Czy ktoś, kto podoba się ludziom, może być sługą Chrystusa??

The words of God are not always appreciated by people. In both the Old and the New Covenant, many people were not able to hear and bear the words of God, whereby prophets were killed, Jezus Chrystus, Syn Boży i Żywe Słowo, was crucified, the disciples and witnesses of Jesus Christ were (i nadal są) Prześladowani. But through the influence of the world (spirit of this world), the attitude of Christians towards God and people has changed. Instead of the approval of God, Christians seek to win the favor of people and have made it their business to be constantly pleasing people. And so many Christians have become people pleasers instead of God pleasers. But can a people pleaser be a servant of Christ? What does the Bible say about people pleasers in the last days?

Czy ktoś, kto podoba się ludziom, może być sługą Chrystusa??

For do I now persuade men, or God? Or do I seek to please men? For if I yet pleased men, I should not be the servant of Christ. But I certify you, bracia, that the gospel which was preached of me is not after man (according to man). For I nether received it of man, neither was I taught it, but by the revelation of Jesus Christ (Galatów 1:10-12)

In Galatians 1:10 Paweł napisał, that if he sought to please men, he shouldn’t be the servant of Christ. The gospel he preached was not after man. He didn’t receive it of man nor was he taught it, but by revelation of Jesus Christ. Paul was a servant of Christ and spoke the words of God, which are not always believed and appreciated by people, let alone obeyed.

But Paul was not a people pleaser but a God pleaser. He didn’t seek to please people, but Paul sought to please God. Therefore Paul stayed faithful to God and kept preaching the words of God and the gospel of Jesus Christ and the Kingdom of Heaven, despite the reproach, afflictions, necessities, distresses, tumults, labors, stripes, and imprisonment (Oh. 2 Koryntian 6:1-10).

A good soldier of Christ speaks the words of God and proclaims the gospel, which is the power of God unto salvation

For yourselves, bracia, know our entrance in unto you, that it was not in vain: But even after that we had suffered before, and were shamefully entreated, as ye know, at Philippi, we were bold in our God to speak unto you the gospel of God with much contention. For our exhortation was not of deceit, nor of uncleanness, nor in guile: But as we were allowed of God to be put in trust with the gospel, even so we speak; not as pleasing men, ale Bóg, which trieth our hearts. For neither at any time used we flattering words, as ye know, nor a cloke of covetousness; God is witness: Nor of men sought we glory, neither of you, nor yet of others, when we might have been burdensome, as the apostles of Christ (1 Tesaloniczan 2:1-6)

Dla was, bracia, stali się naśladowcami Kościołów Bożych, które w Judei są w Chrystusie Jezusie: bo i wy cierpieliście jak wasi rodacy, tak jak to uczynili z Żydami: Którzy obaj zabili Pana Jezusa, i ich własnych proroków, i prześladowali nas; i nie podobają się Bogu, i są przeciwne wszystkim ludziom: Zabraniając nam rozmawiać z poganami, aby mogli być zbawieni, aby zawsze dopełniać ich grzechów: bo gniew spadł na nich aż do końca (1 Tesaloniczan 2:14-16)

Jezusa Chrystusa głosimy, ostrzegając każdego człowieka i nauczając każdego człowieka we wszelkiej mądrości

Paul stood in the service of God and not in the service of man. Mimo wszystko, Paul proclaimed the gospel, which he received by the revelation of Jesus Christ, and not a gospel after man (according to man), which he received from man nor was taught it.

Paul didn’t preach a powerless manmade gospel. But Paul preached the gospel of Christ, which is the power of God unto salvation to everyone who believes (Oh. Rzymianie 1:16, 1 Koryntian 1:18-25; 2:4-5).

Paul was bold and wasn’t ashamed of the gospel.

As a good soldier of Christ, Paul brought the gospel of Christ to the people, with much contention. Because his own countrymen, who didn’t please God, forbade Paul and the others to speak the gospel to the Gentiles so that they might be saved.

But Paul was not intimidated by them, nor did he allow them to hinder him and stop him from preaching the good news to the Gentiles. Paul continued to speak the words of God and preach the gospel of Christ and called the people to repentance, exhorted and taught them, and led them on the right path of the Word.

Paul was a faithful witness of Christ and a God-pleaser. He had a fear of God and had yielded his life to Christ. Z tego powodu, Paul didn’t change the Word for the sake of the people, but Paul confronted the people and exhorted them for the sake of the Word, so that their lives would change according to the will of God and His Word, and they would put off the old man and put on the new man, and they would be and remain saved (Przeczytaj także: Czy raz zbawiony, zawsze jest zbawiony biblijnie?).

People pleasers instead of God pleasers

In contrast to many, którzy nazywają siebie chrześcijanami, and preachers, who are not spiritual but carnal, and don’t seek to please God but seek to please people. They don’t speak the words of God, but they speak their own words and adjust the Word to the will and desires of man, so that the old man can stay alive and they can keep living after the flesh without feelings of condemnation.

And so the people pleasers have created a manmade gospel that didn’t derive from God and His Word and is not after His will, but derived from their carnal mind, Wyniki, feelings and worldly knowledge, after the will of man. A manmade gospel that doesn’t lead to the salvation of people but the destruction of people.

The devil is the father of lies

Na przykład, they consider lying as normal and don’t see anything wrong with it. Especially if it’s to their advantage or if they can substantiate it and there is a good explanation for it.

But God says, that He hates the lie and that lying is a sin. If God says that lying is a sin, then lying is sin, despite the opinions of people (Oh. Exodus 20:16, Powtórzonego Prawa 5:20, Przysłowia 6:16-19, Rzymianie 13:9).

People may disagree with the words of God and have another opinion about a matter, but it doesn’t matter what people think about something, but what God thinks and says about something.

Faithful witness will not lie but false witness utter lies proverbs 14:5

Mimo wszystko, God is the Creator of heaven and earth and all there is within. God has determined and settled the laws.

Therefore God determines and not the people (Przeczytaj także: Not my opinion but Your opinion).

But since many people are still the old creation, who have the nature of the devil that is prideful and rebels against God and His commandments and exalts himself above the words of God, they believe their lies and think their lies are the truth. And so they live according to their lies and preach their lies, tak jak ich ojciec, who is the father of lies.

In contrast to those, who are born again in Christ and are spiritual and belong to God and have His nature and study the Bible and listen to His words and obey His words.

They discern the lies from the truth, because they know the truth of God and know His will. Therefore they shall not believe and follow the lies of man, that are based upon their carnal knowledge, experience, and opinion. But they shall follow the words of God that are written in the Word and through the Holy Spirit, Who lives in the sons of God (dotyczy to zarówno mężczyzn, jak i kobiet) are written upon their heart (Przeczytaj także: Why did God write His law on tablets of stone?).

God is the Father of truth

A son of God hears the words of his Father and believes the words of his Father and shall not lie, but shall speak the truth, just like his Father.

A son of God shall not be a false witness and shall not bear false witness and speak words that contradict the words and the truth of God. But a son of God is a faithful witness, who speaks the words of his Father, pomimo konsekwencji.

In this the children of God are manifest and the children of the devil.

A child of God speaks the words of God and pleases God instead of man. A child of the devil speaks the words of man and pleases man instead of God. Therefore a people pleaser can’t be a servant of Christ, since a people pleaser speaks what people want to hear.

What does the Bible say about people pleasers in the last days?

I charge thee therefore before God, and the Lord Jesus Christ, who shall judge the quick and the dead at his appearing and his kingdom; Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine. Przyjdzie bowiem czas, gdy zdrowej nauki nie zniosą; lecz według własnych pożądliwości nazbierają sobie nauczycieli, swędzenie uszu; And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, i zamienią się w bajki. (2 Timotheüs 4:1-4)

Jednakże, the Word has warned us. Just like the Word warns us about many things.

We live in a time, where people, którzy nazywają siebie chrześcijanami, can’t endure sound doctrine anymore. This is mainly because regeneration and sanctification don’t occur and the fear of God has gone and because of the pride of man, the human knowledge, mądrość, and will of the carnal man has been mixed with the knowledge, mądrość, and will of God. Very slowly the words of God have been replaced by the words of man, whereby the gospel is slowly adjusted to the will and desires of man and focuses on the flesh (Przeczytaj także: Dam ci bogactwa świata I Dlaczego głosi się ewangelię dobrobytu).

Spirit speaks some depart from the faith 1 tymotka 4:1-2

The people have rejected spiritual preachers, who are born again and are witnesses of Jesus Christ and preach the words of God and call the people to repentance and the removal of sin and to follow Jesus; the Word and do the will of God, z kościoła.

These rejected preachers have been replaced by carnal motivational speakers, who are full of themselves and are witnesses of themselves, speaking their own words and constantly preaching new things that are inspired by the spirit of this world (the spirit of this age), the knowledge and wisdom of this world, ich uczucia, lying wonders, deceiving revelations and visions, doświadczenie, and are pleasant to hear, because they are after the will and desires of the carnal man.

Motivational speakers, who don’t preach the words of God in the right context, but have taken the words of God out of context and twisted them and given their own interpretation, whereby they have defiled the words of God and preach a false gospel that doesn’t call sinners to repentance and doesn’t correct and exhort believers, but let them be (in their sins). Because according to their false doctrine, false love of Jesus, and the false way they preach. people can do whatever they want to do and keep walking after the flesh and live in sin without any consequences (Przeczytaj także: Shall you not die if you sin?).

Spiritual preachers are persecuted, but carnal preachers are followed and idolized

Tak, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution (2 Tymotka 3:12)

These preachers are often charismatic and eloquent and because they speak flattering words and say what people want to hear, they are loved and draw a large audience. They are praised by people and put on a pedestal and are followed and idolized by people instead of persecuted. 

Nie jest to zaskakujące, since the Word says that those who will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution. If someone is not in Christ and doesn’t speak the words of God and will not live godly, they shall not experience persecution.

Because church leaders are people pleasers, church members have become people pleasers

Because preachers are no longer God pleasers but people pleasers and only speak motivational and positive words that people want to hear, the church members also have become people pleasers instead of God pleasers, who no longer speak the words of God but the words of man.

They are no true witnesses of Christ and don’t speak what Jesus wants them to speak by the Holy Spirit, but they speak what people want to hear, bo chcą być lubiani, honored, and accepted by people instead of persecuted and rejected.

And so they withhold the truth and keep salvation from people and preach lies that allow sinners to have their way and lead people astray in ways that lead to destruction.

Through their false doctrine, they make people believe that Jesus loves them and that they are saved, while the Word contradicts their sayings. W końcu, it’s not man, who speaks these vain words, but it’s the Word, Who shall judge everyone according to his works (Przeczytaj także: Niech Słowo będzie waszym Sędzią).

God pleasers speak the words of God and do His will 

Albowiem ci, którzy są według ciała, troszczą się o to, co cielesne; ale ci, którzy są według Ducha, są tym, co Ducha.. Albowiem być cielesnym umysłem jest śmiercią; ale być duchowo usposobionym to życie i pokój. Ponieważ cielesny umysł jest wrogi Bogu: bo nie podlega prawu Bożemu, w rzeczywistości nie może być. So then they that are in the flesh cannot please Go (Rzymianie 8:5-8)

Wtedy rzekł do nich Jezus, Gdy wywyższyliście Syna Człowieczego, then shall ye know that I am he, and that I do nothing of myself; but as my Father hath taught me, Mówię te rzeczy. And he that sent me is with me: the Father hath not left me alone; bo zawsze czynię to, co się Jemu podoba (Jan 8:28-29)

The natural man has a carnal mind and does mind the things of the flesh and shall not submit to the law of God, but shall exalt himself above the law of God, by adjusting His words and commandments to the will of the flesh. Z tego powodu, the natural man is not able to please God.

Rzymianie 8:7 Cielesny umysł jest wrogi Bogu, nie podlega prawu Bożemu

The carnal mind is enmity against God because it is not subject to the law (the will) Boga. Therefore regeneration in Christ is necessary and the only way to salvation (Przeczytaj także: Is there only one way to eternal life?).

Without the new birth and without faith people are not able to please God, since the nature of the (stary) man does not believe in the things of the Spirit because they are foolishness to them, and shall act against the will of God and shall not do what God has said and commanded.

The natural man belongs to the world and shall live in enmity with God and please people.

The spiritual man belongs to God and shall live in peace with God and please God, whereby the spiritual man shall be an enemy of the world (Przeczytaj także: Why the world hates Christians?).

You decide to either believe the words of God or not, to become born again or not, to lay down the old man and put on the new man or not, to be a servant of Christ or not, to be a friend of God and live in peace with God or to be a friend of the world and live in peace with the world but in enmity with God.

Although the choices you make may not seem important and relevant to you now, but eventually the choices you have made on earth will determine whether you will spend eternity with God or not.

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