El alma (La vida) está en la sangre y la sangre tiene voz. The voice of the blood of Abel cried out unto God and demanded to avenge the innocent blood of the righteous Abel that was shed. God heard the cry of the blood and visited Cain, who was responsible for the cry of the blood of Abel, and avenged his evil deed. Unlike the voice of the blood of Jesus that speaks better things than that of Abel.
God warned Cain, but Cain didn’t listen to God and rejected the words of God
Before Cain rose against his brother Abel and slew him in the field, God had already visited Cain to warn him to not give in to his wrath.
Cain had a choice to either obey his feelings of wrath, which would lead to killing his brother Abel and sin, or to take authority over his feelings and anger, by listening to the words of God and obeying the words of God and not giving in to the feelings of wrath but turning his back on them.
Instead of obeying the words of God, Cain obeyed the will of his flesh. Cain gave in to his feelings of wrath and killed his brother Abel.
Cain killed Abel because of his righteous life and obedience to God. (Génesis 4:6-8 (Leer también: ¿Por qué Dios no respetó la ofrenda de Caín??)
Maybe Cain assumed that no one knew what he had done. But although his evil deed was hidden from the people, his evil deed was not hidden from God. Because God is omnipotent, He knows, sees and hears everything,
God heard the cry of the blood of Abel
And the Lord said unto Cain, Where is Abel thy brother? Y él dijo, I know not: Am I my brother’s keeper? And He said, what hast thou done? The voice of they brother’s blood crieth unto Me from the ground. And now art thou cursed from the earth, which hath opened her mouth to receive thy brother’s blood from thy hand (Génesis 4:9-11)
God heard the cry of the blood of Abel that called unto God from the ground. He approached Cain and asked him, where his brother Abel was. Por supuesto, God knew where Abel was and what Cain had done to his brother Abel.
Caín, who didn’t know God and His greatness and didn’t fear God, but belonged to the devil and from his corazón malvado did evil works (God knew this and therefore He didn’t accept his sacrifice), lied unto God, al igual que su padre, el diablo, who is a liar and a murderer.
Cain knew where Abel was and what happened to him. Instead of feeling sorry about his evil deed and showing remorse and humbling himself before God and asking forgiveness, Cain pretended that he didn’t know what happened to his brother and lied to God by saying, I don’t know, am I my brother’s keeper?
God asked Cain what he had done since the voice of his brother’s blood cried unto Him from the ground.
The blood of Abel cried unto God for avenge
The blood of Abel cried loud unto God for avenge. God heard the cry of the blood of Abel and answered the call and avenged Cain. Cain became cursed from the earth, which had opened her mouth to receive his brother’s blood from his hand.
Cain’s disobedience to the words of God and the rejection of His warning led to sin. And his sin led him to be cursed from the earth.
Through his deed of disobedience to God and the rejection of God’s word, Cain became a liar and murderer and lived under the curse (Génesis 4:4-24).
The cry of the blood of the innocent, profetas, and saints unto the Lord the Avenger
The blood of the righteous Abel cried (shrieked) with a loud voice unto the Lord to avenge his blood. Just like the innocent blood of so many people (young and old including embryos), who are killed, cry with a loud voice unto the Lord to avenge their blood.
Even the souls of the prophets and the saints and martyrs of Jesus Christ, who were and are killed for the word of God and their testimony, cry with a loud voice unto the Lord to avenge their blood on them that dwell on the earth (Oh. Mateo 23:34-36, lucas 11:49-51, Revelación 6:9-11,17:6; 18:24; 19:2).
Sin embargo, there is one righteous Person, who was killed and whose blood was shed but His blood didn’t call to God to avenge His blood. And that is Jesus Christ, the Son of God and His blood.
The cry of the blood of Jesus unto the Lord, the Justifier
Siendo justificados gratuitamente por Su gracia a través de la redención que es en Cristo Jesús: A quien Dios ha puesto como propiciación por medio de la fe en su sangre, para declarar Su justicia para la remisión de los pecados que han pasado, through forbearance of God; to declare, yo digo, en este tiempo Su justicia: that he might be just, and the Justifier of him which believes in Jesus (romanos 3:24-26)
The blood of Jesus Christ speaks better things than the blood of Abel. The blood of Jesus doesn’t cry out for avenge but justification.
Aquellos, who give heed to His call and believe in Jesus Christ and His blood, and are baptized in Him, are justified by the Justifier of His blood and reconciled with Him (Oh. romanos 3:24-26, Efesios 1:7; 2:13, colosenses 1:14;20, Revelación 1:5-6).
They are saved by the blood of Jesus from the wrath of God that shall come unto those, who are of the earth and didn’t believe in Him and His blood and are not baptized in Christ, and justified, but have rejected His Word and His blood and are guilty of the innocent blood (Oh. Marca 16:16, romanos 5:9).
The blood of Jesus brings forth justification
The shed blood of righteous Abel brought forth the curse, whereby the man Cain and his followers (the rebels, who have an evil heart and do evil works), were cursed.
But the shed blood of Jesus Christ brings forth justification and life, a aquellos, who believe in the Messiah, el hijo de Dios, and in His blood.
The blood of Jesus redeems man (¿Quién cree?) from the curse, which came upon humanity through the disobedience of man (Adán, el hijo de Dios) a Dios.
The wrath of God and the wrath of the Lamb
Para, Mirad, the Lord cometh out of His place to punish the inhabitants of the earth for their iniquity: the earth also shall disclose her blood, and shall no more cover her slain (Isaías 26:21)
Y los reyes de la tierra, and the great men, and the rich men, y los capitanes en jefe, and the mighty men, y cada siervo, y todo hombre libre, se escondieron en las guaridas y entre las peñas de los montes; And said to the mountains and rocks, Cae sobre nosotros, and hide us from the face of Him that sitteth on the throne, y de la ira del Cordero: For the great day of His wrath is come; ¿Y quién podrá mantenerse en pie?? (Revelación 6:15-17)
La gente, who refuse to listen to the words of God and reject the sacrifice of Jesus and His blood, shall remain under the curse. They shall be condemned and rejected by God, who has spoken from heaven through His prophets and His saints; His sons (tanto machos como hembras). God shall cast them into the lake of fire and they shall have part of the second death (Revelación 20:15; 21:8).
But before the Day of Judgment comes, the wrath of God and the wrath of the Lamb shall come over the earth, including the seven golden vials of the wrath of God (the seven plagues). The seven golden vials of the wrath of God will avenge the sin and iniquity of the inhabitants of the earth and the shed innocent blood of the prophets and the saints.
The wrath of God and His judgments are true and righteous. Aquellos, who are born of Him and belong to Him shall testify this as well. Pero esos, who don’t belong to God and don’t know Him, shall not understand it. They shall consider it hard and cruel of God because it doesn’t correspond with their imagen de Dios (Oh. Revelación 16:19:1-2).
How can you be redeemed from the curse and the wrath of God?
Pero esos, who believe and by faith in Jesus and His blood repent, ser bautizado, and receive the Holy Spirit and obey His words and commandments and do the will of the Father, shall be redeemed from the curse and the wrath of God and cleansed from their sins and live in freedom and inherit eternal life.
God has justified man by the blood of His Son and gave to the justified man His Holy Spirit
Sin embargo, al Señor le agradó herirlo; Le ha afligido: when thou shalt make His soul an offering for sin, Él verá su simiente, Él prolongará sus días, y la voluntad del Señor prosperará en su mano.. Él verá la aflicción de su alma., y quedará satisfecho: por Su conocimiento Mi Siervo justo justificará a muchos; porque él llevará sus iniquidades. Por tanto, le daré parte con los grandes., y con los fuertes repartirá el botín;
porque ha derramado su alma hasta la muerte: y fue contado con los transgresores; y llevó el pecado de muchos, e intercedió por los transgresores (Isaías 53:10-12)
God had no delight in sacrifices for sin. But God had (y todavía tiene) delight in doing His will (Hebreos 10:6-9).
The sacrifices and the blood of animals were used for the temporary atonement of the sins of the rebellious and prideful people of the House of Israel.
Pero el sacrificio de jesucristo and His blood dealt once and for all with the sin problem, by cleansing man from his sins and redeeming man from his sinful nature and the power of darkness, y curación (restoring) his fallen state and reconciling man to God. So that the (nuevo) man does His will, just like His righteous and obedient Son Jesus.
Jesus did the will of the Father. He took the place of the fallen man on the cross. He carried the sins and iniquities of fallen humanity, que el Padre le impuso.
Through the punishment for sin, Jesús entró en el Hades (infierno). In the kingdom of the death, Jesus overcame the death.
Después de tres días, Jesus rose as a Victor from the dead with the keys of hell and death.
Jesus has all authority and power in the heavens and on earth, despite what people believe and say (Oh. Mateo 28:18, Efesios 1:21, colosenses 2:10).
The new creation is justified by the blood of the Lamb
Y lo vencieron con la sangre del Cordero., y por la palabra de su testimonio; y no amaron sus vidas hasta la muerte (Revelación 12:11)
The new creation doesn’t live in darkness under the curse (as the old creation). But the new creation lives under the blood of Jesus in God’s righteousness (Oh. Efesios 5:8-13, colosenses 1:13, 1 tesalonicenses 5:4-10, 1 Pedro 2:9, 1 John 1:7).
The new man is justified through the blood of Jesus (through the acceptance of the Father of the righteous blood of Jesus) and through the baptism in the Name of Jesus (the baptism in His death and His resurrection from the dead).
Due to the justification of man by the blood of His Son, God has given His Holy Spirit to the new creation; hijo de Dios (tanto machos como hembras).
From this righteous state and renewed heart, alma, mente, y fuerza, the new creation shall walk from his love for God after the Spirit in obedience to His Word in holiness and righteousness and inherit eternal life (Oh. romanos 5:19-21; 6).
Por lo tanto, you can see by someone’s walk (y funciona) if someone is justified or not.
The new creation shall not despise the voice of Jesus and the Father, and shall not reject His words, and shall not live in sin and iniquity like the old creation, que pertenecen al mundo. But the new creation shall submit to the Head; Jesús and listen to His voice and obey His words and commandments and do the will of the Father
What is the forecast of Christians, who keep sinning?
But for those, who have received the knowledge of the truth and because of that repented and have become a new creation, but keep walking in disobedience to the words of God fulfilling the will, deseos, y deseos de la carne, and wilfully keep sinning, No queda más sacrificio por los pecados, but a certain fearful looking for of judgment and fiery indignation, which shall devour the adversaries of God (Hebreos 26-27).
Through their way of life, they have trodden (trampled) under foot the Son of God and have counted the blood of the Covenant, wherewith they were sanctified an unholy thing and had done despite unto the Spirit of grace.
La Palabra dice, that they are worthy of a sorer punishment than those who despised Moses’ Law and died without mercy under two or three witnesses.
The Lord shall avenge and recompense. Because the Lord shall judge His people. It’s a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God (Hebreos 10:22-31).
'Sé la sal de la tierra’