Que signifie le changement de loi dans le changement de sacerdoce?

Dans l’épître aux Hébreux 7:12, it is written that a change of priesthood means a necessary change of law. But what does this change of law in the change of priesthood mean? How is the law changed? Does the law, which God gave to Moses, no longer apply? Did Jesus abolish the law? Or does the Mosaic law still apply to Christians? What is the law of the Kingdom of Heaven, où Jésus-Christ est Roi et règne? Which law applies in the New Covenant and should Christians obey? 

The Levitical priesthood and the law of Moses in the Old Covenant

In the Old Covenant God had appointed Moses and Aäron from the tribe of Levi, to deliver His people from slavery and the reign of Pharaoh and lead them to the promised land. 

God revealed Himself through the visible signs and wonders and took His people by the hand and delivered His people and led them to the promised land.

Romains 7:12 La loi est sainte et le commandement est saint, juste et bon

While they were in the wilderness, God made His nature and His will known, by giving His law to Moses. Through the law, the will of God was made known and therefore sin was revealed. This law belonged to the covenant between God and His people Israël.

God appointed Aaron as high priest and his sons as priests and so the Levitical priesthood was instituted.

Dans l'Ancienne Alliance, the law of Moses applied and the people lived under the Levitical priesthood and animal sacrifices were made and the blood of animals made a temporal atonement for the sins and iniquities of the people(Lire aussi: 'Quel est le secret de la loi?’ and ’Quelle est la différence entre les sacrifices d’animaux et le sacrifice de Jésus-Christ?')

Although God had chosen His people, His people belonged to the generation of fallen man (vieil homme), dont l’esprit est mort.

God’s people were soulish and since they could only walk after the flesh, God gave them commandments, (sacrificial and food) lois, rituels, Préceptes, et les fêtes, which applied to the flesh of the carnal man.

Therefore the law of Moses with all its commandments, lois, rituels, Préceptes, fêtes, etc.. was meant for the old man, who is unspiritual and carnal and can only walk after the flesh, dans lequel règnent le péché et la mort.

The law of sin and death reigns in the flesh of the old man

À cause du fait, that the sinful nature reigns in the flesh, the flesh doesn’t love God, but loves itself. The flesh is prideful, rebelle, unfaithful, déloyal, égoïste, jaloux, cupide, and unforgiving and wants to lie, voler, cheat, convoiter, commettre un adultère, fornication, divorce, détester, tuer, etc..

Therefore God commanded in the law of Moses, ‘Thou shalt not…’ (Lire aussi: 'Pourquoi Dieu a-t-il dit, thou shall not… and why did Jesus say, thou shall…? et ‘La vérité révélatrice sur la loi du péché et de la mort')

A New Covenant and a change of priesthood

Si donc la perfection était assurée par le sacerdoce lévitique, (car sous lui le peuple recevait la loi,) what further need was there that another priest should rise after the order of Melchisedec, et ne sera pas appelé selon l'ordre d'Aaron? Pour que le sacerdoce soit changé, il y a nécessité un changement aussi de la loi. For he of whom these things are spoken pertaineth to another tribe, dont aucun homme n'a assisté à l'autel (Hébreux 7:11-13)

The law of Moses was part of the Old Covenant, which was meant for God’s carnal people. But God’s carnal people could not keep the law of God. God’s people were prideful, rebellious and exalted themselves above the law of God and made their own laws and committed idolatry and lived like the pagan nations, and so God’s people committed spiritual adultery and broke the covenant with God (Oh. Jérémie 3:7-11; 11:10, Ézéchiel 44:6-8, Osée 8:1, Hébreux 8:9).

The people didn’t love God and therefore they didn’t listen to His voice and didn’t keep His commandments.

John 18:37 To this end was I born and for this cause came I into the world Every one that is of the truth hears My voice

But God knew all this beforehand. God knew that the Old Covenant wouldn’t stand, because of the weakness of the flesh.

Therefore God prophesied at the beginning of creation after the fall of man about the coming of the Seed that would bruise the head of the devil (Lire aussi: 'Qu’est-ce que cela signifie la tête du diable meurtrie parce que le talon de Jésus a été meurtri?' et 'En attendant, for the promise of the Messiah')

And this promise of God was fulfilled, quand Jésus-Christ, le Fils de Dieu et le Verbe vivant, came to the earth to heal what was broken and restore the relationship between man and God and the position of man on earth through His perfect redemptive work (Lire aussi: ‘Quelle est la vraie signification de la croix?', ‘Quel genre de paix Jésus a-t-il apporté sur la terre?‘ Et ‘Jésus a restauré la position de l'homme déchu')

Jesus didn’t belong to the tribe of Levi and was not born of the seed of Levi, but Jesus belonged to the tribe of Judah and was born of the Seed of God (Lire aussi: Jésus était-il pleinement humain?)

After the crucifixion and resurrection from the dead, Jesus stayed for forty days on earth, teaching His disciples. After forty days Jesus was caught up in a cloud and ascended to heaven and took place at the right hand of the Father on the throne of mercy (mercy seat) in the Holy of Holies and became both High priest and King after the order of Melchizedek (Lire aussi: 'Quel est l'ordre de Melchisédek?).

The change of priesthood meant a change of law

Par Jésus-Christ, a New Covenant was instituted, which is sealed with His own blood. The change of covenant and the change of priesthood also meant a change of law.

La circoncision dans la Nouvelle Alliance

The Levitical priesthood and the Mosaic law were part of the covenant between God and His carnal people Israel and as a sign the circumcision in the flesh.

Tout le monde, who belonged to the house of Israel and was circumcised in the flesh lived under the Levitical priesthood and had to keep the law of Moses with all its commandments, Préceptes, (sacrificial and food) lois, rituals and feasts.

The Levitical priesthood and the law of Moses were meant for the old man, who is carnal and in whom the sinful nature reigns, and not for the new man, who had become a new creation in Christ and in whom God’s nature reigns.

In the Old Covenant God made His will known to His carnal people Israel by giving the law and in the New Covenant God made His will known to His people by giving His Holy Spirit, whereby His laws are written in the mind and heart of the new man (Lire aussi: 'Ce qui s'est passé 50 jours après Pâque?)

Par la régénération en Christ, the old man dies

Ayant donc, frères, l'audace d'entrer dans le lieu très saint par le sang de Jésus, Par une manière nouvelle et vivante, qu'il nous a consacré, à travers le voile, c'est-à-dire, his flesh; Et avoir un souverain sacrificateur sur la maison de Dieu; Approchons-nous avec un cœur vrai, en pleine assurance de foi., avoir nos cœurs aspergés d'une mauvaise conscience, et nos corps lavés avec de l'eau pure (Hébreux 10:19-23)

Par la foi en Jésus-Christ, repentir, and regeneration in Christ, man identifies himself/herself with the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, whereby the old man (chair) dies and the new man (esprit) is raised from the dead.

The old man lays down his life symbolically through the baptism in water. In baptism, the old man dies, and therefore the law of sin and death, which reigns in the flesh of the old man dies. For by the death of the flesh man is loosed from the law, qui règne dans la chair (Lire aussi: ‘Qu'est-ce que le baptême?)   

Through the death of the flesh, the law of sin is abolished and sin and death no longer reign in the life of the person, who has become a new creation in Christ.

But although the law of sin and death no longer reigns through the death of the flesh, the will of God and the nature of God remain unchanged.

This means that the moral commandments (lois) that represent the nature and the will of God still apply in His Kingdom and in the New Covenant.

Par la régénération en Christ, the new man is raised from the dead

Voir, the days are coming, declares the Lord, when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and the house of Judah, not like the covenant that I made with their fathers on the day when I took them by the hand to bring them out of the land of Egypt, My covenant that they broke, though I was their husband, declares the Lord. Car c'est ici l'alliance que je ferai avec la maison d'Israël après ces jours-là, declares the Lord: I will put My law within them, and I will write it on their hearts. And I will be their God, et ils seront mon peuple. And no longer shall each one teach his neighbor and each his brother, en disant, ‘Know the Lord,’ for they shall all know Me, from the least of them to the greatest, declares the Lord. For I will forgive their iniquity, and I will remember their sin no more.” (Jérémie 31:31-34)

Car c'est ici l'alliance que je ferai avec la maison d'Israël après ces jours-là, dit le Seigneur; Je mettrai Mes lois dans leur esprit, et écris-les dans leur cœur: et je serai pour eux un Dieu, et ils seront pour Moi un peuple: Et ils n'enseigneront pas à chacun son prochain, et chacun son frère, en disant, Connaître le Seigneur: car tous me connaîtront, du plus petit au plus grand. Car je serai miséricordieux envers leur injustice, and their sins and their iniquities will I remember no more. In that He saith, Une nouvelle alliance, Il a fait le premier vieux. Maintenant, ce qui se décompose et vieillit est prêt à disparaître (Hébreux 8:10-13)

Et chaque prêtre se tient debout tous les jours, servant et offrant souvent les mêmes sacrifices, qui ne peut jamais enlever les péchés: Mais cet homme, après qu’il eut offert un sacrifice pour les péchés pour toujours, s’est assis à la droite de Dieu; Dès lors, il s’attend à ce que ses ennemis deviennent son marchepied. Car par une seule offrande, il a rendu parfaits pour toujours ceux qui sont sanctifiés. Whereof the Holy Ghost also is a witness to us: for after that he had said before, This is the covenant that I will make with them after those days, dit le Seigneur, I will put my laws into their hearts, and in their minds will I write them; And their sins and iniquities will I remember no more. Now where remission of these is, there is no more offering for sin (Hébreux 10:11-18)

Par la résurrection de l'esprit d'entre les morts et le séjour du Saint-Esprit, vous avez reçu la nature de Dieu, and His will is written in your mind and your heart. You were dead, but because of the resurrection in Christ from the dead, you have been raised from the dead and entered the life in Christ. Now a new law reigns in your life, namely the law of the Spirit in Christ Jesus which is the law of life.

Mais celui qui garde Sa Parole en lui est l'amour de Dieu parfait 1 John 2:5

The law of the Spirit in Christ Jesus no longer commands, “thou shalt not…”, because the flesh with all its sinful lusts and desires no longer reigns in you because the flesh is dead and no longer lives.

But the law of the Spirit in Christ says, “Tu…”, because the spirit who was dead, has become alive in you and reigns in you.

The new man has God’s nature and loves God with all his heart, âme, esprit, and strength and loves his neighbor as himself. Therefore the new man submits to God and speaks the truth and is obedient, loyal, fidèle, grateful, satisfied, patient, selfless, forgiving, and walks in love (the righteous love of God). 

By walking after the Spirit in submission to Jesus Christ; the Word in the will of God the new man shall fulfill the law, tout comme Jésus, Who didn’t come to abolish the law but to fulfill the law (Matthieu 5:17, Romains 3:31).

The law of God, which represents His will and has reigned from the beginning in the Kingdom of Heaven, shall always reign in the Kingdom of Heaven.

The fall, the covenant, the coming of the law of Moses, and the coming of Jesus Christ and His redemptive work have not changed anything about that. The only thing that changed is the creation of God and the status and the position of man (Lire aussi: ‘Pouvez-vous utiliser un monde brisé comme excuse?).

The will of God and His nature shall never change and therefore His commandments, which are the same commandments of Jesus, ne doit pas changer. God’s Word stands forever (Oh. Psaumes 119:89, Isaïe 40:6 (Lire aussi: ‘Les commandements de Dieu et les commandements de Jésus')

The law of the Spirit of life reigns in the new man

Now the God of peace, that brought again from the dead our Lord Jesus, that great Shepherd of the sheep, through the blood of the everlasting covenant, Make you perfect in every good work to do his will, working in you that which is wellpleasing in His sight, par Jésus-Christ; to Whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen (Hébreux 13:20-21)

Il n'y a donc maintenant aucune condamnation pour ceux qui sont en Jésus-Christ., qui ne marche pas selon la chair, mais selon l'Esprit. Car la loi de l'Esprit de vie en Jésus-Christ m'a affranchi de la loi du péché et de la mort.. Pour ce que la loi ne pouvait pas faire, en ce qu'il était faible à cause de la chair, Dieu envoie son propre Fils à l’image d’une chair pécheresse, et pour le péché, péché condamné dans la chair: Afin que la justice de la loi s'accomplisse en nous, qui ne marche pas selon la chair, mais selon l'Esprit. Car ceux qui suivent la chair se soucient des choses de la chair; mais ceux qui suivent l'Esprit, les choses de l'Esprit. Car avoir un esprit charnel, c'est la mort; mais avoir un esprit spirituel, c'est la vie et la paix (Romains 8:1-6)

The new man has been made free in Christ and no longer lives in bondage to sin and death, but is raised from the dead and delivered from the power of darkness by the power of God and lives in bondage to Jesus Christ; the Life in the light.

Therefore the new man shall no longer obey the devil and death and do the works of the flesh and bear the fruit of the death, ce qui est un péché. If someone keeps bearing the fruits of death, ce qui est un péché, then this means that the death still reigns in the life of the person and the person still lives as the old creation. Because the new man shall submit to Jesus Christ and obey Jesus Christ, le mot, et la Vie, et porter le fruit de l'Esprit.

The new man no longer lives as the old creation after the flesh in the Old Covenant under the Levitical priesthood, where the law of Moses reigns and the person has to keep all the sacrificial laws, lois alimentaires, rituels, fêtes, etc., which are meant for the old man. But the new man lives in the New Covenant under the Messianic Priesthood, where the law of the Spirit of in Christ Jesus reigns and the new man lives as priest and reigns as king and therefore walks holy in the authority of King Jesus and the power of the Holy Spirit in the will of God on earth. 

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