Jaké jsou vlastnosti syna Božího?

Existují křesťané, who wonder if they are born again and have become a son of God (To platí jak pro muže, tak pro ženy). They doubt their salvation and wonder if they have received the baptism with the Holy Spirit. How do you know if you are born again and have become a son of God? What are the characteristics of a son of God according to the Bible?

A change of kingdom

Giving thanks unto the Father, which hath made us meet to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in light: Who hath delivered us from the power of darkness, and hath translated us into the kingdom of His dear Son: In Whom we have redemption through His blood, even the forgiveness of sins (Kolosané 1:12-14)

Neboť zákon Ducha života v Kristu Ježíši mě osvobodil od zákona hříchu a smrti (Římanům 8:2)

Když budete činit pokání, by faith in Jesus Christ and His work of salvation and be baptized in water and receive the baptism with the Holy Spirit, you are born again and have become a son of God.

A change has taken place in the spiritual realm. When you died to the flesh and your spirit was raised from the dead, you were transferred from the power of darkness into the Kingdom of God. This change of kingdom means a change of (duchovní) citizenship and a change of Law.

Through regeneration you have become a new creation; a new man and your nature has changed.

A son of God experiences a change of nature

But as many as received Him, to them gave He power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on His Name: Which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God (John 1:13-14)

Spatřit, what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of God: therefore the world knoweth us not, because it knew Him not (1 John 3:1)

The nature of the father of fallen man (ďábel) has died with your flesh. Through the resurrection of the spirit from the dead by the power of the Holy Spirit, the nature of the Father of the new man (Bůh) came to life.

Once you have received the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit abides in you. Therefore you don’t have to call upon the Holy Spirit and invite Him over and over again. Because once the Holy Spirit comes in you, He will abide in you and be forever with you (k. John 14:17).

Alespoň, as long as you decide to stay in Christ, live after God’s will and not depart from Christ. How do you depart from Christ? By walking after the will of the flesh, in which the devil reigns, and living like the world.

God replaces the heart of stone by a heart of flesh

And I will give them one heart, and I will put a new spirit within you; and I will take the stony heart out of their flesh, and will give them an heart of flesh: That they may walk in My statutes, and keep Mine ordinances, and do them: and they shall be My people, and I will be their God (Ezechiel 11:19-20)

Holy Spirit reproves the world

In the Old Covenant, God made His will known to the starý muž, by giving the Law to Moses. God gave the Law 50 dny po Pesachu.

In the New Covenant, God made His will known to the new man by giving His Holy Spirit. God gave His Holy Spirit 50 dny po Pesachu. (Přečtěte si také: Co se stalo 50 dny po Pesachu?).

The evil heart of stone, in which the will of the devil was written and always exalts itself above God and resists the will of God and His commandments was replaced by a living heart of flesh, in which the will of God was written. (Přečtěte si také: What is an evil heart?).

Through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, the Law of God, which represents His will, is written in your new heart.

The Holy Spirit represents, stejně jako Ježíš, the will of the Father and His righteousness and holiness. He reproves the world of sin, righteousness, and judgment.

A son of God will experience a change of behavior

Proč nerozumíte mé řeči? i proto, že nemůžete slyšet mé slovo. Jste ze svého otce ďábla, a žádosti otce svého budete činit. Byl to vrah od začátku, a nezůstal v pravdě, protože v něm není žádná pravda. Když mluví lež, mluví za své: neboť je lhář, a jeho otcem. A protože vám říkám pravdu, nevěříte Mi. Which of you convinceth Me of sin? A když řeknu pravdu, proč Mi nevěříte? Kdo je z Boha, slyší Boží slova: proto je neslyšíte, protože nejste z Boha (John 8:43-47)

Mluvím to, co jsem viděl u svého Otce: and ye do that which ye have seen with your father (John 8:38)

The change of kingdom and the change of nature will cause a change of behavior. You shall no longer walk as the old man in pride after the carnal wisdom, znalost, vůle, and the unsatisfied lusts and desires of the flesh. You shall no longer live like the world in unrighteousness and sin.

Due to the change of heart and nature, you shall walk as the new man after the Spirit in righteousness. You shall live after the will of God and keep the commandments of Jesus Christ.

Because you’ve received His nature and His will abides in you and you love Jesus, you shall do what He commands you to do. (Přečtěte si také: The commandments of God and the commandments of Jesus).

A son of God does by nature the things contained in the law

Neboť všichni, kdo hřešili bez zákona, bez zákona také zahynou: a kdož zhřešili v zákoně, budou podle zákona souzeni; (Neboť posluchači zákona nejsou spravedliví před Bohem, ale činitelé zákona budou ospravedlněni. For when the Gentiles, which have not the law, do by nature the things contained in the law, these, having not the law, are a law unto themselves: Which shew the work of the law written in their hearts, their conscience also bearing witness, and their thoughts the mean while accusing or else excusing one another;) In the day when God shall judge the secrets of men by Jesus Christ according to my gospel (Římanům 2:12-16)

Za to, co zákon nedokázal, v tom, že byl slabý skrze maso, Bůh posílá svého vlastního Syna v podobě hříšného těla, a za hřích, odsoudil hřích v těle: Aby se v nás naplnila spravedlnost zákona, kteří nechodí podle těla, ale po Duchu (Římanům 8:3-4)

When you have become a son of God, you shall do the moral part of the law by nature. Since the law is the will of God. You shall be a law unto yourself and fulfill the law, stejně jako Ježíš. (Přečtěte si také: Is man able to fulfill the law?).

Jaké jsou vlastnosti syna Božího?

What are the most important characteristics of a son of God? The most important characteristics of a son of God are not charity works and humanitarian works. The characteristics of a son of God are not signs and wonders either. Protože Ježíš řekl, there shall arise false Christs and false prophets, who shall do great signs and wonders. They shall be so great that if it were possible, they’ll deceive the very elect (k. Matthew 24:24, Označit 13:22). 

The words of Jesus show that you don’t have to be born again to walk in the supernatural and do signs and wonders. Signs and wonders don’t proof that you are a son of God. (Přečtěte si také: Musíte se znovu narodit, abyste mohli chodit v nadpřirozenu??).

A son of God shall love and fear the Lord and walk in righteousness

By the fear of the Lord men depart from evil (Přísloví 16:6)

But the characteristics of a son of God are that a son of God loves God with all his heart, duše, mysl, and strength and fears the Lord. Therefore the son shall depart from evil (sin and iniquity) and shall no longer walk in unrighteousness. But the son shall walk in obedience to God in righteousness. (Přečtěte si také: Miluješ Boha celým svým srdcem?).

A son of God shall never compromise with sin and shall never tolerate and accept the works of the kingdom of darkness. But a son of God exposes the works of darkness and destroys and removes them.

When someone has become a son of God and the Holy Spirit abides in the person, the person shall do the vůle Boží. Since the person is born of God and has the nature of God.

The righteous works, which originate from God’s nature, prove that the person is a son of God. Because it proves that the person has the same nature as his Father.

A son of God shall never approve the works of the devil. Let alone to walk in it.

Because they that are Christ’s have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts (Galatským 5:24)

A son of God is led by the Spirit

Nebo pokud žijete podle těla, zemřete: ale jestliže vy skrze Ducha umrtvujete skutky těla, budete žít. Neboť všichni, kdo jsou vedeni Duchem Božím, jsou to synové Boží (Římanům 8:13-14)

A son of God shall walk after the Spirit in the truth of God. Therefore a son of God shall walk in the will of God.

A son of God shall speak the truth of God. He shall expose and destroy the lies and works of the devil through the Word in the authority of Jesus (the Name of Jesus) and the power of the Holy Spirit.

A son of God bears the fruit of the Spirit

A son of God walks after the Spirit and shall bear the fruit of the Spirit. The fruit of the Spirit is righteous, milovat (love for God and out of that love, the love for your neighbor), radost, peace, útrpnost, gentleness, goodness, víra, meekness, temperance. (Přečtěte si také: Ovoce Ducha)

Ježíš řekl, that you shall recognize the tree by its fruit and that is still the case.

The sons of God do the will of their Father

Neboť každý, kdo bude činit vůli Boží, totéž je Můj bratr, a moje sestra, a matkou (Označit 3:35)

A son shall listen to his father and obey his father and shall do the will of his father. Because a son has the nature of his father.

Therefore the sons of God, who have the nature of God shall walk after the Spirit in obedience to His Word. They shall do the will of their Father. Just like the sons of the devil, who have the nature of the devil, shall listen to their father. They shall walk after the flesh in obedience to his words and do the will of their father.

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