The spa and wellness industry is booming. Massage therapy has become very popular and is part of many people’s lives, including the lives of Christians. Many people spend hundreds of dollars on massage therapy for relaxation and health benefits, basically, the wellness of the body and soul. But is massage therapy a wellness for your body and soul or not? Have you ever wondered why you feel tired after a massage, or get headaches, or experience another negative side effect after a massage? But what happens in the spiritual realm during a massage? What is the spiritual danger of massage therapy that many Christians are not aware of?
What Is Massage Therapy?
The word massage derives from the Greek word ‘massein', which means ‘to knead', and the Arabic word ‘mass', which means ‘to press gently'. Massage therapy is considered a holistic healing method.
In ancient times, massage therapy was a sacred system of ritual practices, which were used for healing. It works and acts on the body by rubbing and by using pressure. These pressure techniques are applied through the hands, fingers, knees, elbows, feet, or other devices.
What Is The Purpose Of Massage Therapy?
Massage therapy originally derives from Eastern beliefs and philosophies. They believe, that any disruption in the body causes pain and illness. These disruptions are blockade(s) of the life energy (prana, chi, qi) in the energy lines or streams of the body (srotas, meridians). Ngakho-ke, the purpose of massage therapy is to dissolve any blockades in the energy stream of a person.
Through means of massage techniques, the blockades will be dissolved, so that the energy can flow through the whole body, including the organs, without any disruption.
Massage therapy stimulates the energy flow, which becomes visible in the natural realm through relaxation and the (temporary) relief of physical and/or mental pain.
There are several reasons, why people visit a massage therapist to get a body massage. A few of these reasons are relaxation, pain relief, relieve of tension or stress, strengthening the immune system, and eliminating diseases, depression, anxiety, panic attacks, njll.
What Are The Types Of Massages?
There are many types of massages, but the most familiar types are classical massage (Swedish massage), sports massage, aromatherapy massage, trigger point massage, deep tissue massage, connective tissue massage, prenatal massage, head massage, anti-stress massage, lomilomi massage, reflexology massage (feet massage), hot stone massage, shiatsu (Japanese massage), Thai massage, Ayurvedic massage, Pijit (Indonesian massage), Urut (Javaanse massage), Kundalini yoga massage, erotic or sensual massage, njll.
What Is The Origin And History Of Massage?
India And Indian Massage Techniques
According to the Sanskrit records, massages have been practiced in India long before the beginning of recorded history. Ayurveda is the traditional Indian medicine system (Hindu healing system) and originates from 5000 BC. Ayurveda means life knowledge.
The main classical Ayurveda text starts with the account of the transmission of medical knowledge from the gods to sages. The sages taught the human physicians (rishi) the knowledge, which they derived from the gods through meditation.
In the Sushruta Samhita, Sushruta wrote that the Hindu god of Ayurveda; Dhanvantari, incarnated himself as king of Varanasi and taught medicine to a group of physicians.
The ancient Ayurveda text also contains surgical techniques, including rhinoplasty, kidney stone attractions, sutures, and the extraction of foreign objects.
The fundamental aspect of Ayurveda is that Ayurvedic physicians regard physical existence, mental existence, and personality as a unit, with each element being able to influence others.
Another part of Ayurvedic treatment is that there are channels, also called srotas, which transport fluids.
Some of these channels are visible and some are invisible. The channels can be opened by using massage treatment, oils, and fomentation (Swedana). They consider unhealthy channels the cause of diseases. Ayurveda focuses on exercise, i-yoga, and meditation.
There are three principal early texts on Ayurveda: the Charaka Samhita, the Sushruta Samhita, and the Bhela Samhita. In the Charaka Saṃhitā Ayurvedic massage therapy (Abhyangam) has been defined. Through studies, experiments, and meditation, massage therapy has been further developed.
Egypt And Egyptian Massage Techniques
In the tomb of Akmanthor (2330 BC) is the oldest documented proof of massage. There are pictures of two men having work done on their hands and feet. It is considered that reflexology originates from Egypt. Reflexology applies pressure on a specific point on the hands and feet, that correspond with parts of the body and organs so that any blockage of the energy field will be dissolved and the life energy (qi) can flow to the parts of the body and the organs again.
The Egyptian physicians derived their medical knowledge through the inspiration of gods. Their medical knowledge spread to other countries through traveling. While they traveled, the Egyptian physicians also retrieved healing techniques from other countries.
China And Chinese Massage Techniques
During 721-481 BC, the Huangdi Neijing (the Inner Canon of the Yellow Emperor) was created. It is a compilation of medical knowledge from the time of the Yellow Emperor (2700 BC) and is the foundation of Traditional Chinese Medicine.
In the Huangdi NeijJing, different massage techniques are specified to treat all kinds of ailments and injuries. Bian Que (700 BC) was the earliest Chinese physician, who used massage therapy in medical practice.
Chinese healing derives from the Chinese belief system; the Chinese philosophy. All the aspects of Chinese Medicine derive from meditation, channeling spirits, and spiritual guides.
Massage was used by people, who practiced Umbukiso wezokulwa, Buddhism, and Taoism, and those, who offered massage for relaxation.
Thailand And Thai Massage
Jīvaka Komarabhācca, who lived 500 BC, was a Thai physician and was, according to the Pāli Buddhist Canon, Buddha’s physician. He was the founder of Traditional Thai massage and Thai medicine. He classified a healing system that combines acupressure, reflexology, futhi yoga postures. Thai massage is based on the Indian and Chinese traditions of medicine.
Japan And Japanese Massage Techniques
Japanese monks, who went to China took over Chinese traditional medicine and began to apply Chinese massage techniques. Traditional Japanese massage (Anma) became Shiatsu and derives from Chinese traditional medicine. The purpose is to rebalance or raise the energy level in a person. This will strengthen the organs and will stimulate resistance against illnesses.
Ancient Greece And Massage Techniques
Many Greek philosophers and physicians traveled to Asia and derived knowledge from Amafilosofi aseMpumalanga, medical knowledge, and practices, including massage techniques. They used massage techniques for athletes to maintain their physical bodies in great condition. The Greek physicians used massage techniques with oils and herbs to treat medical conditions.
Hippocrates is considered the father of medical science and he adopted and applied these massage techniques. He considered ‘rubbing’ the most important practice of a physician. Hippocrates promoted a combination of massage, diet, exercise, rest, fresh air, and music to restore the body.
Ancient Rome And Massage Techniques
During 200-100 BC, i physician Galen introduced massage therapy in Rome. He used massage techniques to heal injuries and diseases. The physician Galen was also known for introducing natural magnets to treat diseases.
The people in Rome were treated in public baths, where trainers and physicians massaged them.
First, they took a bath and then a massage, to stimulate circulation and to loosen joints. They also used oils, which benefitted the skin.
Ku 1150 AD in Cambodia, there was even evidence of abortions, by using massage techniques; application of pressure to the abdomen, in one of the Bas-reliefs, pictured in the temple of Angkor Wat. It depicts a demon performing an abortion upon a woman, who was sent to the underworld.
During the 17th-19th century AD, European physicians and scientists observed and documented the benefit of massage therapy. Pierre-Martial Cidot, was one of the missionaries, who went to China. He studied their history and observed their medical system. He wrote many books, including the book ‘Notice du Cong-fou des Bozes Tao-see’, which means ‘Cong-fu (kung-fu: which means a work or achievement of man) of Tao Tse (way, path or doctrine of power or virtue)'. This book was a summary of the medical techniques used by Taoist priests.
His book was originally intended to present a system of medical gymnastics to physicians in Europe. This book had a great influence on the development of modern medical science. It was believed, that they used it for the development of Gymnastics, classical massage therapy, futhi physiotherapy.
The United States
During the 20th century, massage therapy was introduced in the US to treat WWI victims. Ngaphandle kwalokho, massage therapy was a luxury treatment only for wealthy people, since it was very expensive. Nowadays, massage therapy is recognized and considered as part of alternative medicine.
There are many more things to write about the history and development of massage therapy. Maybe there are a few important developments missing, but for now, I will leave it here. With all the information given, we can conclude that the roots of massage therapy originate from the eastern and Egyptian cultures and their belief systems and philosophies (Funda futhi: Ungakwazi yini ukuhlukanisa okungokomoya namafilosofi nemikhuba yaseMpumalanga?).
How Was Massage Therapy Introduced To The Western World?
Massage therapy was introduced to the Western world by philosophers, physicians, and missionaries, who traveled to the East and studied and adopted Eastern massage techniques and when they returned, they applied the massage techniques in their offices. Ngokwesibonelo, the Greek philosophers and physicians, who traveled to Asia and adopted the Eastern massage techniques and applied them in Greece to treat athletes and patients.
Another example is the missionaries, especially the missionary Pierre-Martial Cidot, who traveled to China. But instead of bringing the gospel of Jesus Christ, he became interested in Taoism.
Pierre-Martial Cidot studied and adopted the Chinese belief system and philosophy. He wrote the book ‘Notice du Cong-fou des Bonzes Tao-see'; ‘Cong-Fou of the Tao-Tse'.
This book was a summary of medical techniques used by Taoist priests, which Pierre-Martial Cidot introduced to the Western world.
What Is The Spiritual Danger Of Massage?
Massage therapy has its origin in Eastern religions and philosophies. While meditating, the sages, priests, monks, and other religious men, received massage techniques through inspiration of spirits (spirit guides, gods, channeling spirits, amademoni). The sages taught the physicians, who applied the massage techniques to treat people.
These massage techniques have their origin in the demonic and occult spiritual realm (ubumnyama) instead of the Kingdom of God.
Massages have nothing to do with God, uJesu, and the Holy Spirit. But it has everything to do with pagan religions, amafilosofi, amasiko, and occult life energy; prana, tao, chi, njll.
What’s the danger of massage therapy? The danger of massage therapy is, that if you get involved in massage therapy, you’ll be influenced by demonic powers.
It doesn’t matter what your reason or (medical) intention is to get a massage.
The spiritual truth of the danger of massage is, that as soon as you submit yourself to the massage therapist, who applies techniques that originate from the kingdom of darkness, you get involved in the occult.
The massage therapist may be an atheist or a Christian and might not believe in Taoism, Hinduism, njll. But that doesn’t make any difference in the spiritual realm.
You Can’t Separate The Spiritual From The Natural Practice Of Massage
It doesn’t matter what you say or what you believe. The truth is, that by applying these techniques, which are inspired by demonic forces and have its roots in the occult realm, you show that you have faith in these massage methods and are obedient to the voice of these demonic spirits, who have given these instructions through revelation to sages to obtain relaxation, healing and maintain health.
Another spiritual danger of massage therapy is, that through the laying on of hands and by rubbing and applying these massage techniques, a spiritual transfer of demonic spirits from the massage therapist to the patient takes place.
Do Christian Massage Therapists Exist?
Do Christian massage therapists exist? Cha! Although there are many, who call themselves Christian massage therapists, there is no such thing as Christian massage therapy. Therefore there is no such thing as a Christian massage therapist. Do you think God wants you to touch, massage and rub naked bodies?
Massage therapy is part of the healing system of the world and is not part of God’s way of healing. Someone may call himself or herself a Christian and practice massage therapy and call himself or herself a Christian massage therapist, but the reality is, that a Christian massage therapist uses the same occult massage methods and techniques as any other massage therapist.
The massage techniques, which a Christian massage therapist uses, don’t originate from the Bible and the Kingdom of God. But from ancient Eastern religions and philosophies and the kingdom of darkness (Umhlaba).
These massage techniques have been birthed by revelation and channeling with evil spirits and not by a revelation of the Holy Spirit.
IBhayibheli lithi, Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness? And what concord hath Christ with Belial? or what part hath he that believes with an infidel? And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? for you are the temple of the living God; as God has said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; njalo ngizakuba nguNkulunkulu wabo, bayakuba ngabantu bami. Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, isho iNkosi, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you, And will be a Father unto you, and you shall be My sons and daughters, says the Lord Almighty (2 AbaseKorinte 6:14-18)
Christians Shouldn’t Christianize The Things Of This World
You shouldn’t copy the techniques, izindlela, and strategies of the world; ubumnyama, and apply them to your lives and Christianize bona. But you should believe the Bible; the Word of God and apply the words of God to your life. You should remove all things, which are not according to the Bible and the will of God.
Everything you need in this life is written in the Bible; the Word of God. The only thing you have to do is: take the Word, yield to the Word, do the Word, and walk in the Word. (Funda futhi: Can you separate the spiritual from Eastern philosophies and Eastern practices?).
Abiding in the Word
God wants to be your Father. He wants you to abide in His Word instead of abiding in the words and wisdom of this world, which derive from the inspiration of the devil and demonic powers. That’s why God commanded His sons and daughters to separate themselves from the world and the works of darkness instead of getting involved in the evil works of darkness.
ETestamenteni Elidala, we read about the carnal people of God; Israyeli. We read what happened to them, every time they departed from the words of God and entered the way of the Gentiles and served their gods and listened to the doctrines of evil spirits.
Whenever they departed, they got themselves into trouble, experienced hardships and captivity. That’s why God repeatedly told them that they shouldn’t serve any other god beside the Lord their God the Creator of the heavens and the earth and all there is within, and to separate themselves from the works of the Gentiles and their religions and pagan customs.
What Happens In The Spiritual Realm When You Visit A Massage Therapist?
When you visit a massage therapist, you will feel different after the massage. This can be positive or negative. You may feel relaxed and experience some kind of pain relief, but you can also feel sleepy after a massage or tired, nauseous, dizzy, or sick. You may experience headaches, a strange heavy feeling, tiredness, or… These feelings are not caused by someone’s hands massaging your body, but by a transfer of demonic forces You have become influenced by these evil forces of darkness. That’s why you feel different.
These unclean spirits have entered your life in the indawo yomoya and they will manifest themselves in your life and the result will become visible in the natural realm.
Because everything that happens in the spiritual realm eventually becomes visible in the natural realm.
These unclean spirits from the kingdom of darkness have only one mission and that’s to steal, kill and destroy.
The first thing they will do is to make you lukewarm and passive for the things of the Kingdom of God and keep you away from the Word, umthandazo, fasting, njll.
Then they will continue their destructive works by causing anxiety, ukwesaba, panic attacks, depression, ukugula, (deadly) disease, hearing voices in your head, or other mental problems and disorders, addictions, marriage problems, unclean sexual thoughts and feelings, uncontrollable anger, njll.
All these things are the works of darkness; the works of demons, manifesting themselves in the natural realm in your your life; umphefumulo nomzimba.
The Occult Realm Dominates
We live in an age, in which the ukusebenzelana nemimoya dominates. Satanic forces become more and more visible in the natural realm. That’s because the Western world has left God and His Word and embraced the Eastern religions and philosophies. Many things, activities, amasu, izindlela, and strategies in everyday life are inspired by these Eastern religions and philosophies and has its origin in the occult.
Yebo, even churches have adopted doctrines, activities and methods from Eastern religions and philosophies and applied them to the church. (Funda futhi: Isonto lemimoya).
Ngenxa yalokho, many Christians have become passive and lukewarm toward Jesus Christ and His Kingdom. They don’t focus on Jesus and His Kingdom, but they focus on themselves.
They are not happy and don’t experience peace in their lives. But they worry and are anxious, stressed, depressed, and experience mental disorders, physical problems, and chaos in their lives. They don’t know, where it comes from, but they do experience it in their lives, njengomhlaba nje.
The Devil Creates Chaos
This chaos derives from the devil and the darkness. Because that’s the work of the devil; creating chaos. Look what happened, when God cast the devil and his angels on the earth. They made one big chaos of the earth. Because when the Spirit of God hovered over the earth, the earth was waste and void and darkness was upon the face of the deep.
The devil steals, kills, and destroys, and that’s exactly what we see happening around us (UJohane 10:10).
We see an increase in natural disasters, rebellion, udlame, crimes, killings, wars, and chaos in the world, people’s lives and families.
The world tells you to accept and embrace other religions and philosophies and to respect each other’s view on life. But we are dealing with eternity and the Bible is clear..
A whole lot of people even Christians think they’ve found the way and are saved, by walking in love, doing charity work, compromising, and accepting all kinds of unclean things and sinful behavior of people. Kodwa iqiniso liwukuthi, that many of them are not saved at all, but are on their way to isihogo.
Many Christians are seduced and trapped in the lies of the devil. (Reas also: Umlayezo ongafunwa muntu).
The Devil Deceives And Destroys Lives
The devil lies, deceives and destroys people’s lives. He knows that his final destination is the eternal lake of fire and he wants to take as many people with him as possible. His ultimate goal for humanity is not eternal life, but eternal death.
He deceives people, by using a partial truth of God and mixing it with his lies. The sons and daughters of the devil are carnal and believe his lies.
But the sons and daughters of God, who are born again in Christ and hear His voice, will never believe the lies of the devil. They won’t listen to his lies, act upon his lies and be deceived. Cha, they are spiritual and discern the lies of the devil from the truth of God and expose his lies and destroy his works.
The Way Of Salvation And Eternal Life
There is only one Way and one Truth and that’s Jesus Christ! There is no other way to God, than through Jesus Christ. Jesus is the only One, Who can save a person from eternal death and provide peace, joy, rest, ukuphulukisa, and eternal life. Jesus paid the price at isiphambano for every sinner.
Abantu, who are not azalwe kabusha, can say and promise all kinds of things, but their religion and philosophies are not inspired by the Holy Spirit, but by demonic spirits. That’s quite a difference!
Therefore their doctrines and philosophies are based upon lies and not the truth.
Should Christians Get Massages?
Should Christians get massages? I think you know the answer after reading this blog bost.
If you are a Christian and have been involved in massage therapy and you experience that you have become lukewarm for the things of God and indifferent towards sin, and/or experience anxiety, panic attacks, depression, fears, voices in your head telling you what to do, other mental disorders, uncontrollable anger, insomnia, ukugula, disease, njll. you could be influenced by the spirits of darkness.
If you want to be set free, then all you have to do is phenduka and turn to Jesus Christ and command these evil spirits to leave your life in the Name of Jesus.
Jesus is faithful and He forgives you and deliver you from all oppressions of the devil. But you must repent out of a sorrowful and repenting heart, that longs for Jesus and want to remove the works of darkness from your life.
Therefore repent, for the Kingdom of God is at hand.
‘Yibani usawoti womhlaba’
Umthombo: I-Wikipedia