Buddha statues are a trend that’s spreading all over the world. Under the cloak of peace, calm energy, happiness, harmony, and prosperity, many people, including Christians have a Buddha statue at home. Maybe someone has given you a Buddha statue or you bought a Buddha statue on vacation and placed the Buddha statue in your house or garden. But what happens when you bring a Buddha statue into your home? Is it good to have a Buddha in your home and is it true that Buddha statues bring good luck, inner peace, harmony, positive energy, health, longevity, wealth, prosperity, protection, etc. or is it bad to have a Buddha in your home, and are Buddha statues dangerous, because Buddha statues bring bad luck, disharmony, negative energy, rebellion, anger, divorce, sickness, poverty, etc.? What is the spiritual danger of Buddha statues?
Why do people have Buddha statues in their homes?
People have Buddha statues in their homes for several reasons. However, they often don’t know what they really brought into their home or garden. They’re not aware of the spiritual danger of Buddha statues in their homes. They have received a Buddha statue or bought a Buddha statue in a store, or bought a Buddha statue as a souvenir during their vacation in Asia (although according to the rule, you may never purchase a Buddha statue for yourself), and placed the Buddha statue in their homes or garden to elevate the home decor. After all, it fits perfectly into the Asian zen interior design trend.
That unbelievers, who belong to the world and are carnal (and don’t see the danger of Buddha statues), bringing Buddha statues into their homes is not good and will cause them a lot of harm. But that so many people, who call themselves Christians, also follow this trend and put Buddha statues in their homes is unbelievable.
How can Christians, who believe in Jesus Christ and are sanctified in Him and follow Him, bring a Buddha statue; a statue of a dead man, who founded and represents Buddhism and denied God the Creator of heaven and earth and all there is within and Jesus Christ, the Son of God, into their homes? How is this possible? What concord has Christ with Buddha? What agreement has the temple of God with idols? (a.o. 2 Corinthians 6:14-18).
Why do Christians have Buddha statues in their homes?
It is possible, because most people, who call themselves Christians are not truly born-again Christians. Although they call themselves Christians, they don’t walk and live as Christians. Christians, who have Buddha statues in their homes are not born of the Spirit of God and spiritual but carnal. Therefore they don’t see nor discern the spirit realm and don’t see the spiritual danger of Buddha statues. They walk after the flesh, being led by their senses, will, emotions, feelings, thoughts, lust, etc..
Born-again Christians, whose spirits are raised from the dead, love God above all and obey His words.
They would never do something or bring something into their house, that would offend their Lord Jesus Christ.
Christians are aware of the spiritual danger of Buddha statues.
They would never bring a statue(s) or an image(s) of a dead person into their home that represents a dead religion or a human philosophy, and deny Jesus Christ, the Son of the living God. Because Buddhism doesn’t acknowledge God and denies that Jesus Christ is the Son of God.
But these so-called Christians do these things because they have not come out of this world. They still belong to the world and live in darkness. They don’t know the Word; Jesus Christ. Therefore they follow the world instead of the Word.
Through ignorance and a lack of knowledge of God’s Word (Bible) and disobedience to God’s words, they bring a lot of sorrow and destruction upon themselves. These Buddha statues that look so harmless and peaceful, will cause a lot of sorrow, misery, problems, evil, and destruction in their lives.
What does the Bible say about Buddha statues?
The Bible says that you should not turn unto idols, nor make molten gods, idols (Buddha statues), graven or standing images, because the Lord is your God.
Turn ye not unto idols, nor make to yourselves molten gods: I am the Lord your God! (Leviticus 19:4)
Ye shall make you no idols nor graven image, neither rear you up a standing image, neither shall ye set up any image of stone in your land, to bow down unto it: for I am the Lord your God (Leviticus 26:1)
God has given commandments and instructions in the Bible out of love for His people. God wants a relationship with people. He doesn’t want anything bad to happen to them. God wants to keep everyone from evil. But it’s up to the people, if they listen to the words of God and obey His words or not. (Read also: The love of God).
Is having a Buddha statue a sin?
Having a Buddha statue is a sin according to the Bible. Because God commanded His people, not to turn to idols and not make idols nor graven images, neither rear up a standing image nor set up any image of stone in the land.
Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness? And what concord hath Christ with Belial? or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel? And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? for ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people. Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you, And will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty. (2 Corinthians 6:14-18)
If the Lord says, that believers should not live as unbelievers and not have communion with darkness and not get involved with idols, but turn away from idols, then why don’t God’s children listen to Him? Why don’t Christians obey God’s commandments instead of rebelling against God and His words?
Is a Buddha statue an idol?
A Buddha statue is an idol. Buddha was a person, whom the people believed, worshiped and exalted and turned into an idol. The people exalted Buddha as a god and turned Buddha into a god, and worshiped him.
Buddha is the founder of Buddhism. Buddhists and many people, who are not official Buddhists but like Buddha’s philosophy, listen to Buddha’s earthly wisdom and sayings, and apply the words of Buddha to their lives. Because of that, they follow Buddha.
Who was Buddha?
Gautama Buddha, whose real name was Siddhartha Gautama, was the founder of Buddhism. Siddhartha Gautama was born between 490 en 410 B.C.. He was the son of a king. Siddhartha Gautama grew up in Nepal and was a Hindu. Gautama Buddha observed the many contradictions and problems in life. After many years, Siddhartha Gautama Buddha decided to leave the palace, his wife and child, and his fortune. Because Siddhartha Gautama Buddha didn’t want to live as a wealthy man anymore. And so Gautama Buddha left home, looking for the truth of life.
After seven years of wandering, meditating, inquiring, and searching, Gautama Buddha found, according to him, the true path (eightfold path) and great enlightenment, under the legendary Bo tree; the tree of wisdom, and attained nirvana.
The teachings of Buddha are concerned with the ramifications of the four noble truths and the eightfold path.
This religion or philosophy has nothing to do with Christianity. Buddhism has nothing in common with the Christian faith.
If you don’t see the spiritual danger of Buddha statues and bring a Buddha statue in your home, you are about to experience a negative change in your life, marriage, and family.
Because when you bring a Buddha statue into your home, you not only bring an idol into your house, but you also bring the spirit behind this idol; the devil, his demons, and the death, into your home.
The Kingdom of God and the kingdom of the devil
The Bible says, there are only two (spiritual) kingdoms. The Kingdom of God, where Jesus Christ is King and reigns, and the kingdom of the devil. If Buddhism didn’t originate from the Kingdom of God, it originated from the kingdom of the devil, the darkness. Therefore, Buddhism is not part of the Kingdom of God, but the kingdom of darkness.
Maybe you are laughing right now or thinking, “What nonsense!” But this is no-nonsense. This is reality.
The spiritual realm is no-nonsense, it is real! And it’s about time, that the believers of Jesus Christ, who are supposed to be His followers, wake up spiritually. Because many Christians are spiritually asleep and live in spiritual darkness. (Read also: Can you separate the spiritual from Eastern philosophies and practices?).
The demonic spirit behind the Buddha statue
I once heard a story of a person, who went to a Buddhist temple. In that Buddhist temple, there was a room with a big Buddha statue. At certain times, the priest entered the room. The priest kneeled before the statue and placed food, flowers, incense oil, etc. before the Buddha statue. The person asked the priest, if he really believed that the Buddha statue would eat his food. The priest answered, of course not, but it’s for the spirit behind the Buddha statue.
Every time, when the priest put food before this statue, the demonic spirit came forth and manifested himself in the room.
In Revelation 13:15, we read about the beast and the image of the beast (statue of the beast). The beast has the power to give life; a spirit, to the image of the beast, so that the image will be able to speak. The image is not able to speak, but the demonic spirit that will be given to the image, will speak.
This also happens when you bring a Buddha statue to your home.
What is the spiritual danger of Buddha statues?
The spiritual danger of Buddha statues is that the demonic spirit that is attached to the Buddha statue will manifest and cause a lot of harm, misery, and destruction in people’s lives, and families. That’s why Buddha statues are dangerous to have in houses.
Buddha statues have no breath of life in them, so they have no power or life (Jeremiah 10:14). However, the demonic spirit behind Buddha statues does have power and will manifest and create a certain atmosphere and bring forth death. Afterall, this demonic spirit is a representative of the devil.
We all know that the devil wants to steal, kill, and destroy every person on this earth.
This evil demonic spirit behind the Buddha statue first creates a peaceful and pleasant atmosphere for people’s senses.
But after a while, the atmosphere changes, and the spiritual danger of Buddha statues becomes visible because this evil spirit will manifest.
This evil spirit causes disharmony, miscommunication, rebellion, fights, (mental) illness, sickness, divorce, idolatry, sexual uncleanness, rebellion against parents, (uncontrollable) anger, violence, abuse, anxiety, panic attacks, depression, negative feelings, suicidal thoughts, poverty, etc. All these things happen, due to a lack of knowledge.
Due to ignorance and a lack of knowledge of God’s Word and not obeying the words of God, many people don’t see the spiritual danger of Buddha statues and open their doors for evil to enter their homes and lives.
Do Buddha statues bring Good luck or Bad luck?
Buddha statues don’t bring good luck but bad luck. The devil has made people believe that Buddha statues bring good luck, but that’s a lie. Because what kind of luck do Buddha statues bring?
Many people think that Buddha statues bring good luck, wealth, prosperity, peace, harmony, etc. but in reality, Buddha statues bring disaster and cause harm and destruction in people’s lives.
One time, a person had a tumor (cancer). While praying for this person, I saw a Buddha statue. I called the person and asked if the person had a Buddha statue in their home. The person confirmed they had a Buddha statue in home. I advised the person to throw the Buddha away. The person obeyed and in a short period, the pain left and the tumor disappeared.
The spiritual realm is no yoke but real
The spiritual realm is no yoke but real. It is the realm behind this visible realm (natural realm). All visible things originate from the spiritual realm. God is Spirit and He created everything by His Word out of the Spirit. (Read also: Is the spiritual realm fiction or real?).
When you believe in Jesus Christ, the Son of God, and His redemptive work, and become born-again, your spirit will be raised from the dead and become alive. As a result, your nature and life will change. You shall no longer walk after the flesh in darkness being led by your senses and the spirits of this world.
As a Christian; believer and follower of Jesus Christ, you are seated in Jesus Christ; the Word, in the heavenly places. You shall walk after the Spirit in obedience to the Word in the light.
The more you renew your mind with the Word of God, the more the spiritual realm will be revealed to you. Through the Word and the Holy Spirit, you shall discern the spirits.
You shall discern the things of God and His Kingdom and the things of the devil and his kingdom. (Read also: Why renewing your mind is necessary)
You shall see what happens in the spiritual realm and see the spiritual state of the world.
Because you are seated in Jesus Christ, you will enter the spiritual realm from your spirit in the authority of Christ. Therefore you are protected against every evil demonic power.
You are protected as long as you stay in Christ and enter the spiritual realm from your spirit in His authority and power instead of entering the spiritual realm from your soul in your own authority and power. (Read also: The two ways to enter the spiritual realm).
Why is entering the spirit realm from your soul dangerous?
If you are not born again, your spirit is dead and you will enter the spiritual realm from the soul. Entering the spirit realm from your soul is very dangerous because before you know it, you’ll become involved in the occult realm and open yourself to evil spirits that enter and control your life and eventually destroy you.
Demonic spirits manifest themselves in different ways in the flesh. For example, they can manifest through carnal manifestations, like uncontrollable bodily movements (shaking, trembling, moving like a snake or another animal, falling, etc) and uncontrollable soulish manifestations (laughing, crying, angriness, etc.).
Demonic spirits may first cause warm and fuzzy feelings. But these pleasant feelings will soon be gone and turned into negative feelings, anxiety, anger, and depression.
Don’t underestimate the power of the devil and demonic spirits. They come as an angel of light and even present themselves as Jesus and imitate the Holy Spirit (the expectation of people of the Holy Spirit).
But if you know the Word and have the true Holy Spirit and stay awake and watchful all the time, then you discern the spirits and the things of the spiritual realm. You see the spiritual danger of Buddha statues and the effect they have on people’s lives and warn them. (Read also: The mortal body quickened by His Spirit).
Why are Buddha statues a dangerous hype?
Buddha statues are a dangerous hype because they will not bring prosperity into people’s lives but harm people and destroy homes and families.
Buddhism is one of the four largest religions in the world. Buddhism is the religion of the East and has become more popular in the West. Many people don’t consider Buddhism a religion but a philosophy, because Buddhists don’t believe in a God, the Creator of heaven and earth. However, Buddhism has many religious aspects and believes in divine beings (deities). Therefore Buddhism is considered a religion.
The devil uses everything to tempt and deceive people. Because as mentioned before, the devil’s purpose is to steal from people and kill and destroy people.
He even uses celebrities; famous actors, models, singers, idols, social influencers, etc. The devil knows, that these people have many followers. who want to imitate their idols and copy their lifestyles because they want to be like them.
When they see that their idols are into Buddhism and have Buddha statues in their homes and practice, yoga, meditation, mindfulness, martial arts, acupuncture, etc. they follow their example and imitate their lifestyle.
They bring Buddha statues into their homes, practice yoga, meditation, and mindfulness, and without knowing, they open the door for evil spirits and invite them into their lives.
Carnal people are always interested in human philosophies and other religions, especially the Eastern philosophy of Buddhism and the religion of Hinduism. Many people have an interest in the spiritual realm and spiritual things. Unfortunately, they look in the wrong places.
Christianity has become a carnal faith of the senses
The reason why so many unbelievers are involved in the occult is that many Christians are carnal and live after the flesh and are ruled by their senses, feelings, thoughts, emotions, etc. They have made the gospel a gospel of the senses, whereby feelings, miracles, and supernatural manifestations have become the center, instead of a gospel of the Spirit and power. (Read also: Has the preaching of the cross lost its power?).
Most churches are carnal churches. These carnal churches don’t obey the Word and don’t walk after the Spirit in the spiritual authority of Jesus Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit. Instead, they believe the words of man and are world-like. They live the same life as unbelievers, who don’t know God.
Many churches are not seated in the Light, but they are seated in darkness.
people are lost and move into the occult, due to carnal Christians, who have a lack of knowledge of God’s Word
Many people wander and look for the meaning of life. They are looking for the truth and spiritual things and reality. And because Christians don’t live the resurrected life in Christ and don’t preach the true gospel of Jesus Christ, many people turn to Buddhism.
To those people, Buddhism seems trustworthy, because they see the devoted lives of Buddhists. They get clear answers to their questions. They understand the quotes from Buddha.
Contrary to the Christian faith, where most Christians live like the world and are unspiritual and not devoted to Christ and His sayings and don’t know and don’t understand the Bible themselves.
When people approach them with questions about the Christian faith and life, they are not able to answer them. (Read also: If Christians live like the world, what should the world repent of?‘).
When Christians don’t understand the Kingdom of God, how can Christians represent the Kingdom of God?
If Christians are not able to preach a clear message of the gospel of Jesus Christ and answer questions from unbelievers, how can unbelievers be saved and won for Jesus Christ and His Kingdom? (Read also: Why don’t Christians preach a clear message?)
It’s a shame, because many people will be lost forever. Only, due to a lack of knowledge of God’s Word and because most Christians are not born again, and unspiritual, and don’t walk after the Word and the Spirit, with signs and wonders following them.
What is the true destination of people?
The true destination of people can only be found in Jesus Christ, the Son of the living God. There is only one way to salvation and that way is Jesus Christ.
Jesus Christ is the only One, who can deliver people from the power of darkness and give eternal life. There is no other way to come to God than through Jesus Christ, the Son.
Only the blood of Jesus Christ cleanses you from all your sins and iniquities and brings you into a place of holiness and righteousness.
Through God’s redemptive work for fallen humanity and by the blood of Jesus Christ, you can be reconciled with God; your Creator, the Creator of the heavens and the earth, and all hosts.
By the power of the blood and the power of the Holy Spirit, you can become born again in the spirit. There is no other way to become born again.
Buddhists believe they have to be born again many times. But they shall never find, what they are looking for and never obtain eternal life.
There is only one rebirth. This rebirth takes place during your life on earth through Jesus Christ, the Son of the living God. Only through Jesus Christ, you can become a new creation.
You can become a new creation by believing in Jesus Christ and accepting Jesus Christ as your Saviour and Lord, and laying down your old life in the water baptism and becoming born again in the spirit, by the power of the Holy Spirit. When you become a new creation, you become a son of God (this applies to both males and females).
Jesus Christ is the only Savior and Lord
Serve Jesus Christ and obey Him, by obeying His commandments, instead of an idol; a statue of a dead man, who denies Jesus Christ, the Son of the living God. When you are unaware of the danger of Buddha statues and bring a Buddha statue into your home, you bring Buddha into your home and open the door for destruction, because death will enter your home and life.
Jesus has conquered death. Jesus is raised from the dead and is alive and He lives forevermore!
If you have Buddha statues in your house and want to follow Jesus then throw the Buddha statues away. Destroy them and repent. Ask forgiveness from God. Cleanse your house, by commanding these evil spirits to leave your house in the Name of Jesus.
This does not only apply to Buddha statues. This also applies to African statues and sculptures, African masks, Indonesian statues, Indonesian masks, Mexican statues, Peruvian statues, Chinese statues, Roman statues, Catholic statues, Greek statues, and all other idols and items that derive from pagan religions and philosophies (Read also: What is the danger of souvenirs?).
Dedicate your life and house to Jesus Christ and you shall experience true peace. You shall experience the peace of God that no Buddha statue can give you. Not even, when you have 10 or 10.000 Buddha statues in your house.
Jesus Christ is the only One, Who can give you this peace, you are looking for. A peace that passes all human understanding.
List of articles about the danger of …
- What is the danger of yoga?
- What is the danger of meditation?
- What is the danger of mindfulness?
- What is the danger of souvenirs?
- What is the danger of Reiki?
- What is the danger of consulting spirits?
- What is the spiritual danger of martial arts?
‘Be the salt of the earth’
March 8, 2016 atWhat this writer speaks is true. Pray and ask Jesus. He will confirm it as truth. The spirit world is real. When you take your last breathe on day on this earth your spirit will leave your body and have to go somewhere. Your body dies but your spirit will live off forever. It’s true! Therefore being said that. God is the SPIRIT of God. The devil is the SPIRIT of evil (comes as a angel of light many times to deceive and eventually bring destruction on mankind who is easily deceived by him). Then there is man who has our SPIRIT living inside our body. On the last day you take your last breathe on this earth one day …. your SPIRIT will leave your body and it will either go and be one with Jesus which is heaven. Or it will go to be one with the devil which is hell. One or the other. You can’t serve 2 masters. That is truth! Reality! In truth, we can’t say we walk with God and at the same time are holding hands with the devil. It’s either your for God or not. Just sharing..
March 8, 2016 atWhat you speak of is on point! So true!
August 11, 2016 atHi, very interesting to read. I’m just writing to share an experience and never write on forums! I have been travelling Australia and have been living in a house heavily influenced with Asian interior; Feng shui, Buddha statues, elephant statues and a large human Asian women looking figure in the garden. It is a large house with many living here, since renting here for a couple of months I have noticed how each person now left in the house has very bad family issues (all divorced, bad family arguments) along with everyone struggling with money issues. all issues Which don’t seem to be getting better for people. I’ve even begin to feel it slightly myself and things seem to be not working out very well at all since living here…which is when I wondered it had anything to do with the Buddha statues. I have faith and understand life isn’t always perfect but there is a huge sense of ‘trying your uttmost hardest’ with a wave of disappointment to knock you back down again ….something which I’ve never experienced before in this way, consistently effecting a household of different people! According to what I’ve read the buddha/spirit seems to bring the opposite of what it’s meant to bring! I’m wondering wether spiritual objects really do have spirits within them and like it says in the article, if it’s not from God then where is it from? If we believe the Holy Spirit we know there is evil…but where do these evil spirits roam? It’s not something I like to look into, or ever really think about but I guess You can only really see the truth in (bad spirits) when its experienced first hand and the ‘fruit’ of thing is revealed in people’s lives.
Sara Louisas
August 11, 2016 atHi Sara, thank you for sharing your experience!
August 13, 2016 atHi there, I find this article very interesting, I would like to ask if there is a link between these Buddhist statues in a home and depression.
Sara Louisas
August 13, 2016 atHi Jenny, yes absolutely!
August 20, 2016 atI just threw out a Buddha statue – a week ago . It’s been in our patio for about year or so … I had marital problems , and my kids were increasingly problematic .
Since throwing it out and praying and seeking Jesus again in my life I feel a sense of peace . My children are at peace .
Sara Louisas
August 21, 2016 atThat’s wonderful! Thank you for sharing Rebecca