Dans 1 Pierre 2:9-10, it is written that Christians, who have given heed to the call of God, Who called them out of darkness into His marvelous, are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, et un peuple particulier. Qu'est-ce que cela signifie? Les chrétiens vivent-ils comme une génération élue ?, Sacerdoce royal, holy nation, et un peuple particulier?
What does a chosen generation mean?
But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of Him who hath called you out of darkness into His marvellous light: Which in time past were not a people, but are now the people of God: which had not obtained mercy, but now have obtained mercy (1 Pierre 2:9-10)
Tout le monde, who has given heed to the call of God and by faith in Jesus Christ has repented and is born again in Christ, est devenu une nouvelle création, un fils de Dieu.
Ceux, who belonged to the darkness, but have given heed to the call of God, are transferred from the darkness into His marvelous light and are reconciled with God and belong to God, and have become God’s people.
They are a new creation and don’t belong to the generation of fallen man, who is a carnal and a sinner and has the devil as their father and live after the flesh in disobedience to God. But they belong to the generation of the new man, a chosen generation, who has been made righteous by the blood of Jesus and His redemptive work, and have God as their Father and live after the Spirit in obedience to God.
They are no longer children of the night, who belong to the obscurité, but they have become the children of the day, who belong to the Lumière and shall live in the Light in the truth of God on earth (Lire aussi: Que le péché ne règne plus en tant que roi!).
What does a royal priesthood mean?
Maintenant donc, if ye will obey My voice indeed, and keep My covenant, then ye shall be a peculiar (special) treasure unto Me above all people: for all the earth is Mine: And ye shall be unto Me a kingdom of priests, and an holy nation (Exode 19:5-6)
To whom coming, as unto a living Stone, disallowed indeed of men, but chosen of God, and precious, Ye also, as lively stones, are built up a spiritual house, an holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices, acceptable to God by Jesus Christ (1 Pierre 2:4-5)
Just as Jesus was a living Stone, who was disallowed by men, but chosen of God and precious, the believers are also living stones, who are persecuted and disallowed by the world, but chosen by God and precious to Him.
They were alive to the world, but dead to God. Cependant, par la foi et la régénération en Christ, they have become alive to God, but dead to the world.
Jesus Christ is King and High Priest and He is the Head of His Body, l'église. The assembly of believers are the Church and are the Body of Christ on earth (Lire aussi: Jesus Christ is the Head of the Body; l'église).
Believers are a body of priests, who are called into the holy and royal priesthood and shall offer up spiritual sacrifices, which are acceptable to God through Jesus Christ, the Mediator.
And just as the Lord was the inheritance of the levitical priesthood, the Lord is also their inheritance by the Holy Spirit, Who abides in them and shall always be with them (Lire aussi: Quel est l'ordre de Melchisédek?).
Because believers are a royal priesthood, they shall live as priests. Cela ne veut pas dire, that they shall isolate themselves from the world, wear special (prêtre) vêtement, forbid to marry, etc.. but it means that they shall live in this world among the people as priests in submission and devotion to God in obedience to God and His Word in His will.
Every believer wants to reign as king, but there are only a few believers, who want to live holy as priests and lay down les œuvres de la chair.
But believers are a royal priesthood and should live holy in obedience to God in His will and do righteous works, just like Jesus Christ, Who is King of the Kingdom of Heaven and Highpriest of the New Covenant that is sealed with His precious blood.
What does a holy nation mean?
Béni soit Dieu et Père de notre Seigneur Jésus-Christ, qui nous a bénis de toutes les bénédictions spirituelles dans les lieux célestes en Christ: Selon qu’Il nous a choisis en Lui avant la fondation du monde, que nous soyons saints et irréprochables devant Lui dans l’amour: Nous ayant prédestinés à l’adoption d’enfants par Jésus-Christ pour lui-même, selon le bon plaisir de sa volonté, À la louange de la gloire de sa grâce, wherein He hath made us accepted in the Beloved (Éphésiens 1:3-6)
Quiconque est né de Dieu ne commet pas de péché; car sa postérité demeure en lui: et il ne peut pas pécher, parce qu’il est né de Dieu. En cela, les enfants de Dieu se manifestent, et les enfants du diable: quiconque ne fait pas la justice n’est pas de Dieu, ni celui qui n’aime pas son frère (1 John 3:9-10)
Believers don’t belong to the world and therefore they shall not live as the world in the pride, knowledge and wisdom of man and persevere in sin. But believers are a holy nation and therefore live holy lives, which means separated from the world; l'obscurité, and devoted unto God.
Although they live in the world, they don’t belong to the world, but they belong to God. Because they belong to God and no longer belong to the world and live like the world, they shall not be acknowledged and loved by the world, but the world shall hate them, because of Christ and because they testify that her works are evil (Oh. John 3:19-20; 7:7; 15:18-20 (Lire aussi: Pourquoi le monde déteste les chrétiens?)).
By this, les croyants, who belong to God and walk in obedience to Him after the Spirit in His will distinguish themselves from unbelievers, who belong to the world and walk in disobedience to God and His Word after the flesh in darkness (Lire aussi: Quelle est la différence entre les moutons et les chèvres ??).
What does a peculiar people mean?
Voyant que vous avez purifié vos âmes en obéissant à la vérité par l'Esprit pour un amour sincère des frères, veillez à vous aimer avec ferveur d'un cœur pur: Être né de nouveau, pas de graine corruptible, mais d'incorruptible, par la parole de Dieu, which liveth and abideth for ever (1 Pierre 1:22-23)
Pas comme si la parole de Dieu n'avait eu aucun effet. Car ils ne sont pas tous Israël, qui sont d'Israël: Ni l'un ni l'autre, parce qu'ils sont la postérité d'Abraham, sont-ils tous des enfants: mais, En Isaac sera appelée ta postérité. C'est, Eux qui sont les enfants de la chair, ce ne sont pas les enfants de Dieu: mais les enfants de la promesse sont comptés pour la postérité (Romains 9:6-8)
Or, à Abraham et à sa postérité, furent faites les promesses faites. Il ne dit pas, Et aux graines, comme de nombreux; mais à partir d’un, Et à ta postérité, qui est le Christ (Galates 3:16)
Car vous êtes tous enfants de Dieu par la foi en Jésus-Christ. Car tous ceux d’entre vous qui ont été baptisés en Christ ont revêtu Christ. Il n’y a ni Juif ni Grec, Il n’y a ni lien ni liberté, il n’y a ni homme ni femme: car vous êtes tous un en Jésus-Christ. And if ye be Christ’s, then are ye Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise (Galates 3:26-29)
Just as everyone, who was born of the seed of Israel belonged to God’s people, so everyone who is born of the incorruptible Seed belongs to God’s people.
Belonging to God’s people, means belonging to God and no one else. Ceux, who belong to God’s people are God’s own. They are His possession. They shall listen to Him and obey Him and keep His commandments, which means that they shall obey His words and shall do His will (Lire aussi: Et si la volonté de Dieu n’était pas votre volonté?).
If they don’t do this, then their lives show, that they don’t belong to God, no matter what humanists say, who have the spirit of this world.
The Word is clear and eventually, it is the eternal Word that shall judge everyone according to his works and not the findings and opinions of people, who temporarily live on this earth.
God has chosen His people and He wants His sons to separate themselves from the world and distinguish themselves from the world (l'obscurité) instead of compromising and carrying along with the world and living as sons of the devil in pride after their own will.
It is the will of God that believers, who are His sons and belong to Him, are a reflection of Him on earth, tout comme Jésus, and live in His will and therefore live sanctified lives on earth.
God doesn’t want His sons to hide and stay silent about the Truth and live as cameleons and undercover agents on earth.
But God wants His sons, qui étaient morts, but in Christ became alive, to be His faithful witnesses and shine as lights in the darkness of this world and boldly preach His truth and greatness on earth and expose the lies and the works of the devil and destroy them and remove the covering of people (Lire aussi: Êtes-vous assez audacieux pour prononcer la Parole de Dieu?).
The sons of God testify of His greatness
Car nous sommes son ouvrage, créé en Jésus-Christ pour de bonnes œuvres, que Dieu a préalablement ordonné que nous marchions en eux (Éphésiens 2:10)
Jesus has given us the example and we are (perfectly) created in Him after His image, par régénération, and have received His Holy Spirit, Who will teach and guide us into all truth and convict the world of sin, de la justice, et du jugement, so that we can be witnesses of Jesus Christ on earth and represent, preach and establish His Kingdom on earth, so that Jesus Christ and the Father will be eulogized (Oh. John 16:8-13, Éphésiens 2:10, 4:15-24, Colossiens 3:10).
'Soyez le sel de la terre’