Когда Иисус спросил Своих учеников, who the people said He was, His disciples answered John the Baptist, but some said Elias, and others said one of the old prophets, who was risen. Тогда Иисус спросил их, who they said He was. Peter answered and said, the Christ of God. What does the Bible say about the Christ of God? What does the Christ of God mean?
The two persons, who changed the spiritual state of mankind
И это произошло, as He was alone praying, His disciples were with Him: and He asked them, говоря, Whom say the people that I am? They answering said, Иоанн Креститель; but some say, Элиас; and others say, that one of the old prophets is risen again. Он сказал им, Но кто вы говорите, что я? Peter answering said, Христос Божий (the Anointed of God (Люк 9:18-20))
In the history of mankind, there have been two persons, who have changed the (духовный) state of mankind on earth; сын Божий Адам, and the Son of God Jesus the Christ.
Adam was perfectly created in the образ Божий and was appointed on earth to rule as son of God. The position of Adam and his power; his rulership was taken from him when he disobeyed God.
Из-за его непослушания Богу, man lost his position as a son of God and his rulership on earth to the devil and the devil became his father.
Man lost his position because of disobedience to God
Man had fallen from his position and became under the authority of the devil and his kingdom. С того момента, death reigned in mankind and produced the fruit of death, что такое грех. Каждый человек, who would be born on earth would be born under the authority of death and would carry and pay the price of sin, что такое смерть.
But God had already a plan to redeem mankind from the power and dominion of the devil and restore the position of mankind on earth and his relationship with God.
Out of love for mankind, God sent His Son Jesus the Christ; Слово к земле, to redeem mankind from the power and dominion of the devil and to restore the position and the relationship of mankind with God (Читайте также: Иисус восстановил положение падшего человека).
Jesus the Christ of God
Ибо, как и в Адаме, все умирают, даже так во Христе все оживут (1 Коринфянам 15:22)
Through the disobedience of the son Adam, the seed of man was affected by death, but through the obedience of the Son Jesus the Christ the seed of man was restored in Him by His life.
Иисус, the living Word showed by His walk and His obedience to God and His will, how a son of God should walk on earth.
Через Иисуса’ obedience to God and Его воля, Jesus the Christ accomplished His mission on earth.
In the following articles, you can read about what happened before, в течение, and after the crucifixion of Jesus the Christ of God and what the redemptive work of Jesus means for you as a son of God (мужчины и женщины). You can read the articles, by clicking on the links below.
- Кто-то должен заплатить цену!
- Распятие души
- Распятие плоти
- Страдания и насмешки Иисуса Христа
- Иисусу не было стыдно
- Почему Иисус был распят на деревянном кресте?
- Истинное значение креста
- Автор вечного спасения
- Какой мир принес Иисус на землю?
- Меч, Иисус принес на землю
«Будь солью земли’