What does Colossians 1:13 иметь в виду?

В Послании к Колоссянам 1:13-14 Paul wrote to the saints at Colosse, Кто избавил нас от власти тьмы, и перевел нас в Царство Своего возлюбленного Сына: In whom we have redemption through his blood, даже прощение грехов. Что это значит?

What is the meaning of Colossians 1:13?

Колоссянам 1:13 means that the Father delivered you from the power of darkness; the power of the devil and sin and death, through His beloved Son Jesus Christ and by His blood, and translated you into the Kingdom of His dear Son Jesus Christ.

Колоссянам 1-13-14 Он избавил нас от власти тьмы и претворил в Царство Своего Сына

In Christ and through His blood you have redemption even the forgiveness of sin.

You no longer live in the kingdom of darkness but in the Kingdom of God, где Иисус Христос Царь.

This means that in Christ, you are free and no longer live in darkness in the bondage of sin and death.

Jesus went the way of suffering, took your place on крест, and became your substitute. He carried all your diseases, грехи, и беззакония над Самим Собой.

Jesus was made sin and died for you. He entered hell and rose as Victor from the dead with the keys of hell and death. So that you could be made free from the power of darkness and sin and death.

Total redemption of man through His blood

Его кровью, you have been delivered and reconciled to God and made holy and righteous. Иисус Христос восстановил единство с Отцом, so that you can have a relationship with the Father.

Его кровью и силой Святого Духа, your spirit is raised from the dead and made alive. You’re no longer a son of the devil (грешник). Вы являетесь сын Божий (это касается как мужчин, так и женщин). You’re born of His Spirit and you belong to Him now.

Мы никогда не сможем исключить кровь Иисуса Христа из послания Евангелия. Only the redemptive work and the precious blood of Jesus Christ can save people.

Все ваши грехи прощены

Before you became born again you lived in a Падшее состояние. You were bound to sin and death, через плоть. But Jesus broke all the power of the devil and of sin and death over your life. Иисус освободил вас из духовной темницы этого мира и освободил вас.

All of your sins (no matter what you have done for evil things) have been forgiven and done away. There is not one sin that is not covered by the blood of Jesus and done away. Поэтому, Никто больше не может вас обвинить.

Цепочка изображений со стихом из Библии от Иоанна 8-34 Говорю вам, всякий, кто делает грех, есть раб греха

Но сейчас, что ты сын Божий (это касается как мужчин, так и женщин), and no longer a sinner (a son the devil), В вашей жизни больше не должно быть места греху.

As a new son of God, you shall put off the old man and put on the new man. This is called the process of sanctification.

If you don’t do this and you keep жить во грехе, while you know that what you do is not right and opposes the will of God, you might ask yourself if you are truly born again and belong to Christ.

Because through regeneration and in Christ your flesh, в котором обитает греховное естество, умер во Христе (о.а. римляне 6:15:16).

But if you keep living in sin, your flesh has not died. You are not free but are still a слуга греха согласно Библии.

If you persevere in sin, you still obey your previous father the devil and walk in the lust and desires of the flesh. If you only would see, Куда вас ведет грех, Гарантирую, that you would stop sinning immediately (Ой. Джон 8:34-36, 1 Джон 3:8-10).

If the Son has made you free, you are free indeed 

Иисус отдал Себя за вас, because He wanted you to be free from the power of the devil and darkness and stay free from the power of sin and death.

Во Христе, you have been made righteous and have been given all authority and power in heaven and on earth to stand in the faith and to rule over sin and all the power of the enemy, и ничто ни в коем случае не причинит тебе вреда (Ой. Мэтью 28:19-20, Люк 10:19, Ефесянам 6:11, Джеймс 4:7).

Therefore separate yourself from sin unto righteousness and obey the words of Jesus and keep His commandments. Отложи старика и надеть нового человека and walk after the Spirit in the freedom that God has provided for you, через Иисуса Христа, Его сын.

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