What is the danger of children’s books?

Do children’s books have a positive influence on the development and lives of children, as claimed? Many people consider children’s books harmless, beneficial, and educational. De sajnos, this rule doesn’t apply to all children’s books. Many children’s books don’t have such a positive influence on children but are dangerous and have a negative influence on the minds of children. For most parents, beleértve a keresztényeket is, the danger of children’s books is hidden. They are not aware of the spiritual dangers and what their child is exposed to. What is the danger of children’s books?

Most children’s books are inspired by the kingdom of darkness

Behind the visible realm is the spiritual realm. Everything in this world has its origin in the spiritual realm. Például, look at the creation. God created out of the spiritual realm, az Ő Igéje és Lelke által, the heavens and the earth, and all there is within. What existed in the mind of God, God brought into existence through His Word and His Spirit. That’s why the creation testifies of the Almighty God because the origin of creation is in Him.

For the invisible things of Him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse (rómaiak 1:20)

It is the same with books. Books originate from people’s minds.

When someone is born again and transfered from the darkness into the Kingdom of God, the person is controlled and inspired by the Holy Spirit. But when someone is not born again and lives in the kingdom of darkness, the mind is controlled by demonic powers.

sajnálatos módon, most children’s books are inspired by the kingdom of darkness.

What is the danger of reading children’s books that are inspired by the kingdom of darkness?

The danger of reading children’s books that are inspired by the kingdom of darkness is that through these books, children are exposed to the darkness and demonic spirits. Demonic spirits will enter their lives, captivate their minds, and control their lives.

It’s no wonder, why children are rebellious, hyperactive, restless, louder, aggressive, disobedient to parents, selfish, prideful, narcissistic, manipulative, have strong wills, go their way, stb.

Psychologists and psychiatrists can give all kinds of names to ‘deviant behavior’. They can analyze behavior and through their earthly knowledge and philosophies of man, determine the cause of their behavior. azonban, the truth is, that the cause of children’s abnormal behavior is not found in the natural realm, where psychologists and psychiatrists operate, but in the spiritual realm.

image celestron and article title does christian psychology exist

Therefore psychologists and psychiatrists, who operate in the natural realm, will never be able to ‘heal’ the patient and solve the problem completely.

They can treat the patient, by applying human methods and using medication to relieve and ‘controlthe problem, by changing the chemical balance in the brain and nervous system, but they can’t solve the problem and heal the patient.

The problem will always return or become worse. Why? Because they don’t get rid of the root of the problem, which is found in the spiritual realm.

The way you raise and protect children, as a Christian, contributes to the development and behavior of children.

God gave parents the responsibility to raise their children in the Word and truth of God (the Bible). God instructed parents to make His will known to their children, teach His way, and protect their children from dangers and evil. Even when this means that you have to take a stand against the knowledge and methods of the world. (Olvassa el is: ‘The lost child‘).

Innocent children’s books are often not fascinating enough

According to the world, books are very important for the development of a child. Therefore many parents read bedtime stories to their children from a young age.

As written before, not all books are dangerous for children. De sajnos, children’s books that are ‘innocentare very hard to find. Because ‘innocentchildren’s books are often not fascinating enough to captivate the child’s attention.

A writer wants to sell as many books as possible. Because the more books the writer sells, the bigger the revenue. A writer is not concerned about the well-being and mental health of children, but the well-being of himself/herself.

The danger of many children’s books is that they are full of lies, mágia, sorcery, boszorkányság, fortune-telling, erőszak, stb. By reading these books, parents make their children acquainted with the occult dark realm.

From a young age, children are exposed to the occult realm through drawings in children’s books. A few examples of occult drawings are strange (one-eyed) monsters, minions, supernatural creatures, sorcerers, elves, goblins, witches, magicians, szesz, stb.

Most children are fascinated by these occult creatures. In the beginning, they may consider them strange and even scary, but eventually, they consider them normal.

Are fairy tales innocent for children?

Fairy tales are not innocent for children. The world has made people believe that fairy tales are innocent, and harmless, and that there is nothing wrong with them, but that’s a lie from the devil. Because when you look at fairy tales, they are full of fantasies (lies), mágia, sorcery, boszorkányság, gyűlölet, irigység, erőszak, and other evil behavior, halál, stb.

The devil uses fairy tales to enter children’s minds. Young children don’t know the difference between reality and fiction. Children listen to the words and look at the images and through delusions, the children wander in an imaginary world, thinking it’s real. Demonic spirits make use of their vulnerability and enter and take the minds of children captive.

These demonic spirits reveal and manifest themselves in the children’s lives through their speech and behavior.

How do demonic spirits manifest in the lives of children?

Demonic spirits manifest themselves in the lives of children in their minds, viselkedés, and body. Children may have troubling, gonosz, perverse negative or suicidal thoughts, or experience sleeping problems, nightmares, and anxiety. They may become rebellious, disobedient to parents, easily agitated, aggressive, manipulative, stb. Evil spirits can also manifest themselves in the body through sickness and diseases. When a child is sick all the time, it is a sign, that something is not right.

Remember, what happens in the spiritual realm, will eventually become visible in the natural realm. That’s why you know, what kind of evil spirits are operating in the spiritual realm.

All you have to do is listen and look at the behavior and the life of a child. When a child shows deviant behavior (behavior that doesn’t line up with the Bible; Isten Igéje) you know that the (spiritual) cause is an evil spirit.

What are demonic influences in children’s books from 4-11 years?

Demonic influences in children’s books from 4 nak nek 11 years old are listed below. Most, the authors and names of the books are not mentioned, but only the demonic influences.

In children’s books for 4-11 years, we read about:

  • strange creatures, who have supernatural powers
  • (one-eyed) monsters, minions
  • harag
  • revenge
  • erőszak
  • féltékenység
  • irigység
  • bullying
  • lázadó
  • sorcery
  • mágia
  • boszorkányság
  • voodoo
  • transfiguration
  • channeling
  • supernatural creatures, like elves, trolls, giants, witches, stb.
  • új kor (going through the day, processing everything in your mind, and clearing your mind before going to bed)
  • jóga (breathing exercises, és (relaxation) exercises
  • sexuality
  • sex for children
  • philosophy
  • stb.

The child will be fed with all this information and it will be stored in the mind of the child.

What are demonic influences in children’s books and books for teenagers (11 years+)?

Demonic influences in children’s books and books for teenagers from 11 years are listed below:

  • ridicule people
  • dark world
  • sexuality
  • sexual intercourse
  • sexual abuse
  • (terminal) diseases
  • eating disorders
  • függőségek
  • válás
  • házasságtörés
  • paráználkodás
  • traumatic experiences
  • öngyilkosság
  • erőszak
  • droghasználat
  • lázadó
  • féltékenység
  • dark demonic world
  • démonok (from the past)
  • supernatural surprises and powers
  • mágia
  • boszorkányság
  • sorcery
  • hypnosis
  • voodoo
  • satanism
  • új kor
  • zombies
  • vampires
  • haunted houses
  • horror stories
  • sects
  • curses
  • elmélkedés (jóga)
  • stb.

Can children’s books cause mental health problems?

Children’s books can cause mental health problems, which is a danger to children’s lives. Reading the wrong books can be a gateway for demonic spirits to enter the life of a child and cause mental health problems. Maybe these evil spirits won’t manifest themselves immediately. azonban, végül is, they will manifest themselves, especially during puberty.

Can children’s books create Alters (multiple personalities)?

Children’s books can create alters and develop multiple personality disorders. How? Jól, some children consider books an escape from reality. Especially when children’s home situation is not good, they experience problems or abuse, or when they suffer from another traumatic experience(s). By reading books they wander in an imaginary world and soon they identify themselves with the main character of the book. They copy the personality and behavior and make it their own. They pretend to be this person and as soon as they pretend and act upon it, they create another personality within themselves.

Psychologist calls these personalities alters, de a valóságban, they are demonic spirits.

At first, it may seem very normal for children to withdraw from the real world and enter their own imaginary world, and pretend to be someone else. But eventually, these ‘imaginary personalities’ which are in reality demonic spirits, will become real personalities in their lives and take control of their mind.

This way, children develop multiple personalities within themselves. This is also called a multiple personality disorder or a dissociative identity disorder.

These multiple personalities; which are in reality demons, will control the life of the child. These demons will control the mind, speak lies to the child, and command the child what to do. They will hurt the child and cause destruction in the child’s life, which could eventually lead to suicide.

Have you ever wondered, why so many actors are not happy, addicted, nyomott, suicidal, and have lots of mental health problems?

Can children copy wrong behavior through books?

Besides the development of multiple personalities and other mental problems, children can also copy wrong behavior from books. Például, they can read a book about a person, who experiments with drugs, or sex, or has an eating disorder (anorexia or bulimia), and copy this behavior. By copying this behavior, a demonic spirit enters and controls the life of the child.

Can children sell their souls to the devil through books?

When children or teenagers read a book, in which the main character is involved in occult practices, like being a member of a sect or freemasonry, channeling with spirits and inquiring spirits, practicing sorcery, boszorkányság, mágia, stb., they can become so fascinated by it, that they bring into practice what they read and even make vows. Ezzel, children enter the spiritual realm from the soul and connect themselves with the devil.

How do Children lose sight of reality?

Children can lose sight of reality by reading all kinds of books and wandering and living in a self-made imaginary world.

Let’s have a look at a book, which is written for teenagers. The book is about a person, who is traumatized. The person struggles at home and doesn’t feel loved. To make a long story short, she blames her parents. Her parents are the cause of minden her problems. Then she meets a guy and becomes intimate with him. azonban, this guy doesn’t have a good influence on her life. But according to her, her parents drove her into the arms of this lover. Therefore her parents are the ones to blame for her actions. Her parents are the cause of her misery. In this book, we see a spirit of self-pity, trauma, lázadó, and perversion.

Most, let’s have a look at the influence of this book on the life of a teenager. Let’s say that this teenager, who reads this book, is a girl.

When one of her parents corrects or disciplines her, she will identify herself with the main character of the book and put herself in a victim role. The correction of her parent is normal, but the child will not consider the correction as normal and turns it into something big.

A spirit of self-pity will cause her to feel not understood, not valued, mistreated, neglected, stb. while in reality, this is not the case at all. She will drown herself in pity and cry. She will become disobedient and rebellious towards her parents (spirit of rebellion) because she considers her parents as her enemies.

Her parents are the guilty ones. They are the ones to blame, just like in the book. She will follow the example of the main character. She copies her behavior and looks for affection outside her parent’s home, which could lead to sexual intercourse (perverse spirit).

These are just a few examples, of what kind of demonic influence a book might have on the mind of a child, a teenager, or even a (fiatal) adult.

What is another danger of children’s books on the minds and lives of children?

Another danger of children’s books for the minds and lives of children is that their minds will be developed in a negative way and they lose sight of reality. They consider their self-made imaginary world as a truth. Children may become delusional, because the children’s perception of things, will not correspond with reality.

Children will not be able to discern reality and fiction anymore. This may cause a lot of problems when children get older, especially in relationships with others and their functioning in society.

They shall perceive and interpret things differently, than what happens in reality. They’ll feel things that are not real. They’ll imagine and make things up, which are not true. This is not surprising, because the children’s mind is fed with all these lies. Their perception of reality is affected by this imaginary ‘filter’ of the mind.

Let’s not forget, that there is always something with the main character of books otherwise, books won’t sell.

The main characters feel different, they don’t feel loved and understood or feel rejected, dwell in self-pity, are traumatized, struggle with (terminal) sickness or addictions, have mental health problems, have a special occult gifting, have special powers, are involved in the occult realm or criminal activities, stb..

This way the devil tries to draw children, enter their lives, manipulate their minds, and take control of their lives.

Are children’s comic books innocent or dangerous?

Most children’s comic books are not innocent but dangerous, because they are also influenced by demonic powers. They are full of new age, a szellemek csatornázása, sorcery, Spiritizmus, mágia, Kristályok, supernatural powers (okkult), reinkarnáció, boszorkányság, war, erőszak, stb.

Who is the author?

When you buy a book, have you ever looked at the life of the author? Do you know from what mind the book is coming from? What do you know about their mental state? Have you ever wondered why so many successful authors have mental health issues and suffer from a.o. severe depression, bipolar (manic depressive disorder), suicidal thoughts, DPD, schizophrenic, függőségek, stb?

Sokszor, creativity is connected with demonic powers.

image black white stripes and bible verse john 10-10 the thief comes not but for to steel and to kill and to destroy

When writers open themselves to these demonic spirits, they will become inspirited and write the most awesome novels. But what they don’t know is that they have invited demonic spirits into their lives, who will cause a lot of harm.

Igen, they will inspire the mind of the writer, but the writer has to pay the price.

The devil never gives something freely, he always requires something in return (sacrifices).

You cannot use his powers, without paying the price. And the price often leads to the total destruction of a person and/or his/her family.

Just like the Bible is inspired and written by the Holy Spirit, through the use of people, many books are inspired and written by demonic powers, also through the use of people.

When a book contains magic, sorcery, boszorkányság, erőszak, occult objects, függőségek, betegség, lázadó, perversion, sex, stb. you know, who has inspired the author.

What do you do when your child is psychic?

If your child is exposed to occult children’s books, then the danger is that these occult powers have entered the life of your child. Maybe you notice that your child became psychic and experienced supernatural experiences. Maybe your child talks about the supernatural and spiritual things or spiritual beings or feels and sees things in the unseen world that you don’t see, or maybe your child has a spirit of divination.

When your child is psychic, it means that demonic spirits took your child captive. These evil spirits control the life of your child.

In Today’s society, being psychic seems exciting and interesting, but it is certainly not! That’s what the devil wants you to believe.

These demonic powers have only one mission and that is to destroy the child. Ebből adódóan, it is for the benefit of the child, that the child be set free from these demons.

Wake up, keresztények!

Wake up, keresztények! Don’t expose your children to these occult powers, who will not only enter through books but also other forms of szórakozás, mint television, zene, gaming, küzdősportok, stb.

It’s about time, that the believers in Jesus Christ wake up from their spiritual sleep so that they see the spiritual dangers around them, including the danger of children’s books.

If you want to prevent your children from becoming a victim of the devil, then you need to protect your children against these evil occult powers. Don’t let demonic spirits take your child captive and draw your child into the kingdom of darkness.

How to set children free from demonic spirits?

You set children free from demonic spirits by taking your authority in Christ and casting the demonic spirits out. Pray with your child, megtérni, and ask forgiveness from God for the fact that you have exposed your child, through ignorance, to the kingdom of darkness and connected your child to evil spirits.

Renounce and break every connection with occult spirits and every spirit that doesn’t confess Jesus Christ as his Lord. Command them to go and to leave the body of your child.

Raise and teach your child the way of the Lord

God has appointed parents to not only protect the child but to raise the child in the Truth; Isten Igéje. Szóval azt, the child will get to know the living Jesus Christ and the Father.

Teach your child the fear of the Lord, Who created the heavens and the earth. Share your testimonies and raise your child up in the faith and teach your child good and evil.

Protect your child, instruct your child, and correct your child. Teach your child the way of the Lord, so that your child becomes believer and follower of Jesus Christ instead of a believer and follower of the world.

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