Be filled with the knowledge of His will – كولوسي 1:9

What does Colossians 1:9 mean, For this cause we also, since the day we heard it, do not cease to pray for you, and to desire that you might be filled with the knowledge of His will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding.

Paul and his fellow brothers didn’t cease to pray for the saints

For this cause we also, since the day we heard it, do not cease to pray for you, and to desire that you might be filled with the knowledge of His will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding (كولوسي 1:9)

Paul and his fellow brothers didn’t cease to pray for the saints at Colosse. They prayed for the saints and desired that they might be filled with the knowledge of His will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding.

What does Colossians 1:9 mean, to be filled with the knowledge of His will?

To be filled with the knowledge of His will in Colossians 1:9 means, knowing the will of God in all things. By the indwelling of the Holy Spirit and the renewing of your mind with the Word of God (the Bible), you will get wisdom and spiritual understanding in the knowledge of Jesus Christ, الأب, and His will.

It’s important, that you read and study the Bible daily, fill yourself with His words, and renew your mind with His words.

If you don’t read and study the Bible and fill yourself with His words, you won’t be filled with the knowledge of His will. If you don’t know the Word, you don’t know His will.

image television with title the danger of television

ول الاسف, many Christians don’t know the Word of God anymore.

They go to church and listen toand feed themselves with the words of the pastor. But the rest of the week they feed themselves with the words and things of this world, instead of seeking God and His righteousness.

Most Christians rather spend time in front of the television, their phone, or their computer than spend time in God’s Word and spending time with Him in prayer.

Instead of knowing the Lord God of the Word (through His Word), they have created their own image of God in their minds, who looks a lot likethemselves. (اقرأ أيضا: A counterfeit Jesus that produces counterfeit Christians).

The Word and the Holy Spirit are the two witnesses of God on earth. They are all you need in this world.

Knowing God and His will through His Word and Holy Spirit

Who hath directed the Spirit of the Lord, or being His counselor hath taught Him? With whom took He counsel, and who instructed Him, and taught Him in the path of judgment, and taught Him knowledge, and shewed to Him the way of understanding (اشعيا 40:13-14)

Through His Word and His Holy Spirit (Who lives inside of you), He teaches you and reveals to you His will and Kingdom.

The Holy Spirit teaches and instructs you and reveals to you, all that God has taught Him. So that you will get to know the will of God and the path of righteousness and judgment and walk in His will on the right path in life

God reveals His will for your life through His Word and Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit knows God’s will and destiny for your life and He wants to reveal that to you. He wants to reveal to you His truth through His Word and guide you into His truth.

There is so much more behind the visible world. It’s important that you walk not according to what you see, but that you walk by faith; according to what the Word says. If you walk by faith, you are led by the Word and Holy Spirit and do His will and represent and bring the Kingdom of God on earth.

image bible and bible verse Colossians 1-9 for this cause we also since the day we heard it do not cease to pray for you and to desire that ye might be filled with the knowledge of his will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding

The Kingdom of God is a spiritual Kingdom. الرجل العجوز, who is natural and belongs to the old generation of Adam, is not able to see this Kingdom.

The only way to see and enter the Kingdom of God is to become born again in Christ.

Only when you become the spiritual new man, you can see, enter and walk in the Kingdom of God. (اقرأ أيضا: ما هي العناصر الثلاثة المطلوبة لإعادة الميلاد?)

It is therefore important to yield yourself to the Word of God and the Holy Spirit and get to know the knowledge of what the will of God is.

When you study the Word of God, with the Holy Spirit as your Teacher, you will get to know His will and be able to walk in His will.

Through His Word and Holy Spirit, you will grow up into a mature son of God (وهذا ينطبق على كل من الذكور والإناث), in all wisdom and spiritual understanding.

Edify yourself by speaking in tongues

We may not forget to speak in other tongues. Because when you speak and pray in tongues the Holy Spirit speaks and prays through your spirit and edifies you. He will direct your path, reveal the future and the things of the Kingdom of God (أ.و. اشعيا 28:11, 1 كورنثوس 14).

Paul spoke a lot in tongues and look what amazing revelations Paul received from God.

Speaking in tongues is a commandment of Jesus. It’s a powerful ‘toolthat can’t be removed from the lives of Christians.

The devil knows the power and the result of speaking in tongues in the lives of Christians. Therefore he tries hard to eliminate speaking in tongues in the lives of Christians and remove it from the church through false doctrines (lies).

If you yield yourself to the Word and the Holy Spirit and listen and obey Them, then you will be filled with the knowledge of His will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding.

"كونوا ملح الأرض."’

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