¿Qué significa ser hijo de Dios??

Si has nacido de nuevo en Cristo, you are no longer a child of the devil, but you have become a child of God. But what does it mean to be a child of God? Because there are a lot of people, who say they are born again, but still walk as the old creation after the flesh and live the same lives as those, que pertenecen al mundo.

Becoming a child of God

Mirad, ¿Qué amor nos ha dado el Padre?, que seamos llamados hijos de Dios: por eso el mundo no nos conoce, because it knew him not. Amado, ahora somos nosotros los hijos de Dios, y aún no se ha manifestado lo que seremos: Pero sabemos que, cuando Él aparecerá, seremos semejantes a Él; for we shall see Him as he is. Y todo hombre que tiene esta esperanza en Él, se purifica a sí mismo, even as he is pure. Todo aquel que comete pecado, infringe también la ley.: porque el pecado es transgresión de la ley. Y sabéis que Él se manifestó para quitar nuestros pecados.; y en él no hay pecado. Quien permanece en él, no peca.: todo aquel que peca no le ha visto, ni lo conocí (1 John 3:1-6)

When you become a child of God; un hijo de dios, a través de la regeneración en Cristo, Has sido hecho santo y justo. As a child of God you have become holy and righteous and therefore you shall walk in holiness, and in righteousness. You shall live according to His will and you shall keep His commandments, because His Holy Spirit abides in you.

sentarnos juntos en los lugares celestiales en Cristo Jesús

Because the Holy Spirit dwells in you, you have received His nature and you shall live from your new nature. Usted tiene crucified your old nature (tu carne), and have received His nature, therefore you shall walk in this nueva naturaleza después del espíritu.

Sentado en Jesucristo a la diestra de Dios. That’s your new place.

Before you got nacido de nuevo, your place was on this earth, and you were subjected to all powers and forces of darkness, that rule in this world.  You were their slave, and they ruled over you (en la carne).

Did they have the right to rule over you? Actually not, because Jesus took their authority, but they just did it anyway, and they still do it.

They still have the ability to work in the flesh (alma y cuerpo) of men, and as long as a person walks after the flesh, he/she shall be dominated by these forces.

But Jesus didn’t suffer and didn’t give up His own life, (para la voluntad de Dios) Para tí, so that you will be dominated, and ruled by these wicked forces of the enemy.

It was God’s will that you would become a child of God; His child; Su hijo; una nueva creación, born out of His Spirit, living in holiness and righteousness, and being completely obedient to the Word of God.

Sentado en Jesucristo

When you walk after the Spirit and stay in Him (stay in His Word), then you shall sit at the right hand of God. You shall sit, with Jesus Christ, en los lugares celestiales, y reign with Him above all powers of darkness.

When you take your position in Him, y vivir según su voluntad, only then shall you be able to create order on this earth.

The world is one big chaos

There are all kinds of things going on in this world; Guerras, pestilence, desastres naturales, etc. People are living after the lusts and desires of their flesh, they do what they want and do everything that God has forbidden.

¿Cambiará Dios su voluntad por las concupiscencias y deseos de los hombres?

The main spirit of this world is to live for the ‘self’ and fulfill their own lusts and desires.

People live after the flesh. Sí, even ‘Christians’ are partakers of this world, they want to be accepted by the world, and they want to be liked and adapt their behavior.

There is hardly any distinction in lifestyle between a sinner, and a Christian. They both live according to their own will, their own lusts, y deseos.

The only difference is that the so-called Christian uses the grace of God to justify sins and to keep sinning.

Where are the saints?

But where are the saints, en Jesucristo? Where did they go? Where are:

  • The saints who walk in holiness and righteousness and turn away from evil; from sin
  • The saints who walk in humility and submission to the will of God instead of their own will and the will of people
  • The saints who walk in the authority of Jesus Christ and keep His commandments.
  • Los Santosobey the Word of God instead of adjusting the Word of God to a worldly lifestyle that is full of sins

Who dares to take a stand for God and His Word and stand against this world system?

Who dares to take a stand for Jesus Christ?

As soon as you become a child of God, you don’t belong to the world anymore and therefore the world shall not recognize you ya no, that’s what the Word says.

El world shall not understand you and therefore you shall not be able to have communion with the world. You live in another Kingdom, then the world lives in.

Fe en Cristo

The world is not able to comprehend the things of the Spirit, because they are not born again in the Spirit, and don’t have the Holy Spirit of God abiding in them.

But what do most Christians do in this age? They don’t walk, as a child of God anymore. But they live like the world (who have the devil as their father).

Many Christians are not children of obedience but have become prideful rebellious children, who walk in desobediencia a dios.

Son carnales y caminan según la carne., and therefore pride and rebellion are part of their character.

The ‘self’ is king in their lives. They do what they want, live the way they want to live, and satisfy the lust and desires of their flesh.

But as soon as someone disobeys the Word of God; Jesús, entonces (s)he lives in rebellion, against Him, and therefore lives in sin.

Why did Jesus walk without sinning?

Why did Jesus walk without sinning? Because Jesus loved God, His Father above all, and therefore Jesus was obedient to the will of His Father. Jesus did whatever pleased God. Because of the fact that Jesus stayed in God’s will and kept His commandments, there was no sin in His life and there’s still no sin in Him.

los dos grandes mandamientos, Si me amas guarda mis mandamientos

When you live in Christ, it means that you live according to the Word; Su voluntad.

As long as you keep walking after His will, y guarda sus mandamientos, you withdraw yourself from sin.

That’s why it’s so important to know the Word, so that you will learn His will. A través de la palabra, lo conocerás, and when you obey the Word you shall live according to His will.

If you love Him and keep His commandments, you will stay in Him and shall not walk in sin.

But if you become disobedient to Him and don’t keep His commandments, you shall leave Him, and you shall walk in sin.

If you keep walking in sin, it means that you don’t love Him. Even when you say that you do love Him. Recordar, your actions speak louder than words. Tus acciones se muestran, quien realmente eres:

  • a child of God, who believe His Word and obeys His Word and keeps His commandments and walks after the Spirit, o
  • un hijo del diablo, who believe the words of the world and obeys them and keeps the commandments of the world, and walks after the flesh.

'Sé la sal de la tierra'

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