Dans Matthieu 24:37, Jésus a dit, that as the days of Noah were, ainsi sera aussi l’avènement du Fils de l’homme. Qu’est-ce que Jésus voulait dire par là? Why shall the coming of the Son of man be as in the days of Noah?
Que dit la Bible sur l’époque de Noé?
But as the days of Noah were, ainsi sera aussi l’avènement du Fils de l’homme. Car, comme aux jours qui précédèrent le déluge, ils mangeaient et buvaient, Se marier et donner en mariage, jusqu’au jour où Noé entra dans l’arche, Et il ne le sut pas jusqu’à ce que le déluge arrive., et les a tous emportés; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. Then shall two be in the field; the one shall be taken, and the other left. Two women shall be grinding at the mill; the one shall be taken, and the other left (Matthieu 24:37-41)
Jésus a dit, that the coming of the Son of man shall be as the days of Noah. Before the flood came over the earth, all the people on the earth were eating, buvant, Épouser, and giving in marriage.
While the people were busy with their daily activities, Noah and his family prepared themselves for the flood and went into the ark.
No one noticed, that Noah and his family entered the ark. They were all too busy with their own lives. They were too busy with themselves. No, no one noticed anything, until they were overwhelmed and taken by the flood (Lire aussi: Trop occupé à être occupé).
No one was saved, sauf Noé, sa femme, ses fils, the wives of his sons, and the animals, who went into the ark.
Noah was a righteous man and lived in communion with God. Despite the fact that the people were corrupt and did things, which were evil in the eyes of the Lord and were against His will, Noah walked in obedience to God after His will.
Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord. Noah listened to the words of God. He listened to the words of God and obeyed the words of God and walked according to His will.
Why did the flood come over the earth in the days of Noah?
Why did the flood come over the earth in the days of Noah? The flood came over the earth, because God saw that the wickedness of man was great upon the earth. God saw that every imagination of the thoughts of the people’s hearts was only evil (Genèse 6:5)
The earth was corrupt before God, et la terre fut remplie de violence, car toute chair avait corrompu sa voie sur la terre. Doesn’t this remind you of Isaïe 24; about the coming Day of the Lord and God’s judgment on the earth? (Lire aussi: 7 caractéristiques des jours de Noé).
The coming of the Son of man
As mentioned, in previous posts, we live in the last days of the end times. We live in an age where sin and iniquity abound and cover the earth and rise to heaven. People are prideful and rebellious and live according to their own will, doing what they want to do. They rather fulfill the lusts and desires of their flesh, instead of submitting to the Spirit and listening, reading, and studying the Word of God and living according to the Word of God, and fulfilling the plan of God for their lives.
God still speaks, but the people are not willing to listen to God.
The people are not willing to give up their own lives and because of that, they won’t listen to what the Word has to say (Lire aussi: ‘When people don’t listen to the voice of God').
The coming of the Son of man shall be like as the days of Noah, when the wickedness of man shall be great upon the earth.
Jésus a dit, that two shall be in the field; the one shall be taken, and the other left. Two women shall be grinding at the mill; the one shall be taken, and the other left.
What distinguishes one from the other? Why shall one be taken and the other not? They that believe in Jesus Christ, are born again of water and Spirit, and love Him, shall be taken.
Do you love Jesus?
What does Jesus say about loving Him? When do you love Jesus?
Celui qui a mes commandements, et les garde, c’est lui qui M’aime: et celui qui m’aime sera aimé de mon Père, et je l'aimerai, et je me manifesterai à lui. Judas saith unto Him, not Iscariot, Seigneur, how is it that Thou wilt manifest Thyself unto us, and not unto the world? Jésus répondit et lui dit, Si un homme m'aime, il gardera mes paroles: et mon Père l'aimera, et nous viendrons à lui, et faisons notre demeure avec lui. He that loves me not keeps not My sayings: et la parole que vous entendez n'est pas la mienne, mais celui du Père qui m'a envoyé (John 14:21-24)
Whosoever loves Jesus, will show Him by keeping His commandments and walking in His commandments. If you love Him et marche selon sa volonté, then He will know you and you will be taken on that great Day of the coming of the Son of man.
The world will be busy, doing its daily activities, but if you believe in Jesus Christ and love Him and walk in His commandments, you shall be taken into His glory and have eternal life.
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