Molte chiese hanno permesso allo spirito del mondo di entrare e per questo molti cristiani non vivono una vita santa secondo lo Spirito in obbedienza alla Parola, but have become like the world and live after the flesh. Many churches have become a ruin instead of a solid house of the Lord, just like the temple of God became a ruin in the Old Covenant. Instead of building on a solid Foundation, many have neglected the Foundation. They didn’t believe the words of God and didn’t build upon His Word. Invece, they believed in the words of man, who belong to the world and built upon their words. Molti (falso) profeti, who seem spiritual, ma in realtà, don’t have the Spirit of God, have entered the church. They are carnal and don’t have the mind of Christ but they have the carnal mind of the world. Therefore they don’t prophecy from the heart of God, but from their own hearts’ desires and their own wisdom, conoscenza, e approfondimenti.
The temple became a ruin
Nell'Antica Alleanza, there were many prophets, who didn’t speak from God but spoke from their own hearts. They thought they were sent and led by God and that God had spoken to them, but God had not sent them and had not spoken to them.
These prophets hadn’t seen anything and spoke lying divinations. They spoke positive words and announced peace, while God had spoken through His true prophets and denied the peace, which was spoken of by these false prophets.
These false prophets were deviated from God and His Word and didn’t live after His will, but after their own will. Per questo motivo, they didn’t speak the words of God, but they spoke their own words.
Although they were seated in the temple and maintained the customs, religious holidays, E (sacrificale) rituals according to the legge di Mosè, their heart was far from God. Therefore many lived in pride and rebellion against God.
They did all those things, which were evil in the eyes of God.
Hanno commesso adulterio, enter into covenants with pagan nations, enter into marriages with their sons and daughters and adopted the customs of the pagan nations, and spoke from their own hearts, conoscenza, saggezza, e approfondimenti. And so they defiled with their works and words the temple of God.
Because of their vain words and works, the glory of God departed from the temple and the temple became a ruin.
The prophets of Israel
Così dice il Signore Dio; Guai ai profeti stolti, che seguono il proprio spirito, e non ho visto nulla! Israele, i tuoi profeti sono come le volpi nei deserti. Non siete saliti nelle brecce, né costituirono una siepe affinché la casa d'Israele potesse resistere nella battaglia nel giorno del Signore.
Hanno visto la vanità e la divinazione bugiarda, detto, Il Signore dice: e il Signore non li ha mandati: e hanno fatto sperare ad altri che confermassero la parola.
Non avete avuto una visione vana, e non avete pronunciato una divinazione bugiarda, mentre tu dici, Lo dice il Signore; anche se non ho parlato?
Perciò così dice il Signore Dio; Perché hai parlato con vanità, e ho visto bugie, pertanto, ecco, Sono contro di te, dice il Signore Dio.
And Mine hand shall be upon the prophets that see vanity, e che le bugie divine: they shall not be in the assembly of My people, neither shall they be written in the writing of the house of Israel, né entreranno nel paese d'Israele; e conoscerete che io sono il Signore Dio.
Perché, even because they have seduced My people, detto, Pace; e non c'era pace; e uno ha costruito un muro, E, ecco, altri lo imbrattarono di morter non temperato: Dillo a coloro che lo imbrattano di malta non temperata, che cadrà: ci sarà una doccia traboccante; e tu, Oh grandi chicchi di grandine, cadrà; e un vento tempestoso lo squarcerà. Lo, quando il muro sarà caduto, non vi sarà detto, Dov'è il segno con cui l'avete imbrattato??
Perciò così dice il Signore Dio; I will even rend it with a stormy wind in My fury; e ci sarà una pioggia traboccante nella mia ira, and great hailstones in My fury to consume it. Così abbatterò il muro che avete imbrattato con malta intemperata, e portarlo a terra, così che il suo fondamento sarà scoperto, e cadrà, e voi sarete consumati in mezzo ad esso: e conoscerete che io sono il Signore.
Thus will I accomplish My wrath upon the wall, e su coloro che l'hanno imbrattato con malta non temperata, e ti dirò, Il muro non esiste più, nemmeno loro che l'hanno imbrattato; Vale a dire, i profeti d'Israele che profetizzano riguardo a Gerusalemme, e che vedono per lei visioni di pace, e non c'è pace, dice il Signore Dio (Ezechiele 13:1-16)
The prophetesses of Israel
Così dice il Signore Dio; Guai alle donne che cuciono cuscini su tutti i giromanica, e metti fazzoletti sul capo di ogni statura per cacciare le anime! Will ye hunt the souls of My people, e salverete vive le anime che vengono a voi? And will ye pollute Me among My people for handfuls of barley and for pieces of bread, per uccidere le anime che non dovrebbero morire, e per salvare in vita le anime che non dovrebbero vivere, dalle tue bugie al mio popolo che ascolta le tue bugie?
Perciò così dice il Signore Dio; Ecco, Sono contro i tuoi cuscini, con cui cacciate le anime per farle volare, e li strapperò dalle tue braccia, e lascerà andare le anime, anche le anime che cacciate per farle volare.
Strapperò anche i tuoi fazzoletti, and deliver My people out of your hand, e non saranno più nelle tue mani per essere cacciati; e conoscerete che io sono il Signore.
Perché con la menzogna avete rattristato il cuore dei giusti, che non ho reso triste; e ha rafforzato le mani degli empi, affinché non si allontanasse dalla sua via malvagia, promettendogli la vita: Perciò non vedrete più vanità, né divinazioni divine: for I will deliver My people out of your hand: e conoscerete che io sono il Signore. (Ezechiele 13:17-23)
The believers keep walking as the old creation
Since many believers don’t walk after the Spirit as the nuova creazione but keep walking as the old creation after the flesh, the same things that happened in the Old Covenant happen in the New Covenant. We see the same things in the lives of believers as the people of Israel experienced.
This is mainly because the nature of most people has not changed and they are led by their flesh (sensi, Volere, sentimenti, emozioni, mente carnale, eccetera.).
We see the same defilement of the temple of God in many churches and in the lives of people.
Just like the leaders of the temple of God in the Old Covenant committed adultery, and enter into covenants with pagan nations, many leaders, who are appointed in churches also commit idolatry and commit adulatory with the world by compromising with sin and by entering into covenants with the world
Believers are not able to stand in the spiritual battle
Ci sono persone, who call themselves prophets but are not appointed by God. They are carnal and live like the world. They often misuse their position as prophet for personal gain. There are even prophets, who only prophesy for money, just like the fortunetellers of the world, who predict the future for money.
These prophets are selfish and have not gone up into the gaps. They have not built up a spiritual hedge for the church, so that the believers, chi è la chiesa, would grow up in the Word after the image of God and would spiritually mature, so that they would be able to stand in the spiritual battle (Colossesi 3:10, Efesini 6:11-16, Giacomo 1:2-4)
These false prophets don’t stand in God’s service and have not spoken the words of God and have not led the believers on the way of God.
They are not led by the Holy Spirit and have not spoken His words, but they are led by their flesh and have prophesied from their flesh (anima); from their own heart, and their own spirit. Per questo motivo, they have made the crooked ways straight.
Believers walk on the same path as unbelievers
Many believers have deviated from the Truth and are walking in lies because of these false prophets. They walk in darkness on the same path as unbelievers and are on their way to the same destination. Although many expect another destination. But that’s because they are misled and blinded by the lies of these so-called messengers of the word.
These false prophets don’t preach the truth and don’t correct believers and don’t call them to repentance and to remove the sins from their lives, so that they turn from their evil ways, which lead to eternal destruction.
Invece, they preach lies and encourage the sins in people’s lives and allow the people to live in sin, whereby they stir up wickedness and encourage apostasy.
They don’t preach the spiritual dangers in the churches and don’t preach mischief.
Invece, they only speak positive words and peace and say that everything is well, mentre nella realtà, it is not well.
They preach things in the Nome di Gesù, while Jesus hasn’t spoken through them by the Holy Spirit.
Through their vain words and their vain works, they try to catch as many souls as possible and win them for themselves and bind them to themselves, all because of fame and personal gain.
The prophetesses in the church
Just like the false prophets, there are also many false prophetesses operating in churches, who look pious and spiritual but in reality are soulish and prophesy from their flesh; their own hearts, intuizioni, sentimenti, ed emozioni.
They use natural means, metodi, e tecniche to enter a supernatural state of trance, so that they receive supernatural insights, Visioni, and words.
They are carnal and prophecy according to what they perceive and feel in the natural realm, whereby they prophesy according to their own insights and what they want to see, instead of being led by the Holy Spirit and obey the words of God and prophecy from the Word through the Holy Spirit.
Since they exalt themselves above God and His Word, they walk in pride and exalt themselves above others.
They mislead and manipulate many believers. They sew magic charms on their sleeves and make veils upon their heads, so that they are captured and come under their power.
These believers believe in them and trust in the words, which these prophetesses prophesy after their own hearts and many times are influenced by a spirit of divination.
They allow them to lead them, so that they become dependable on them. This is the way these false prophetesses operate and gain many souls through deceptive manipulation and make them wander in ways in which the believers have no business.
I credenti, who get involved with these false prophets and false prophetesses, who seem spiritual but in reality are soulish and prophecy from their own heart and soul, open themselves for the same spirits, who operate in these false prophets, and these spirits shall manifest themselves in their lives.
They will be led by a lying spirit and a spirit of divination and shall speak the same lies and prophecy the same way as these false prophets and prophetesses, whereby they shall spiritually manipulate and bind other people to themselves and take (spirituale) authority over them.
Why many churches have become a ruin?
Because the Holy Spirit has been removed from many churches by the rejecting of the Word, many churches are no longer the light that shines in the darkness. The candlestick has been removed from many churches. Therefore the light has been extinguished and many le chiese sono situate nelle tenebre and have become a ruin.
The devil has not attacked the Church from the outside but from the inside. Many times through people, who have lived in the (occulto) world and repented, but have brought their wisdom, conoscenza, and practices from the (occulto) world into the church or through believers, who have slowly deviated from the Word and have left God’s Way and have become world-like and have influenced the church with their own carnal wisdom, knowledge and (occulto) insights and their lives, which are full of sin.
These people have ensured, that many churches have left the Word; la verità, and wander on self-chosen ways.
The same lying spirit and spirit of divination that operated during the Old Covenant and during the days of the early Church, still operate today and have entered many churches.
Lo spirito Santo, who abode in Jesus and in the apostles, who had become sons of God, warned the believers of these false prophets. E lo Spirito Santo, who dwells in the sons of God, still warns the believers of these false prophets (Matteo 7:15; 24:11-24, Segno 13:22, 2 Peter 2:1-3, 1 John 4:1-3)
But as long as believers don’t Spogliati del vecchio, who walks after the flesh, and don’t indossare l'uomo nuovo, who walks after the Word and the Spirit, they shall not be able to discern the spirits and shall trap into the lies of the devil, because they are unspiritual and focused upon supernatural manifestations, esperienze, and feelings instead of the Word.
Jesus tears the magic charms and removes the veils
But luckily there is still a way of restoration through repentance. Because just like God in the Old Covenant broke the magic charms and removed the veils, and redeemed the souls and restored His people and the temple when they repented, Jesus Christ still redeems and restores mankind in the New Covenant.
Jesus Christ tears the magic charms and removes the veils from those, who repent and turn to Jesus Christ and through rigenerazione in Christ become a son of God, who is obedient to Him.
Quelli, who love Jesus with all their heart, mente, anima, and strength and listen to Him, yield to Him, E do His words in their lives shall walk in the light instead of darkness.
They shall discern the spirits and shall have knowledge of good and evil and represent and bring the Kingdom of God on earth. They shall be the light in the world and the salt of the earth, who through obedience to the Word and the Holy Spirit shall not always be loved by people but always be loved by God.
‘Sii il sale della terra’