse people and/or to break curses.

Almost all doctrines about curses, which are taught to believers, mainly originate from the occult and pagan religions and not from the Bible (Przeczytaj także: ‘Kościół okultystyczny‘ I ‘Nowy wiek w Kościele?„).

The curse on mankind

From the moment that Adam and Eve became disobedient to the words of God and believed and obeyed the words of the serpent, and fell from their position and became separated from God, God cursed the serpent, mankind, and the earth (Oh. Geneza 3:13-19, Geneza 5:29).

The earth was cursed and would bring forth thorns and thistles. In the natural this referred to weeds, but in the spiritual this referred to the sons of the devil; sinners that the earth would bring forth instead of sons of God; the righteous.

Man was taken from the dust out of the ground and would return to the ground.

Każda osoba, who would be born of the seed of fallen man, would be born as a sinner and would live under the curse, under the authority of the kingdom of darkness, and would live in the bondage of sin and death.

God chose His people and blessed His people

All the nations that lived on the face of the earth lived under the curse. Among all those nations, God chose a people, whom He would set apart from all other nations and would sanctify. And so God chose Abraham and then Isaac and Jacob (Izrael).

God made His will known to His people Israel, dając im prawo. As long as the people stayed obedient to God and kept the law and all the precepts, Ofiary, rytuały, i uczty, they were blessed, but if they decided to become disobedient to God and no longer kept the precepts, Ofiary, rytuały, i uczty, they became cursed and brought the judgment of God upon themselves and sometimes upon the whole congregation (Przeczytaj także: ‘Jakie jest znaczenie doliny Achor?‘ I ‘Co Słowo mówi o grzechu w kościele??„).

As long as the people kochał Boga, feared God and trusted upon God, and remained obedient to God and His words, the people had nothing to fear, because God was with His people and His people lived under God’s protection.

The law was a schoolmaster and was intended for the carnal man; upadasz, in which the sinful nature reigns and kept the people in custody until the promise of God would come, namely the przyjście Mesjasza (Galatów 3:24-25).

The curse began at a tree and ended at a tree

Chrystus wykupił nas od przekleństwa prawa, stał się dla nas przekleństwem: bo tak jest napisane, Przeklęty każdy, który wisi na drzewie: Aby błogosławieństwo Abrahama mogło spłynąć na pogan przez Jezusa Chrystusa; abyśmy mogli otrzymać obietnicę Ducha przez wiarę (Galatów 3:13-14)

Adam took of the fruit from the tree of good and evil against the commandment of God, whereby through the disobedience of Adam the whole human race was cursed and lived under the curse, oddzieleni od Boga.

But God had a plan to redeem man from the curse and the power of sin and death and reconcile man back to God, so that man’s spirit would be connected with God again.

And one of them, named Caiaphas, being the high priest that same year, said unto them, Ye know nothing at all, Nor consider that it is expedient for us, that one Man should die for the people, and that the whole nation perish not (Jan 11:49-50)

I tak, the promised Seed; Jezus Chrystus, the Son of the living God came to the earth to redeem mankind from the curse by taking the curse of the whole human race upon Himself and reconcile man back to God and restore the relationship between man and God (Przeczytaj także: ‘Pokój, Jezus przywrócony między upadłego człowieka a Boga‘ I ‘Jezus przywrócił pozycję upadłego człowieka„).

Through the obedience of Jesus Christ, the curse has been broken

A ponieważ na skutek przewinienia jednego sądu spadły na wszystkich ludzi potępienie; Tak samo przez sprawiedliwość jednego dar spływał na wszystkich ludzi ku usprawiedliwieniu życia. Bo jak przez nieposłuszeństwo jednego człowieka wielu stało się grzesznikami, Tak więc przez posłuszeństwo jednego wielu stanie się sprawiedliwymi. Co więcej, ustawa weszła w życie, że przestępstwo może się mnożyć. Lecz gdzie obfitował grzech, Łaska obfitowała o wiele bardziej: Że jak grzech zapanował aż do śmierci, tak samo łaska może królować przez sprawiedliwość ku żywotowi wiecznemu w Jezusie Chrystusie, Panu naszym, (Rzymianie 5:18-21)

Through the disobedience (grzech) of the first Adam (Człowiek), the curse came upon the whole human race and man became separated from God. But through the obedience of the last Adam (Jezus Chrystus) the curse was broken and man was reconciled with God (Przeczytaj także: ‘The disobedience to God‘ I ‘The obedience to God„)..

Jesus took the curse of mankind upon Himself by becoming a curse at the cross and He gave to everyone the opportunity to be redeemed from the curse and no longer live under the curse by faith in Jesus Christ and through the identification in Hem, poprzez regenerację.

The new man doesn’t live under the curse and the judgment of God

Dlatego teraz nie ma żadnego potępienia dla tych, którzy są w Chrystusie Jezusie, którzy nie chodzą według ciała, ale po Duchu. Albowiem zakon Ducha życia w Chrystusie Jezusie uwolnił mnie od prawa grzechu i śmierci (Rzymianie 8:1-2)

Każda osoba, who believes in Jesus Christ and by faith in Him becomes a new creation; Nowy człowiek, is reconciled with God.

The new man has received God’s nature and doesn’t live after the flesh under the curse by the power of sin and death in rebellion against God. But the new man is redeemed from the curse and lives after the Spirit in righteousness in obedience to the Word in harmony with God.

All things of the former life have been put away, by the crucifixion of the flesh and is under the blood of Christ, including the curse which came by original sin, which reigns in the flesh and all other curses, which man has brought upon himself or herself in his or her former life when (sh)he belonged to the kingdom of darkness. All curses have been done away by Christ and no single curse reigns in the life of the new man anymore.

Can a born again Christian live under a curse?

NIE, narodzonym na nowo chrześcijaninem, who has become a new creation and walks in obedience to the Word after the Spirit can’t live under a curse, it’s impossible. Since the flesh, in which the curse operates and reigns is crucified through the identification in Christ and is buried in water-baptism and no longer lives.

Kiedy masz żałował from your former life as a sinner and have been born again in Christ, then Jesus has redeemed you from the curse, by becoming a curse for you at the cross.

If you love Jesus Christ and God the Father and do what He says, then it’s impossible to live under a curse. Because you are blessed by God.

Every curse or spell, which is spoken from the kingdom of darkness can’t touch you as a born again Christian, who belongs to the Kingdom of God, because you are blessed in Christ (Przeczytaj także: ‘Can a Christian be cursed?‘ I ‘Czy istnieją przekleństwa pokoleniowe??„).

You are a son of God (dotyczy to zarówno mężczyzn, jak i kobiet) i z tego powodu, you shall walk as a son of God in righteousness in the armor of God. Therefore you are protected and no weapon that is formed against you shall prosper in your life and no curse, imprecation or spell shall be able to touch you and/or harm you.

But it’s all about, who and what you believe. Since you speak, działać, and live according to what you believe. Do you believe God and His Word? Or do you believe people and people’s words?

‘Be the salt of the earth

*Webster-Merriam dictionary

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