Является ли крещение младенцев тем же самым, что и крещение взрослых?

There are always many discussions going on in churches. One of these discussions is about infant baptism (christening). Many Christians wonder whether infant baptism is the same as adult baptism. Should we baptize infants in the church? What does the Bible say about infant baptism?

Is What does the Bible say about infant baptism?

Согласно Слову Божьему, christening; the baptism of babies is not the same as the water baptism (or adult baptism). There is no mention in the Bible of babies being sprinkled with water. Because that’s what christening, the infant baptism, является: a sprinkling of water.

What does the word baptism mean?

Let us have a look at the meaning of the Greek word ‘baptízõ’ (baptize) (G907 in SC): the word derives from no. 911 и означает: to immerse, submerge; to make whelmed (то есть. fully wet); used only (в Новом Завете) of ceremonial ablution, особенно (technically) of the ordinance of Christian baptism: Baptist, baptize, wash

Baptism is a full immersion in water

When did the act of baptism begin?

John did baptize in the wilderness, and preach the baptism of repentance for the remission of sins (Отметка 1:4)

Иоанн Креститель was the prophet, who was sent by God to baptize people. From that time on, many people were baptized in water. John the Baptist preached a baptism of repentance, для отпущения грехов. Many people accepted the words of John the Baptist, who called the people to repentance and they repented. While they were baptized, they confessed their sins.

Then went out to him Jerusalem, and all Judaea, and all the region round about Jordan, And were baptized of him in Jordan, confessing their sins (Мэтью 3:5-6)

They were cleansed in the water and were raised into newness of life; a life devoted to God. Как результат, their lifestyle changed and their acts lined up with their repentance.

But not everyone was willing to be baptized. Therefore many people rejected the water baptism. Many Pharisees and lawyers rejected the counsel of God and were not baptized.

And all the people that heard him, and the publicans, justified God, being baptized with the baptism of John. But the Pharisees and lawyers rejected the counsel of God against themselves, being not baptized of him (Luke 7:29-30)

Is infant baptism the same as circumcision?

Christening aka infant baptism is not a substitute for circumcision. The circumcision was meant for God’s first covenant people; the Jews and was an act and a token of their covenant with God. The Gentiles are not Jews, nor will they ever become Jews. The Gentiles are grafted upon Jesus Christ and have become the New Covenant people. The New Covenant has replaced the Old Covenant. Это значит, that the Old Covenant has become obsolete.

обрезание в Иисусе Христе

Circumcision is not part of the New Covenant, but circumcision is part of the Old Covenant, which is passed away.

The only circumcision, which is mentioned in the New Testament is the circumcision in Christ (Читайте также: Что означает обрезание Иисуса Христа?).

But let’s say, that christening aka infant baptism has indeed replaced circumcision, then why was Jesus baptized?

Jesus Christ was circumcised, when He was eight days old. And so Jesus was circumcised on the eighth day.

When Jesus was about 30 годы, Jesus was baptized in water. Jesus wasn’t baptized as a child, but Jesus was baptized as an adult.

The ministry of Jesus began after Jesus was baptized in water and received the Holy Ghost, and spent 40 days and nights fasting in the wilderness. Затем, Jesus began His ministry and preached, и принесли народу Царство Божье, и призвал народ к покаянию.

Иисус – наш пример, so if Jesus, as an adult was baptized in water, shouldn’t we follow His example?

Do infants have already a conscience? Are infants aware of sin? Can infants make a choice to be baptized?

There is only one baptism

There is only one Lord, one faith, one baptism (Ефесянам 4:5)

There is only one baptism and that’s the baptism in Christ. The baptism in Christ is not only a baptism of repentance for the remission of sins, but it is a baptism in His death. В нем, you lay down your old sinful nature and bury your flesh, but that’s not all. When you come out of the water, you are raised in the newness of life in Jesus Christ.

You are baptized in Jesus Christ; circumcised in Jesus Christ by putting off the body of the sins of the flesh, and burying that sinful nature of the flesh, in water baptism and raised with Him.

У которого вы и обрезаны обрезанием нерукотворным, в совлечении греховного тела плоти обрезанием Христовым: Похоронен с ним в крещении, в котором и вы воскресли с Ним верою в действие Божие, Кто воскресил Его из мертвых (Колоссянам 2:11-12)

Can an infant make such a significant choice?

В качестве родителя, the only thing you can do is dedicate your child to the Lord and raise your child in the fear of the Lord. This means that you raise your child in His Word, Библия, so that your child will get to know the Lord and His will. You shall teach your child to listen and yield to God and obey His commandments, которые представляют Его волю.

When your child is old enough, (с)he can make a choice, to serve Jesus Christ and follow Him and be baptized, so that s(он) will be raised in Jesus Christ and walk after the Spirit or to keep walking after the flesh and live like the world.

If you would like to know more about the water baptism, возможно, ты захочешь прочитать: Что такое крещение?

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