In Luke 14:28, Jesus said to count the cost when He talked to the crowd about a man, 谁正在建造一座塔和一个即将参战的国王. 但耶稣所说的计算代价是什么意思?? 为什么一定要按照圣经来算成本?
Why did Jesus say to count the cost?
为了你们谁, 打算建一座塔, 不先坐下, and counteth the cost, 他是否有足够的能力来完成它? 恐怕, 当他奠定了基础之后, 并且无法完成它, 所有看到它的人都开始嘲笑他, 话说, 这个人开始建造, 并且无法完成. 或者什么国王, 与另一位国王开战, 不先坐下, 并商量他能不能用一万人去迎战那用两万人来攻击他的人? 要不然, 而另一个还很遥远, 他派了一位使者, 并渴望和平的条件. 所以同样, 无论你们是谁,只要不放弃他所拥有的一切, 他不能是我的弟子 (卢克 14:28-33)
耶稣说要计算与他同行的一大群人的代价。耶稣有许多追随者, 不过最终, 只有 120 关注者离开. 由此可见, that many people wanted to 跟从耶稣, 但只有少数人能够真正跟随耶稣.
Those thousands of people had not counted the cost before they decided to follow Jesus. 只 120 were prepared to give up their own lives and follow Jesus.
Jesus knew that many were called, 但只有少数人愿意并且有能力付出代价.
Jesus knew, 只有少数人能够放弃自己的生命, 他们自己的意愿, 欲望, 和欲望, and to live after His will.
That’s why Jesus said to count the cost before you decide to follow Jesus Christ and become His disciple.
Many people love their own lives and this world more than they love Jesus. 因此他们无法放下自己的生命来全心全意地跟随耶稣.
“Whosoever does not carry his cross, 来追随我, can’t be My disciples”
If you really want to follow Jesus, it means that you have to pick up your cross daily. It means to give up your own life.
耶稣说, 如果一个人来到他面前并且不恨他的父亲, 他的母亲, 和妻子, 和孩子们, 和兄弟们, 和姐妹们, 是的,甚至是他自己的生命, 他不能成为耶稣的门徒.
耶稣不仅说要计算代价, 但耶稣甚至让事情变得更加困难, 通过对人群说: “凡不背负十字架的人, 来追随我, 不能成为我的门徒.“ 哇, 这些话很难听, 耶稣所说的!
The large crowd that followed Jesus had to give up everything to become a disciple of Jesus Christ. Who was willing and prepared to give up everything for Jesus?
What does it mean to hate your father, 母亲, 妻子, 孩子, 兄弟, 姐妹, 和你自己的生活?
耶稣的意思是什么, 当他说, 你必须恨你的父亲, 母亲, 妻子, 孩子, 兄弟, 姐妹, 和 甚至 your own lives? Did the disciples of Jesus have to treat their family members hatefully and disrespectfully?
不, 这不是耶稣的意思. Jesus meant that no one and nothing might become an obstacle in your life to follow Jesus and to do the will of the Father and represent, 传道, and bring the Kingdom of God on earth.
你不能跟随耶稣、事奉耶稣并成为他的门徒, 如果你不愿意和准备, to lay down your current life. 如果你不讨厌你的 作为罪人的生活, 你不能放弃那种生活 (风格). 因此,在你决定跟随耶稣之前,你必须先计算代价.
耶稣为你舍命, will you lay down your life for Jesus?
Only when you believe and become born again in Christ and become a son of God (这适用于男性和女性) and walk as a son of God, you are delivered from the power of the devil, 罪, 和死亡, and are saved from the judgment of God and eternal death. If you want to become born again in Christ and walk after the Spirit then you have to lay down your flesh and 消灭你们肉体的行为.
没有关系, 没有欲望, 连你自己的意愿都没有, 欲望, and your own life may become hindrances to fulfilling the will of God in your life.
只要你保持肉体, 你不能跟随耶稣. If you don’t put off the old man, 你无法实现他对你一生的旨意.
That’s why Jesus required a total surrender to Him. He required true repentance of someone’s life and a full immersion in Him. So that the new creation could arise and be His witness and fulfill His will upon this earth. (另请阅读: 神对你的人生有一个计划).
Jesus left everything behind to fulfill the will of His Father on earth. 他已经放弃了一切: 他在天上与上帝同在的生活,以及他作为木匠与地上家人的生活.
Jesus preached and brought the Kingdom of God unto the house of Israel and called the people to repentance; 远离罪恶. 通过他在十字架上的救赎工作, 耶稣使人与神和好. 这就是耶稣基督的使命,没有什么能阻挡他完成他的使命.
Were there no hindrances? 当然, there were many hindrances. But Jesus was single-minded and focused on the Kingdom and doing the will of His Father. The devil not only tempted Jesus directly but also through people. 但因为耶稣不随从肉体而是随从圣灵, 耶稣看出他们的恶意,并没有屈服.
耶稣已经舍弃了自己的生命 洗礼 (symbolically) and in the wilderness (实践). 他的肉体不再在他的生命中作王,而是顺服于圣灵.
难道耶稣不能犯罪吗?? 当然, 耶稣能够犯罪, 因为 Jesus was fully human.
Jesus could have obeyed the voice of the devil and the will and lust of the flesh and feed His flesh, 但耶稣没有.
甚至不, 当恐惧试图诱惑耶稣时, 在里面 客西马尼园.
The fear, that Jesus would be delivered into the hands of sinners and become a Partaker of sin and be separated from His Father, and the devil becoming His master, 太激烈了, 耶稣流下血滴. But even this fear couldn’t stop Jesus from fulfilling the mission of His Father.
耶稣爱他的天父胜过一切. The love for His Father was bigger than any temptation in the flesh.
There are not many preachers, who speak the same words as Jesus and preach the same message as Jesus preached. Many preachers don’t preach the message of the cost of following Jesus. They don’t inform the people about the cost of discipleship; to give up your own life, dying to ‘self’, and to count the cost before deciding to follow Jesus and become His disciple.
他们宁愿宣讲 错误的 爱 and hyper-grace and tell you that you may live the way you want to live. They tell you that you don’t have to change and can do the works of the flesh, because you can’t help it. They say that God understands your decisions and approves of it. 但这当然是来自地狱深渊的弥天大谎.
Why do so many preachers rather tell lies than the truth of God? Why do they preach carnal sermons about carnal prosperity, 富有, 财富, 成功, 祝福, ETC? 答案是, that these ‘feel good’ and motivational sermons attract many people. Who doesn’t want to receive a ‘magic word’ to pay the bills to get out of debt or get what you want and become prosperous, 成功的, 和世界上的富人? (另请阅读: 许多牧师正在带领羊群走向深渊')
The carnal messages focus on the flesh and the world instead of the Spirit and the Kingdom of God. 所以, 在许多教堂, the flesh of man is fed instead of the spirit of man.
Since the flesh is fed, 肉体和感官仍然活着, 情绪, and feelings rule and the church has to please and 招待 the senses, 情怀, 和人们的情绪.
They preach feel-good and motivational sermons, that sound pleasant in the ears of carnal believers.
They’ve replaced the ordinary white lights by ambiance neon lights in all kinds of colors to create a warm and inviting atmosphere for the people, who are sense-ruled.
Not only do these lights get the people in a certain mood but also the loud music. 通过大声播放音乐并一遍又一遍地重复副歌部分的歌词, people enter some kind of trance. They think they have a spiritual encounter with the Holy Spirit. 但事实是, that their own feelings mislead them.
When people enter the spiritual realm out of their souls, 魔鬼会进入并通过他们做事. 魔鬼会给他们他们想要的东西: 肉体的表现, 愉快的感觉, ETC. 所以他们被魔鬼欺骗了.
因为事实, 大多数人仍然属肉体并随从肉体而活, the feelings and emotions of people are stirred up during church service, and many people, 被自己的感情所引导的人, 为耶稣基督做出轻率的选择.
On what basis does someone decide to follow Jesus
因为凭什么, does a person make a personal choice to believe and accept Jesus as their Saviour and Lord and follow Him?
- Based on prosperity?
- 身体或精神治愈的承诺?
- 上帝会支付你所有账单的承诺?
- Based on prosperity in love and that God will give you a partner?
- 社会方面, because in the church you are not a loner anymore, but you are surrounded by people and fellowship with them.
- On the basis of fear of hell?
依据什么, have you made a choice to accept Jesus as your Savior and Lord and follow and serve Him?
Many preachers provide too little or the wrong information
The choices are often made on basis of too little or wrong information. Many people choose Jesus, without being well-informed about what it means to be a disciple of Jesus Christ and before they count the cost. Because of this, 很多选择都是出于错误的观念, or a wrong idea of what the gospel is truly about. 所以很多选择都是出于肉体; 出于某种感觉或情绪.
经常发生这种情况, that people only walk partially with Jesus. They are not willing to put away their sins and lay down their own will, 欲望, 和欲望. 发生的情况是, that after a while they quit, leave the faith, and pick up their old lives as a sinner.
Maybe they keep going to church, 但平日里他们的生活就像世界一样. (另请阅读: ‘为什么许多人的信仰遭遇海难?')
They had not counted the cost before they started building. Therefore they were not able to finish the work. 正因为如此, they mocked the gospel of Jesus Christ.
他们向人们展示了, that the power of the world is stronger than the power of God. And that the temporary deceptive pleasures of the world are more satisfying than Jesus Christ and the life in Him and the spiritual blessings of the Kingdom of God.
What does it mean to be the salt of the earth?
在马太福音中 5:13, 耶稣说, you are the salt of the earth, 但如果盐失去了味道, 用什么盐腌制? 它既不适合土地,也不适合粪堆, 但人们把它赶走了.
很遗憾, 很多人会迷失, 由于错误的教义. 因为人们如何计算成本, 如果他们没有获得正确的信息? (另请阅读: ‘错误的教义是对神的侮辱‘ 和 ‘Doctrines of devil are killing the church')
只要十字架的讯息, Christ’s redemptive work, 向自我而死, putting away the sins from your life, 再生, 成圣, 新的创造, the persecution(s) in life, how to resist evil and temptation, ETC. 没有被宣扬, 人们不清楚真正的门徒训练的真正含义. They don’t get a clear view of what you must give up, to become a follower and disciple of Jesus Christ and what the new life, as a son of God, 会像.
In other words, 耶稣和使徒所传讲的信息, have to be preached again. The message of Jesus, 十字架, 他的血, 他的复活, 成圣, exposing and destroying the works of darkness, must be preached in the churches again.
What is the essence of true Christianity?
The essence of true Christianity and the Word is not preached the way God intended the gospel to be. The gospel of Jesus Christ has been changed into a man-made gospel. 它正在被脱离其背景. The Christians don’t build upon the Rock, but on doctrines and experiences of man. Therefore they are ‘blown away,’随着第一缕微风的吹来. (另请阅读: 耶稣, 珍贵的房角石或绊脚石?, 和 Hearers vs doers)
Let us return to the Word. 让我们全心跟随耶稣基督,消除生活中的一切障碍, 这可能会成为跟随耶稣的障碍.
算算成本, 在你决定跟随耶稣基督之前. 只有这样你才能顺服耶稣,将你的生命完全奉献给耶稣. 当你顺服并把你的生命奉献给他时, 你将能够在这个地球上建立他的王国.