Were David and Jonathan gay?

David and Jonathan were friends; they were soul mates. Jonathan loved David as himself and David’s love for Jonathan was wonderful and passing the love of women. But does this mean, that David and Jonathan were gay and had homosexual feelings for each other? What does the Bible say about the relationship between David and Jonathan, were David and Jonathan lovers?


Before we discuss this matter, let’s look at homosexuality. Homosexuality (and homosexual feelings) is caused by a spirit of sexual lust and perversity. When a spirit of lust and perversity is active in the spiritual realm it becomes visible in the natural realm in the lives of people. One of the carnal results of a spirit of lust and perversity is homosexuality. Remember, that everything that happens in the spiritual realm becomes visible in the natural realm. When homosexual feelings and lust control a person, you know that an unclean spirit of lust and perversity is active in the spiritual realm.

Mit mond a Biblia a homoszexualitásról?
When a person gives in to these lusts and homosexual feelings, this spirit of sexual lust and perversity shall control the person’s life and shall reign in the spiritual realm. This spirit shall not only control the person but shall affect and try to enter other lives as well.

The more people give into homosexual feelings, the more power will be given to this unclean evil spirit, and the more people become affected and controlled by this spirit.

It’s no wonder that we see an increase in homosexuality worldwide. More and more people come out for their homosexuality, bisexuality, or transgender.

This spirit of lust and perversity controls many lives, including their minds. Amiatt, many relationships in the Bible are interpreted sexually and perversely, including the relationship between David and Jonathan. But only a perverse mind will change Godly relationships in the Bible into perverse sexual relationships.

A spirit of lust becomes visible in the natural realm
through speech and actions

As discussed in a previous blog post, Mit mond a Biblia a homoszexualitásról?”, when a spirit of sexual lust and perversity controls the mind of a person it becomes visible in the natural realm through a person’s life; through his speech and works.

Look at the way many gay people communicate. Sokszor, their speech contains sexual remarks, sexual jokes, or words with a hidden sexual meaning. Look at the gay pride, gay magazines, gay musicals, gay movies, television programs or movies that involve homosexuality, the music industry, the fashion industry, stb. It is all erotic and revolves around sex.

A spirit of sexual lust and perversity controls their lives and that’s why sex controls their mind and their lives. Everything revolves around sex. De most, let’s have a look at David and Jonathan’s friendship and whether David and Jonathan were gay.

The soul of Jonathan was knit with David’s soul

And it came to pass, when he had made an end of speaking unto Saul, that the soul of Jonathan was knit with the soul of David, and Jonathan loved him as his own soul (1 Samuel 18:1)

Jonathan feared the Lord. During a battle with the Philistines, Jonathan trusted in the Lord and believed that God would deliver the Philistines into his hands. Therefore Jonathan left his father and his army, és he went with his armor-bearer to the camp of the Philistines. Jonathan and his armor-bearer went in faith and God indeed delivered the Philistines into his hands.

David also feared the Lord and walked in His will. When Jonathan saw David, Jonathan’s soul was knit with the soul of David. Jonathan loved David as his own soul. He had found a soul mate.

We read that Jonathan’s soul was knit with the soul of David and not his body. Jonathan’s love for David was a friendly brotherly and holy love.

The covenant between David and Jonathan

When Jonathan went with David into the field, Jonathan made a covenant with David and he involved God. Jonathan made a covenant with the house of David, because Jonathan loved David as his own soul; as himself.

Jonathan gave David his robe and his garments (his armor (1 Samuel 18:3-4). This was a confirmation and a prophetic symbol that the kingship of Saul would not pass on to his son Jonathan, but to David. This has nothing to do with sex, but it has everything to do with brotherly unselfish love.

But if you are controlled by a perverse spirit of sexual lust, akkor ezt valóban perverz tisztátalanul értelmezheti.

Amikor Jonatán és Dávid elköszöntek, sírtak és csókolták egymást (1 Samuel 20:41). Csókjuk normális testvéri csók volt, és nem erotikus csók. Nagyon normális volt, amikor két férfi megcsókolta egymást.

Nézd Izsákot, Lábán és Ézsau, aki megcsókolta Jacobot. Áron, aki megcsókolta Mózest. Nézd Samuelt, aki megcsókolta Sault. Absalom, aki mindenkit megcsókolt, aki odajött hozzá (2 Samuel 15:5). David megcsókolta Barzillait (2 Samuel 19:39). Jude megcsókolta Jézust. A vének Paul nyakába borultak és megcsókolták (csel 20:37).

Jonatán úgy szerette Dávidot, mint önmagát

Szeresd felebarátodat, mint önmagadat (Mark 12:31)

Jonatán testvérként szerette Dávidot, mint a saját húsa és vére. Úgy szerette Dávidot, mint önmagát. Nem Jézus is adott nekünk a parancsolat, hogy szeressük felebarátunkat, mint önmagunkat?

Does this mean, hogy szexuális kapcsolatot kell ápolnunk szomszédainkkal? On the contrary!

You can meet someone of the same gender, with whom you have a spiritual connection. Someone whom you consider your soul mate. You love that person as your own brother or sister and you will share a lot of things. Sometimes even more than with your own spouse. But does that mean that you have a sexual relationship with that person? Nem, you are just each other’s soul mate and love each other as a brother or sister. It has nothing to do with homosexual feelings or sex.

David’s love for Jonathan was wonderful,
passing the love of women

When David lamented, with his lamentation over Saul and Jonathan, who were both killed during a battle, he said:” I am distressed for thee, my brother Jonathan: very pleasant hast thou been unto me: thy love to me was wonderful, passing the love of women”.

So, this should be the proof, according to homosexuals, that David was gay and Jonathan was gay and that David had a homosexual relationship with Jonathan. But that’s a big lie! Because if that was true, then David would also have a homosexual relationship with Saul. Since it is also written: Saul and Jonathan were lovely and pleasant in their lives,

David’s love for Jonathan was a godly unselfish brotherly love, that was above the love he had for women. There was nothing unclean about this brotherly love. Only a sexual perverse and reprobate mind can turn this into something perverse, szexuális, and unclean.

If David would have been gay, shouldn’t David had the same love for Jonathan as David had for women? But that wasn’t the case. David’s brotherly love for Jonathan went above the (szexuális) szerelem a nők iránt. Ez egy másik fajta szerelem volt, ami nem testi szexuális vágyakon alapult, (homoszexuális) érzéseket, és vágyak. Ez a lélek önzetlen testvéri szeretete volt

Were David and Jonathan gay?

Vajon Jonathannak lesz fia, ha meleg lenne??

Jonathannak fia volt, aki lebénult; Mefibóset. Ebből arra következtethetünk, hogy Jonatánnak felesége is volt, akivel meghitt volt.

Dávidnak sok nője volt

Dávidnak sok nője volt, mint pl. Abigail, Ahinoam, Macah, Haggith, Abital, Eglah (2 Samuel 3:2-5), Michal (2 Samuel 3:13-14), és Batsabé (2 Samuel 5:13).

Ha David meleg lenne, gondolja, hogy bármit is tett volna, hogy megszerezze a feleségét, Michalt?, Saul lánya, vissza? Vajon David feleségül vette volna Michalt, Jonathan nővére, és légy intim vele, ha David szexuális kapcsolatot létesített volna Jonathannal?

Vajon Dávid vágyat érezne Betsabé iránt?,
ha David meleg lenne?

Ha David valóban meleg volt, would he have had sexual feelings of lust for Bathsheba? Since he was physically attracted to her because he laid with her? When someone is gay, then the person has no sexual feelings of lust for someone of the opposite gender, but only for his own gender.

Therefore if David was a homosexual, David wouldn’t lust after Bathsheba. He only would have looked from his roof, but wouldn’t have done anything. Will the next statement and lie be, that David was a bi-sexual?

Ha David meleg lenne, wouldn’t God have punished David?

God punished David because David had despised the word of the Lord and did evil in His eyes. David had killed Uriah, by the sword of the Ammonites, and had taken Uriah’s wife and made her his own. This behavior was an abomination to God and that’s why God sent the prophet Nathan to David. Nathan confronted David with the terrible thing he had done.

When David megbánta, his sin was forgiven and David was not put to death. azonban, because of what David had done and because David had despised the Lord, David’s son would die and the sword would never depart from David’s house. The Lord would raise up evil against David in his own house and God would take David’s wives before his eyes and give them to his neighbor. And that’s exactly what happened.

If God punished David for this deed, wouldn’t God have punished David if David had a homosexual relationship with Jonathan? Wouldn’t God have sentenced David to death according to the law? Since God is very clear in His Word and does according to what He has commanded. It is written:

Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination (Mózes 18:22)

I will put My law in their inward partsDefile not ye yourselves in any of these things: for in all these the nations are defiled which I cast out before you: And the land is defiled: therefore I do visit the iniquity thereof upon it, and the land itself vomiteth out her inhabitants. Ye shall therefore keep my statutes and my judgments, and shall not commit any of these abominations; neither any of your own nation, nor any stranger that sojourneth among you: (For all these abominations have the men of the land done, which were before you, and the land is defiled;) That the land spue not you out also, when ye defile it, as it spued out the nations that were before you.

For whosoever shall commit any of these abominations, even the souls that commit them shall be cut off from among their people. Therefore shall ye keep mine ordinance, that ye commit not any one of these abominable customs, which were committed before you, and that ye defile not yourselves therein: Én vagyok az Úr, a ti Istenetek (Mózes 18:24-30)

If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them (Mózes 20:13)

There shall be no whore of the daughters of Israel, nor a sodomite of the sons of Israel (Deuteronomium 23:17)

Do God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit approve of homosexuality?

Homosexuality was and still is an abomination to God. If it is an abomination to God, it is also an abomination to Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. Because Jesus is the Word, who became flesh. Jesus Christ came to do the will of God and gave His life for His will.

I can of Mine own self do nothing: as I hear, I judge: and My judgment is just; because I seek not Mine own will, but the will of the Father which hath sent Me (János 5:30)

For I came down from heaven, not to do Mine own will, but the will of Him that sent Me (János 6:38)

I speak that which I have seen with My Father (János 8:38)

The acceptance of homosexuality in church originates from a reprobate mind

The fact, that we live in a New Covenant, doesn’t mean that Isten akarata has changed. God’s Word stands forever and will never change (Olvassa el is: Isten Igéje örökre megállapodott).

After the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit testified, through the apostles, that homosexuality and being gay is a sin. The acceptance of homosexuality derives from a reprobate mind, as we read in the first chapter of the Book of Romans. Since they had rejected God and His Word and didn’t believe and accept His truth, God had given them up to vile affections. And this is still happening today.

reprobate mind delights in sinFor this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, és megkapják magukban tévedésük megtérítését. És még akkor sem, ha Istent nem szerették megtartani tudásukban, Isten átadta őket egy elvetemült elmének, megtenni azokat a dolgokat, amelyek nem kényelmesek (rómaiak 1:26-28)

Az Ige azt mondja, hogy a homoszexuálisok nem öröklik Isten Királyságát

Ne tudjátok, hogy az igazságtalanok nem öröklik Isten országát? Ne tévesszen meg: sem paráznák, sem bálványimádók, sem házasságtörőket, sem nőies, sem önmagukat bántalmazók az emberiséggel, És tolvajok sem, sem mohó, sem részegek, sem szidalmazókat, sem zsarolók, örökli Isten országát. És néhányan ilyenek voltatok: de meg vagytok mosva, de ti megszenteltek, de megigazultatok az Úr Jézus nevében, és a mi Istenünk Lelke által (1 korinthusiak 6:9-11)

Isten Igéje az igazság marad

Az emberek változhatnak, kiforgatják és értelmezik az Igét testi elméjükből, saját tudásukból, megállapításait, vélemények, érzéseket, érzelmek, és tapasztalat(s), amelyeket gyakran a sötétség gonosz szellemei inspirálnak, és helyeslik a homoszexualitást. azonban, mit sem változtat az igazságon. Mert az igazság az, hogy Istenért, Jézus, és a Szentlélek, a homoszexualitás utálatos, és mindig is utálatos marad. Ezen semmi és senki nem tud változtatni.

Mindig bűnös maradszIsten, Jézus Krisztus; a szó, és a Szentlélek soha nem fogja helyeselni a homoszexualitást, mert nem tudnak közösséget vállalni a sötétség cselekedeteivel; bűn.

Jézus Krisztus megbirkózott a bűn problémájával, hogy mindenki, aki hisz Őbenne, és válik újra születni és követi Őt, ki kell váltani a bűn természet (Ádámi természet) és kell uralkodjon a testén és a bűn fölött.

If Jesus had to come to earth to destroy the works of the devil, then why should Jesus now approve the works of the devil?

Homosexuality is and remains a sin. A born-again believer shall discern the spirits, and shall not be entangled with the spirits of darkness. Helyette, a born-again believer shall rule and have dominion over the powers and spirits of darkness, including a spirit of lust and perversity.

Isn’t it weird, that all the scriptures in the Bible about homosexuality are being rejected and that Godly and holy relationships in the Bible are being perverted into sexual relationships? Why is that?

Because they are blinded for the truth and they are not willing to accept the truth. Because the truth confronts them with their behavior; their sin and that’s not what they want. They don’t want to die to their flesh, but they want to keep walking after the flesh and feed their lusts and desires. That’s why they change and adjust the Word of God to their (homoszexuális) érzéseket, vágyak, és vágyak.

But the Word will always remain the truth and shall eventually judge every person according to his or her works (János 12:48, 1 Péter 4:5, Kinyilatkoztatás 20:12, 15). The Word is very clear and there is not an excuse, for no one!

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