Who doesn’t enjoy a good sauce with his food? People have become so used to the sauce, that they can’t live without it. There’s nothing exciting about food without sauce. It doesn’t matter what you eat or if the food is well prepared or not, if the sauce is good the food is good. The sauce adds flavor and determines the quality and overall taste of the dish. This is also seen in Christianity. Christians love pouring a Christian sauce over the things of this world. It doesn’t matter, whether something is good or evil according to the Bible, they just pour a Christian sauce over the things of this world and make it approved. And so they Christianize the things of this world to make them approved and acceptable for Christians. However, people can Christianize whatever they want, but does that make a difference to God?
The love for the world
Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world. And the world passes away, and the lust thereof: but he that does the will of God abides for ever (1 John 2:15-17)
Many Christians still love the world and enjoy the things of the world. Because of their love for the world, they don’t want to remove the things of the world, which derive from the kingdom of darkness, from their lives.
No, they want to hold on to the things of the world. They want to live the same lives as those, who belong to the world.
Instead of bringing forth fruits that meet their repentance and walking in holiness (to be set apart from the world and dedicated unto God), and doing what God says and dying to their flesh and removing the things of this world from their lives, they copy the things of the world and pour a Christian sauce over it. Because according to them the Christian sauce is supposed to make everything approved and acceptable.
The Christian sauce makes everything acceptable
They want to do everything they see the world do, including the entertainment of the world. And to ease their mind and conscience, they have found a way to do that. They just put the word ‘Christian’ in front of it. Because using the word ‘Christian’ and Christianizing it, it is acceptable for Christians to do.
Many Christians are no longer innovators of God. But Christians have become imitators of the world. They copy all the things of the world and pour out a Christian over all evil things and Christianize them and make them their own.
For example, Christian doctors, Christian psychologists and psychiatrists, Christian acupuncturists, Christian Reiki practitioners, Christian massage therapists, Christian martial arts, Christian yoga, Christian prayer or healing bracelets, Christian astrology, Christian Halloween, Christian tattoos, Christian tattoo shops, Christian dating sites, Christian gay associations, Christian Romans/Phantasy and Science fiction, Christian talent shows, Christian dance competitions, Christian comedians, Christians magicians/illusionists (gospel magicians), Christian tarot cards, Christian (children) theater, Christian music concerts, Christian festivals, Christian (music) awards, Christian actors, Christian amusement parks, Christian Djs, Christian dance events, Christian bars, Christian nightclubs, Christian……(fill out yourself).
All these things are copied and adapted from the world and Christianized by people, who call themselves Christians.
These things have one thing in common, they derive from the wisdom and knowledge of the carnal man (through the influence of demonic spirits from the darkness) and are meant for the soul and body (flesh) of the carnal man.
They act from the flesh with or without the use of natural methods and natural means with the purpose of restoring, making whole, fulfilling the lusts and desires, and entertaining the flesh.
It has nothing to do with the spiritual new man and the source is not God and the Kingdom of Heaven. But it has everything to do with the carnal old man and the devil and the world (the kingdom of darkness) as its source.
How have Christians found a way to keep their own lives and live after the flesh?
Christians have found a way to keep their own lives and not have to lay down their lives and live like the world and that’s by pouring out the Christian sauce over the works of darkness to make it good. They have Christianized the works of darkness by putting the word ‘Christian’ in front of it. This way, they won’t have to die to self and put off the old carnal man but they can continue their lives as the old man.
And so they live like the carnal old man and every now and then they apply Bible verses and promises for the new man to their lives.
The devil is more than willing to help the continuation of the old carnal man. Therefore he gives (temporary) healing, soulish supernatural manifestations that seem spiritual, success, prosperity, fame, and riches in the world. After all, the devil is the prince and ruler of this world.
It is the devil’s ultimate pleasure to give people what they want and to entertain them and respond to their feelings and emotions, as long as they live from his source and do his works.
Throughout the years, the devil has succeeded in tempting many believers with his lies and making them believe that adopting the things of the world and Christianizing them, isn’t wrong at all.
The devil has even appeared to many Christians as an angel of light through dreams, visions, prophecies, and thoughts in their mind and convinced them and made them believe that God approves the works of the devil, which are mentioned in the Bible as sin.
This way, the devil has led many people into his trap. The devil misled them through his lies and has taken control of many lives.
Many Christians think they are free while they are bound
Christians think that by Christianizing the things of this world and by doing them, they are free, while in reality, they are not free at all! They are bound through sin to the kingdom of darkness and live in rebellion to God in obedience to the devil.
They do the same works as the world and live the same lives. Therefore, there is hardly any difference between believers and unbelievers. The only difference is that they say they are Christians, go to church once a week, read the Bible occasionally, and pray short carnal prayers.
Because of the fact, that they live like the world, they experience the same things as the world and have the same problems.
Many Christians are not satisfied, joyful, and happy anymore. Instead, they are unsatisfied, pressed down, tired, and cope with anxieties and depression. They have no peace but are worried, anxious, fearful, and experiencing stress.
This is all because they still belong to the world and/or sow in the flesh.
The Word says, that if you sow in the flesh, you shall reap from the flesh. When you do the things of this world, you shall also reap the things of this world (Read also: What you sow you will reap).
The Christian sauce doesn’t change anything about the works and source
You can pour out a Christian sauce over the carnal works of the flesh and Christianize the things of the world by putting the word ‘Christian’ in front of it, but you won’t change anything about the works and source.
All the things of the world remain works, which derive from the knowledge, wisdom, and power of the kingdom of the darkness.
If you want to keep doing the things of the world and live like the world, then why did you repent? What have you repented of?
If you want to keep doing the things of the world, then just do it. But don’t use the word ‘Christian’, and don’t Christianize the evil things of darkness! Because by doing that, you defile God’s holy Name and mock Jesus Christ and His Body. And that’s exactly what the devil wants.
Separated for God and His Kingdom
This I say therefore, and testify in the Lord, that ye henceforth walk not as other Gentiles walk, in the vanity of their mind, Having the understanding darkened, being alienated from the life of God through the ignorance that is in them, because of the blindness of their heart: Who being past feeling have given themselves over unto lasciviousness, to work all uncleanness with greediness (Ephesians 4:17-19)
In the Old Covenant and the New Covenant God commanded His people to separate themselves from the world. He commanded to not get involved and fellowship with the evil works of the world (darkness).
This doesn’t mean that you should start an isolated community, because God has placed His people on this earth.
God has placed His people on this earth to be a witness of Jesus Christ, walk in His dominion, and preach and establish His Kingdom on earth.
Therefore, your purpose is to walk in the dominion of Jesus Christ in the power of the Holy Spirit and preach the truth and expose the lies of the devil. So that, sinners become conscious of their sinful state, and by hearing the truth they can repent, get born again, and be saved and delivered from the kingdom of darkness and death or not.
God has not put His people on the earth to get involved with the spirits of the world and be led by the worldly spirits and be partakers of the things of the world (darkness).
How can you save sinners from the kingdom of darkness if you still walk after the flesh in the kingdom of darkness and be a partaker of her works and live in sin? (Read also: ‘If Christians live like the world, what should the world repent off?)
Christians shouldn’t fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness but reprove the works of darkness
For you were sometimes darkness, but now are you light in the Lord: walk as children of light: (For the fruit of the Spirit is in all goodness and righteousness and truth;) Proving what is acceptable unto the Lord. And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them. For it is a shame even to speak of those things which are done of them in secret. But all things that are reproved are made manifest by the light: for whatsoever doth make manifest is light (Ephesians 5:8-13)
Christians should not adopt and Christianize the things of the world. Christians shouldn’t fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but they should walk as children of light and walk in the truth and reprove the works of darkness.
You can only reprove the lies and works of the world when you are born again and put on the new man and walk after the Spirit in obedience to the Word. Because as long as you stay unspiritual, you shall walk in darkness and shall not be able to discern the works of darkness.
By faith in Jesus Christ and through regeneration, you have been transferred from the darkness into the light. Therefore you shall be able to discern good and evil and reprove the works of darkness. The Word and the Holy Spirit shall help and guide you.
stop pouring out the Christian sauce!
Let’s get serious with the Word of God and do what Jesus commanded believers to do.
Stop pouring out the Christian sauce over all the works of darkness. Remove the sins, which are the works of the flesh in obedience to the devil, and do righteousness, which are the works of the Spirit in obedience to God. So that the Name of the Lord shall not be defiled through carnal works and lives, but that we exalt Jesus and glorify God through our lives after the Spirit.
‘Be the salt of the earth’