Od začiatku stvorenia, the devil twisted the words and truth of God and commanded the exact opposite of what God commanded. Boh povedal, that man couldn’t eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, však, the devil said, that man could eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil and encouraged man to eat from the tree. And to whom did man listen? And which commandment did man obey? Man obeyed the commandment of the devil. Just like so many people today, who say they know God and believe in Jesus Christ, medzitým, they listen to the voice of the devil and believe in his lies, and obey the commandments of the devil. And so by the walk of people, synov Božích, who keep the commandments of God, and the sons of the devil, who keep the commandments of the devil, are revealed. What are the commandments of God and the commandments of the devil?
The distinction between God’s people and the pagan nations
God made His will known by giving Moses zákon and commandments in the Old Covenant. The law of Moses consisted of precepts, predpisov, rituály, obete, and feasts, which God’s people had to keep and was meant for the carnal old man.
By keeping the law of Moses, God’s people distinguished themselves from the pagan nations, who went their own way and belonged to the devil and served him by doing the will of the devil and through idolatry and uncleanness.
The works of a person revealed, whether the person belonged to God, Stvoriteľ neba a zeme a všetkého, čo je vo vnútri, and was circumcised or the person belonged to the devil, the ruler of the world (svetový systém) and was uncircumcised.
V Novej zmluve, stále je to tak. Because although the law of Moses, which was meant for the old carnal man, who belonged to God through natural birth, no longer applies to the new man, ktorý je znovuzrodený v Kristovi, nový muž, who is circumcised in Christ, lives after the law of the Spirit that represents the will of God.
For what the law could not do, in that it was weak through the flesh, God sending His own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh, and for sin, condemned sin in the flesh: That the righteousness of the law might be fulfilled in us, ktorí nechodia podľa tela, ale po Duchu. Veď tí, čo sú podľa tela, myslia na veci tela; ale tí, ktorí sú podľa Ducha, veci Ducha. Lebo byť telesne zmýšľajúci je smrť; ale byť duchovne zmýšľajúci je život a pokoj (Rimanom 8:3-6)
The precepts and the moral commandments of God, which are the same commandments of Jesus Christ and Jesus even tightened the commandments, still apply in the New Covenant. Because just like Jesus came to fulfill the law, the new man shall also fulfill the law through obedience to the commandments of God and Jesus and by doing the will of the Father (Prečítajte si tiež: ‘Sú Božie prikázania stále platné?' a 'Is man able to fulfill the law?’).
The sons of God walk in the commandments of God
Čo si potom povieme? Máme pokračovať v hriechu, aby milosť bola hojná? chráň Boh. Ako môžeme, ktorí sú mŕtvi hriechu, žiť v ňom ďalej? Know ye not, že mnohí z nás, ktorí sme boli pokrstení v Ježiša Krista, boli pokrstení v Jeho smrť? Preto sme spolu s Ním pochovaní krstom do smrti: že ako Kristus bol vzkriesený z mŕtvych slávou Otca, tak aj my by sme mali kráčať v novosti života. Lebo ak sme boli spolu zasadení do podoby Jeho smrti, budeme tiež podobní Jeho vzkrieseniu: Toto vedieť, že náš starec je s Ním ukrižovaný, aby telo hriechu mohlo byť zničené, aby sme odteraz neslúžili hriechu. Lebo kto zomrel, je oslobodený od hriechu (Rimanom 6:1-7)
Teraz sme Kristovými vyslancami, akoby ťa Boh prosil o nás: prosíme vás namiesto Krista, zmierte sa s Bohom. Veď On Ho urobil hriechom pre nás, ktorý nepoznal hriech; aby sme sa v ňom stali Božou spravodlivosťou (2 Korinťanom 5:20-21)
The new man is not a sinner anymore. To znamená, that the new man is no longer a slave of sin and shall not obey sin and persevere in sin. But the new man is cleansed from all sins and iniquities by the blood of Jesus Christ and has been made holy and righteous and reconciled with God (Prečítajte si tiež: ‘Si stále hriešnik?‘ a ‘Mier, Jesus restored between fallen man and God').
The new man is born again in Christ. Mäso, in which the sinful nature dwells and sin and death reigns, has been crucified in Christ and the spirit, in which God’s nature dwells and righteousness and life reigns, has been raised from the dead.
The new man shall walk in the spiritual armor of God and shall resist the temptations of the devil and resist sin and shall reign over sin and death (Prečítajte si tiež: The spiritual armor of God’)
The Holy Spirit dwells in the new man, whereby the law of God, alebo inými slovami, the will of God and His commandments are written upon the heart of the new man (Oh. Jeremiáš 31:33-34, hebrejčina 10:16-17 (Prečítajte si tiež: ‘Why did God write His commandments on tablets of stone?'))
If the will of God and His commandments are written upon the heart of the new man and the new man possesses God’s nature, then the new man shall do the will of God and shall walk in His commandments, since the will of God has become the will of the new man.
The new man walks in love by keeping God’s commandments
Môj syn, forget not My law; but let thine heart keep My commandments: For length of days, and long life, a mier, shall they add to thee (Príslovia 3:1-2)
A ty si oživil, ktorí boli mŕtvi v prestúpeniach a hriechoch; V ktorom ste v minulosti kráčali podľa behu tohto sveta, podľa kniežaťa moci vzduchu, duch, ktorý teraz pôsobí v deťoch neposlušnosti: Medzi ktorými sme sa aj my všetci v minulosti rozprávali v žiadostiach nášho tela, plnenie túžob tela a mysle; a boli od prírody deťmi hnevu, even as others. But God, ktorý je bohatý na milosrdenstvo, pre Jeho veľkú lásku, ktorou nás miloval, Aj keď sme boli mŕtvi v hriechoch, oživil nás spolu s Kristom, (milosťou ste spasení;) A spolu nás vzkriesil, a dal nám sedieť spolu na nebeských miestach v Kristovi Ježišovi: That in the ages to come He might shew the exceeding riches of His grace in his kindness toward us through Christ Jesus (Ephesians 2:1-7)
Ak Ma milujete, zachovávaj moje prikázania (John 14:15)
Ako ma miluje Otec, tak som ťa miloval: pokračujte v mojej láske. If ye keep My commandments, ostanete v mojej láske; ako som zachovával prikázania svojho Otca, a ostať v Jeho láske (John 15:9-10)
The new man shall no longer walk, as he or she walked before in the lusts of the flesh, fulfilling the desires of the flesh and of the carnal mind, that thinks like the world and is controlled by the prince of the power of the air, duch, ktorý teraz pôsobí v deťoch neposlušnosti.
But the new man, who is raised from the dead, shall walk by faith after the Spirit in the will of God in love, which means that the person shall keep the commandments of God and the commandments of Jesus.
The distinction between the sons of God and the sons of the devil
And just like in the Old Covenant God’s people distinguished themselves from the pagan nations, in the New Covenant the sons of God distinguish themselves from the sons of the devil by their works and lifestyle.
The sons of God walk after the Spirit in the commandments of God and do His will and the sons of the devil walk after the flesh in the commandments of the devil and do his will.
Let’s look at some of the commandments of God and the commandments of the devil, whereby we can conclude, to whom the church belongs and to whom the church bends her roots, inými slovami, to whom the members of the church, veriacich, belong to and to whom they listen and obey and whose commandments they keep (Prečítajte si tiež: 'To whom does the church bend her roots?’)
The commandments of God and the commandments of the devil
The commandments of God
- You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, myseľ, duša, a silu.
- You shall love Me by keeping My commandments
- Mal by si love your neighbour as yourself
- You shall not love the world of which the devil is the ruler
- You shall have no other gods before Me and shall not make carved images, and shall not bow down to them nor serve them
- You shall not get involved with idolatry and pagan religions
- You shall not take the Name of the Lord your God in vain
- You shall remember the sabbath day
- You shall honor your father and mother
- You shall speak the truth and shall not lie
- You shall not kill (including abortion, eutanázia, and suicide)
- You shall give
- You shall not steal
- You shall not covet your neighbour’s possessions
- You shall not deceive your neighbour
- You shall not get involved in sexual uncleanness
- You shall not commit fornication
- You shall not live together unmarried
- You shall not be unequally yoked together with unbelievers
- You shall not have sexual intercourse outside of marriage (predmanželský sex, extramarital sex, atď.)
- You shall not have sexual intercourse with someone of your own sex
- You shall not have sexual intercourse with children
- You shall not have sexual intercourse with yourself and masturbovať
- You shall not have sexual intercourse with animals
- You shall not commit adultery and deceive your spouse
- You shall be loyal and shall not divorce
- You shall not speak evil
- You shall be thankful and shall not murmur and complain
- You shall forgive
- You shall not print any marks upon you and therefore shall not get a tetovanie
- You shall not inquire the dead and consult spirits
- You shall not engage in divination
- You shall walk after the Spirit
The commandments of the devil
- You shall hate God and everything that God has created and has instituted
- You are important and you shall love yourself with all your heart, duša, myseľ, a silu
- You shall love me by keeping my commandments
- You shall love the world of which I am the ruler and all the things of the world
- You shall have other gods and adopt pagan religions and make for yourself carved images, and shall bow down to them and serve them and commit idolatry
- You shall take the Name of the Lord your God in vain (use for unholy things, nadávať, atď.)
- You shall consider the sabbat day as any other day
- You shall rebel against your father and mother
- Mal by si ležať
- You shall kill (including abortion, eutanázia, and suicide)
- You shall not give, you shall only give if it profits you
- You shall lie, including making (false) Sľubuje, and don’t keep them
- You shall be jealous and envious
- You shall covet your neighbour’s possessions
- You shall deceive your neighbour
- You shall walk in (sexuálne) nečistoty
- You shall commit fornication
- Mal by si žiť spolu slobodne
- You shall have sexual intercourse outside of marriage
- You shall have sexual intercourse with someone of your own sex
- You shall have sexual intercourse with children
- You shall have sexual intercourse with yourself and masturbovať
- You shall have sexual intercourse with animals
- You shall commit adultery and deceive your spouse
- You shall divorce
- You shall speak evil
- You shall murmur and complain
- You shall not forgive
- You shall print marks upon you and get tattoos
- You shall inquire the dead and consult spirits and communicate with them
- You shall engage in divination
- You shall walk after the flesh
(Oh. Exodus 20, Levitikus 18:22; 20:13; 19, Deuteronómiu 5; 6; 18; 23:17, Malachiáš 2:16, Matúš 5; 6; 19; 22:36-40, Marka 10, Luke 12:15, John 14:15; Rimanom 1:24-32, 1 Korinťanom 6:9-11, Galaťanom 5:19-26)
The Father of truth and the father of lies
The devil is a liar and twists everything and causes the people to doubt the words of God and make them believe that the commandments of God are not beneficial but evil for mankind and outdated and no longer applicable and that the commandments of God keep the people in bondage, which are lies ofcourse.
Avšak, the worst thing is, that many people, vrátane ľudí, ktorí hovoria, že veria, have more faith in the words of the devil than the words of God and believe the lies of the devil, kto je otcom lži, above the truth of God, Who is the Father of truth, and as a result obey the devil and keep his commandments and walk in his will instead of obeying God and keep His commandments and walk in His will.
„Buď soľou zeme’