La crocifissione della carne

If you don’t acknowledge and consider sin as evil, but justify and accept sin, it proves that your eyes are still covered and that you are living behind the veil of lies. As long as you habitually keep living in sin and are not willing to stop sinning and remove the sins out of your life, it proves that the crucifixion of the flesh through rigenerazione in Jesus Christ has not taken place and that your flesh is still alive. Because you still obey and keep doing the will of the flesh, which goes against the will of God. The law of Moses was meant for God’s carnal people, who were trapped in the sinful flesh and whose spirit was dead. They were not spiritual but carnal and were led by their senses. That’s why God gave them visibly written laws on tables of stones, that revealed His will.

sei di tuo padre il diavoloA causa del fatto che, that God had to deal with a carnal people, whose flesh possessed the character and nature of the devil and were always rebellious and wanted to do those things, which were according to the volontà del diavolo, but were an abominio to God and went against His will, God said in the law of Moses: Thou shalt not…...

Quelli, who belong to the devil are sons of the devil, as Jesus said. They live after their flesh and do their own will instead of God’s will.

Sons of the devil lie, cheat, are full of pride, ribelle, lawbreakers, eccetera. They rebel against every commandment, legge, regola, and regulation of God and man.

They are not able to yield themselves to rules and regulations and to other people, but they consider themselves as gods and sit on the throne of their lives. They live like the world and are puffed up, avido, avido, lovers of money, odioso, unforgiving, jealous, invidioso, they steal, exalt themselves above others, and are always looking for recognition, fama, and honor.

They do their own will and expect others to submit themselves to their will. They are involved in idolatry, stregoneria, impurità sessuale, adulterio, eutanasia, aborto, divorzio , eccetera. They not only habitually sin and promote sin but also have pleasure in them that do them (Leggi anche: A reprobate mind delights in sin and takes pleasure in those who practice sin .

The law is the schoolmaster of God for the flesh

But before faith came, we were kept under the law, shut up unto the faith which should afterwards be revealed. Wherefore the law was our schoolmaster to bring us unto Christ, that we might be justified by faith. But after that faith is come, we are no longer under a schoolmaster (Galati 3:23-25)

la santificazione è la volontà di DioThe law of sin and death reigns in the flesh and is the schoolmaster of God, through which the will of God has been made known, e quindi peccato (those things, che vanno contro la volontà di Dio) has been revealed to the carnal people.

Without the moral part of the law of sin and death, sin would be hidden for the carnal people.

But God is a God, Who brings everything that is covered in darkness into the light. And that’s why God revealed sin to the carnal man, by making His will known to them. This is very important to know and understand!

IL Legge del peccato e della morte, which applies to fallen man; IL peccatore and is part of the Old Covenant, slowly came to an end, when Jesus came to the earth, to deal with the sin problem; the sinful nature of the flesh and the fallen state of man, due to Adam’s disubbidienza a Dio.

Trapped in the sinful nature of the flesh

Because of the fall, man was trapped in the sinful nature of the flesh and lived under the authority and dominion of the kingdom of darkness. This applied to all people, who were born of the seed of Adam. Perciò, this also applied to those who belonged to God’s people by natural birth and carnal circumcision.

La battaglia e la debolezza del vecchioAfter God had chosen His people and had redeemed them from the oppression of Pharaoh and led them from Egypt to the wilderness, God made Himself and His will known to them, by giving them La sua legge.

Through the circumcision in the flesh and by keeping the whole law (comandamenti, the rituals, sacrifices, feste, eccetera.), which was meant for the flesh, temporary reconciliation was made and they were declared holy. But the people of God were still trapped in the flesh, and because their spirit was still dead, they were unspiritual and slept.

Nonostante il fatto, that they were familiar with the will of God and knew I suoi pensieri E His ways, they often became apostates and went their own way, because their flesh dominated their lives. The lusts and desires of their flesh were so strong, that they obeyed them above the law and will of God.

The majority knew La volontà di Dio about the things of the world, they had to deal with. Ma, they didn’t want to obey God’s law, che rappresenta la Sua volontà. Invece, they listened to their flesh, followed their flesh, and fulfilled the desires and lusts of their flesh.

Jesus Christ came in the flesh

The stone which the builders refused is become the head stone of the corner. This is the Lord’s doing; it is marvellous in our eyes. (Salmi 118:22-23)

Jesus came first for those, who belonged to God’s people by natural birth and the carnal circumcision. But God knew the stoney heart of the old man, who is rebellious, Orgoglioso, and always wants to go his own way. He knew before His perfect opera di redenzione for fallen man, that His people would reject His Son.

A causa del fatto che, that God’s carnal people rejected Him, salvation became available for everyone, who would be born in the flesh on this earth. Everyone has the ability to get to know their Creator and get to know their real Father, and through faith and la circoncisione in Gesù Cristo; rigenerazione, become a son of God.

Gesù; the Substitute for fallen man

Jesus had to come in the flesh so that He could become the Substitute for fallen man. If Jesus had manifested Himself as Son of God, by doing His works in His own power, He could not have been the Substitute for fallen man.

Jesus fulfilled the law

Jesus walked in the flesh after the Spirit and stayed ubbidiente to the will of God. Perciò, He fulfilled the law. Because the law represents the will of God. Through His obedience and His submission to the will of God, he was able and accepted by God to be sacrificed as the perfect Lamb, without spot, for the sins of the people and Jesus become the Substitute for fallen man.

God put all the sins of fallen man upon Him, and because of Jesus His great love for His Father, Jesus allowed everything and carried the blame and punishment for sin. Through the perfect work of redemption of fallen man, Jesus dealt with the enmity of the flesh and made in His body and by His blood the two to one uomo nuovo (Efesini 2:14-16)

His dying and resurrection represent the rigenerazione of man. If believers would know and understand what dying in Christ contains, and if they knew the meaning of battesimo in acqua, then the lives of many believers and the state of the church would be very different.

La crocifissione della carne

Quando credi in Gesù Cristo e pentirsi e diventare nato di nuovo, then your flesh dies in Christ. The water baptism symbolically represents this. You die in Christ and not only lay down and bury your sins and iniquities, but you lay down and bury your flesh, which contains the sinful nature. A causa del fatto che, that your flesh, which contains the sinful nature of the devil, dies in Him, and sin is a fruit of the flesh, sin dies in you.

Since your flesh has died in Christ, and the law of sin and death applied to the flesh, the law of sin and death no longer applies to you as the new creation. As long as your flesh stays dead, the law of sin and death doesn’t apply to you.

one heart and one spiritE darò loro un cuore, e metterò dentro di voi uno spirito nuovo; e toglierò dalla loro carne il cuore di pietra, e darà loro un cuore di carne: That they may walk in my statutes, and keep mine ordinances, e farli: ed essi saranno il mio popolo, e sarò il loro Dio (Ezechiele 11:19-20)

You have laid down your flesh and your spirit has been raised from the dead in Christ, per la potenza dello Spirito Santo. Attraverso la rigenerazione, sei diventato un nuova creazione; un figlio di Dio. Your old stoney heart has been replaced by a heart of flesh, in which God has written His will.

You don’t need visible written laws anymore to walk after God’s will, because they are written in your heart, out of which all your sayings and actions come forth

When you have been delivered from your sinful nature of the flesh, this shall become visible in your life. The sinful nature, which was present in your flesh, isn’t alive anymore, but the holy nature of God lives inside of you, by your spirit, who has been raised from the dead, e la dimora dello Spirito Santo.

You are no. longer a peccatore, but by faith in Jesus Christ and through regeneration, you have become His righteousness in Christ. That’s your new status. Perciò, you shall walk in righteousness and do righteousness. Which means that you will walk according to the volontà di Dio.

The law of the Spirit

For this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, dice il Signore; I will put My laws into their mind, and write them in their hearts: and I will be to them a God, and they shall be to me a people: And they shall not teach every man his neighbour, and every man his brother, detto, Know the Lord: for all shall know me, from the least to the greatest. For I will be merciful to their unrighteousness, and their sins and their iniquities will I remember no more. (ebraico 8:10-12)

Just as the written laws of Moses were meant for the old carnal man, and revealed God’s will to the carnal people of God, the Holy Spirit is meant for the new man, who is spiritual, and represents the law of God; la legge dello Spirito, and reveals God’s will to the new man.

God indicates with His sayings in the Old Testament, which refer to the new creation, that His moral laws, which represent His will are still valid and still in effect. Because His will has not changed, but is still the same. Through the inhabitation of the Holy Spirit, the will of God has been made known to the new man; la nuova creazione.

When you have become a new creation and rinnova la tua mente con la Parola of God and Spogliati del vecchio E indossare l'uomo nuovo, you shall walk after the will of God, instead of persevering in sin and keep doing those things that go against the will of God. As Jesus said, your actions in life prove who you are and to whom you belong (Matteo 7:20).

‘Sii il sale della terra’

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