Deceived by my feelings

Many people are being deceived by their feelings. Hovorí sa, že, that feelings are deceptive. But although people are aware that feelings are deceptive, there are many people, who are still led by their feelings. They trust and rely on their feelings. They believe what they feel. And they let their feelings affect their decisions. Their feelings determine their words and actions. They know that feelings are deceptive, but knowing and doing are two different things. If Christians would know where feelings come from. And if they believed that feelings are deceptive and acted upon what they believe, the lives of many Christians would be so much different. What does the Bible say about feelings and not trusting your feelings? How can feelings deceive you?

The old man relies on his feelings

Feelings derive from the minds of people. The mind is directed (okrem iného) by the senses and thoughts, which are often not based on reality. Someone can create thoughts or imaginations by himself or through the words of others, and their experiences. The devil can also cast thoughts in someone’s mind that can evoke feelings.

Since the starý muž walks after the flesh, the feelings rule in the life of the old man. Look at the many examples in the Old Testament. The people were led by their feelings. Their feelings influenced and determined their decisions. And in the end, they were being deceived by their feelings.

Vezmime si napríklad Kain, Esau, Samson, David, Solomon and Amnon. They followed their feelings above the words of God. Instead of being prosperous and yielding a profit, it yielded the opposite. Although God had warned them, they didn’t resist their feelings. Like, napríklad, Joseph did, when he resisted the temptation of Potifar’s wife. Potiphar’s tried to seduce Joseph and lead him into sin. But Joseph stayed faithful to the words of God and didn’t give in to the temptation. (Prečítajte si tiež: Bol Dávid mužom podľa Božieho srdca?).

The new man relies on the words of God

Although feelings are leading in the life of the old man, feelings should not be leading in the life of a born-again Christian, who has become a nové stvorenie; a new man. Since the new man, has laid down his sinful flesh (evil nature). And his spirit, who is raised from the dead, reigns over the soul and body.

The new creation isn’t led by the flesh. But the new creation is led by the Word and the Holy Spirit. Not just in church, on Sundays. Not just a few hours a week or a day. ale 24 hodín denne, seven days a week.

It is not a matter of ‘have tobut ‘want to’. Because the new man, who is created after the image of God, has a new nature (Božia prirodzenosť). The new man doesn’t want to live like the old man. Because the old man is led by his sinful nature and the kingdom of darkness.

Because the Holy Spirit dwells in the person, the person is drawn to sanctification. The person shall put off the works of his or her old life.

People are the crown of God’s creation

The devil has one purpose and that is to destroy. Nothing that the devil promises is based upon truth but on lies. The devil misleads and tempts through lies. As soon as he enters a person’s life, he destroys the life of the person from within. That is the devil’s strategy, which he used from the beginning of creation and still uses, to take the crown of God’s creation, ľudí, possess them, and destroy them.

The territory of the devil is the flesh; the soul and the body. As long as a person remains the old man, the person is controlled by the soul and body, which possess the sinful nature in which the devil is active.

The devil possesses those, who belong to the generation of fallen man. They belong to him and together with his minions (démonov) he controls their lives.

What is the work of demonic powers?

Demons need bodies to manifest themselves and cause destruction. They enter the lives of people through diverse channels. As soon as they enter, they carry out their mission, which leads to the destruction of people. They control the lives of many people, via the mind and feelings, that become visible through the words and the actions and works of people.

They speak through the minds of people, by casting thoughts into their minds.

strongholds in the mind

He cast thoughts, that go against God’s Word and create all kinds of (unnatural) pocity, that deviate from the truth of God and are based upon lies.

They determine the actions of the person. And the person is under the assumption that those feelings belong to his/her nature and derive from God. But that’s a lie!

Feelings that contradict the Word of God and lead to hriech, never derive from God. Despite what people, including religious leaders, povedať.

Let no man say when he is tempted, I am tempted of God: for God cannot be tempted with evil, neither tempteth he any man: But every man is tempted, when he is drawn away of his own lust, and enticed. Then when lust hath conceived, it bringeth forth sin: a hriech, when it is finished, bringeth forth death (James 1:13-15)

Many feelings like angriness, sklamanie, žiarlivosť, smútok, sebaľútosť, strach, odmietnutie, depresie, (sexuálne) žiadostivosť, perversity, a tak ďalej, derive from the kingdom of darkness. It’s up to the people, what they do with those feelings.

It’s not about, what causes those feelings, and how do feelings come. But it’s all about resisting those feelings and taking authority over those feelings, through the Word and the power of the Holy Spirit (James 4:7)

Why Christians don’t recognize demonic powers?

There are not many Christians, who are spiritual and discern the spirits, and recognize the power of the devil.

If Christians were spiritual, they would have recognized the devil and his works long ago. And the lives of Christians and the state of the church and the state of many countries would be different than they are Today.

Most Christians are unspiritual and world-like. They may speak about demonic powers and activity, through the knowledge, they gained through Christian books, Kurzy, seminars, and conferences, but they don’t experience and see nothing spiritually. (Prečítajte si tiež: Boj proti neviditeľnému nepriateľovi).

Through the unspiritual state of the church and the lack of knowledge and ignorance, the devil continues his destructive works, without the interference of Christians,. The devil takes more and more ground into his possession.

He takes the ground, that people allow him to have. The greater the apostasy of God, Jeho Slovo, a Ducha Svätého, the more ground he gets. (Prečítajte si tiež: Tma zhasína svetlo).

We see an increase in demonic activities by (mental and bodily) Choroby, choroba, epidemics, depresie, samovražda, zločinu, násilie, vražda, sexual uncleanness and perversity, smilstvo, cudzoložstvo, divorces, children rebelling against parents and authorities, atď.

The devil makes people doubt their nature

The devil causes many Christians to doubt their nature. He cast many thoughts in their minds, that cause feelings, that try to persuade them to believe, that they are not as they should be. Demonic powers enter the lives of people and cast thoughts into their minds that influence their feelings and cause them to doubt (napríklad) their sexual nature.

They continue to persuade them with his lie. Until they believe in the lie of the devil, that they are the way they feel and that they are born that way.

But as soon as a thought enters the mind that causes feelings that go against the Word of God, the spiritual alarm bells should ring.

What does God say about homosexuality?

What does God say about homosexuality? The Bible says that God created man and woman and they will become one flesh. This is the will of God. Bože, Who is the Creator of heaven and earth and all there is within, made this institution.

Everything that deviates from this institution by God, like man with man and woman with woman or a man in women’s clothing and woman in man’s clothing, is an abomination to God, as is written in the Bible, and is contrary to His will. (Levitikus 18:22-30, Deuteronómiu 22:5; 23:17, 1 Kings 14:24, 2 Kings 23:7).

Nebudeš klamať s ľudstvom, ako so ženou: je to ohavnosť. Neither shalt thou lie with any beast to defile thyself therewith: neither shall any woman stand before a beast to lie down thereto: it is confusion. V žiadnej z týchto vecí sa nepoškvrňujte: lebo v tom všetkom sú poškvrnené národy, ktoré ja vyháňam spred teba. A zem je poškvrnená: preto navštevujem jeho neprávosť na ňom, a sama zem vyvracia svojich obyvateľov.

“Ak aj človek klame s ľudstvom, ako leží so ženou, obaja spáchali ohavnosť”

Budete teda ostríhať moje ustanovenia a moje súdy, a nedopustí sa žiadnej z týchto ohavností; ani nikto z vášho vlastného národa, ani cudzinca, ktorý sa zdržiava medzi vami: (Pre všetky tieto ohavnosti sa dopustili mužovia zeme, ktoré boli pred vami, a zem je poškvrnená;) Že zem nevyháňa aj vás, keď to poškvrňujete, ako to chrlilo národy, ktoré boli pred vami.

Lebo ktokoľvek sa dopustí niektorej z týchto ohavností, aj duše, ktoré ich páchajú, budú vyťaté zo svojho ľudu. Preto budete zachovávať moje ustanovenie, aby ste sa nedopustili žiadnej z týchto ohavných obyčají, ktoré boli spáchané pred vami, a aby ste sa v ňom nepoškvrňovali: Ja som Pán, tvoj Boh. (Levitikus 18:22-30)

Ak aj človek klame s ľudstvom, ako leží so ženou, obaja spáchali ohavnosť: určite budú usmrtení; ich krv bude na nich. (Levitikus 20:13)

Z dcér Izraelových nebude žiadna smilnica, nor a sodomite (homosexuál) of the sons of Israel. (Deuteronómiu 23:17)

What does the Bible say about homosexuality after the redemptive work of Christ?

Even after the crucifixion and the resurrection of Jesus Christ and the coming of the Holy Spirit and the birth of the new creations, Paul, who was a representative of Christ, testified that homosexuality is not according to God’s will. Paul wrote that abusers of themselves with mankind shall not inherit the Kingdom of God.

Neviete, že nespravodliví nebudú dedičmi kráľovstva Božieho? Nenechajte sa oklamať: ani smilníci, ani modloslužobníci, ani cudzoložníci, ani zženštilý, ani zneužívatelia seba s ľudstvom (homosexualita), Ani zlodeji, ani žiadostivý, ani opilci, ani zlodeji, ani vydierači, zdedia kráľovstvo Božie (1 Korinťanom 6:9-11)

Paul represented Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit abode in him. Povedal, God would reject those, who rejected God and His truth (which can be found in the Bible), and replaced His truth with lies, and exalted and served the creation above the Creator. napísal Paul:

And therefore God gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, zneuctiť svoje vlastné telá medzi sebou: who changed the truth of God into a lie, a uctievali stvorenie a slúžili mu viac ako Stvoriteľovi, ktorý je naveky požehnaný. Amen.

Their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature and likewise also the men, ponechanie prirodzeného používania ženy”

Preto ich Boh vydal do ohavných náklonností: pretože aj ich ženy zmenili prirodzené používanie na také, ktoré je proti prírode: A podobne aj muži, ponechanie prirodzeného používania ženy, horeli vo svojej žiadostivosti jeden k druhému; muži s mužmi, ktorí robia to, čo je neslušné, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.

A aj keď sa im nepáčilo zachovávať Boha vo svojom poznaní, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, robiť veci, ktoré nie sú pohodlné; Being filled with all unrighteousness, smilstvo, zlomyseľnosť, žiadostivosť, maliciousness; full of envy, vražda, debate, zákernosť, malignity; whisperers, Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, neposlušný voči rodičom, Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful: Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them (Rimanom 2:21-32)

Would Jesus accept homosexuality?

Some ‘Christians’ use Jesus, to justify and approve of homosexuality. They say that Jesus didn’t say anything about homosexuality. Therefore they reject all the other Scriptures about homosexuality in the Bible, that derive from God and speak the truth, namely that homosexuality is not God’s will.

But Jesus is the living Word, Who became flesh and lived among the people. Ježiš povedal, that He represented His Father. Jesus came in His Name and spoke the words of His Father. Because Jesus and the Father are One. (John 1:14, 5:30, 5:43, 8:16, 8:19, 8:38, 10:30 14:9 20:21)

si zo svojho otca diabla

The Almighty God has spoken. He has made Jeho vôľa known regarding homosexuality and transgender people.

The Bible describes homosexuality as a work of the flesh and belongs to the nature of fallen man.

Homosexuality occurred among the pagan nations. Because this occurred among the pagan nations and God didn’t want His people to be defiled by the unclean practices, kultúra, and customs of the pagan nations, it is mentioned in the law (Prečítajte si tiež: Aké je tajomstvo zákona?).

Since Jesus is the Word and Jesus and the Father are One, Jesus thinks the same way as His Father does.

Jesus revealed sin and testified of man’s evil works; čo je hriech. Ježiš vyzval ľudí k pokániu and to remove sins. He witnessed of God’s righteousness, just like the Holy Spirit. (Luke 5:32, John 7:7, 16:8-9).

From the beginning of the creation God made them male and female

Ježiš povedal, that God created man and woman and they would become one flesh. This verse by itself confirmed the creation, the words, and the will of God.

The words of Jesus prove that the marriage covenant is instituted by God between a man and a woman and not between two persons of the same gender (Matúš 19:5, Marka 10:7).

Ježiš tiež povedal, že len tie, who do the will of the Father shall enter the Kingdom of Heaven (Matúš 7:21).

homosexualita is not according to the will of the Father. Therefore God, Ježiš, and the Holy Spirit will never justify and approve homosexuality. (Prečítajte si tiež: Zmení Boh svoju vôľu pre žiadostivosti a túžby ľudí?)

The power of the world

The world (the world system) can justify and tolerate every evil work, čo je proti Slovu Božiemu. But that should not come as a surprise. Since the world belongs to the devil. The devil is the god and the ruler of this world. And everyone, who belongs to him shall listen to him and believe his lies and consider them as the truth.

Since the church has become world-like, many Christians also believe what the world says. They believe, tak ako svet, in the devil’s lies.

The church of Christ doesn’t act in the authority of Jesus Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit. But the church thinks she can do it by herself and relies on her own knowledge, postrehy, a schopnosti. Veriaci, kto sú cirkev, are not spiritual but carnal and rely on their flesh.

Preto, they don’t recognize demons and demonic powers anymore. Namiesto toho, they allow demons to continue their destructive works in the lives of people.

They don’t do what Jesus has commanded to do. They don’t deliver people and set them free, by telling the truth of God and casting out demons. Namiesto toho, they give their approval to demons (fallen angels), who control and terrorize the lives of people and eventually destroy them.

Feelings have become the final authority in the lives of many Christians

Little by little, everything that deviates from the Word and contradicts the will of God is slowly justified and accepted. The Bible is no longer the final Authority in the lives of many Christians. Namiesto toho, feelings and experiences are the final authority in many Christian’s lives.

Believers live according to what their feelings tell them and dictate them to do. Everything revolves around feelings.

The man doesn’t feel like a man, but a woman. A woman doesn’t feel like a woman, but a man. And some people don’t feel like being a man or a woman. And they act according to what their feelings and minds say and dictate them to do. By believing and obeying their feelings and acting upon them, they give access to the demon power of lust and perversity that will control their lives.

Feelings belong to the flesh

Are there feelings present? Absolútne, but these feelings derive from the flesh, v ktorom je prítomná hriešna prirodzenosť. And as you now, the sinful nature contradicts every commandment and word of God.

The flesh is enmity against God, because it doesn’t want to yield to God but is prideful and walks in pride and rebellion (Oh. Rimanom 8:6-8)

Medical science can come up with all kinds of medical explanations. And the church may say, that they are born that way.

Starý človek je ukrižovaný v Kristovi

Someone can say: “I feel this way, and therefore I am this way”, “I am born this way, it is my sexual nature" alebo “God has created me this way.”

Maybe you are born that way, since everyone is born in a fallen state as a sinner. But God has not created you that way. These unclean feelings, that will lead to sin, don’t derive from Him.

Through the sin and fall of man every person, who is born of the seed of man is affected by sin; by evil. Because the seed of man carries sin and death.

God has created you. But the sin reigns in the flesh of the carnal man. Every person is born as hriešnik. Therefore every person needs to be znovu narodený to escape the judgment of God and to inherit eternal life.

Every person is born with the devil’s nature, who resists against every word and Božie prikázanie. The devil rebels against everything that God has ordained. He reveals himself in the flesh of fallen man, by the works of man.

Feelings of lust and desires for someone of the same gender that causes unclean sexual activity and leads to sin, derive from the devil and not from God.

What is the way of deliverance?

A person can be born with a certain (sexuálne) nature or experience feelings, that do not line up with God’s Word. But no one has to stay that way.

God has made a way out for everyone, ktorý sa narodil na tejto zemi. God loves people and wants to have a relationship with people. Just like at the beginning of výtvor, when everything was perfectly created and God walked with man. That’s what God wanted (Prečítajte si tiež: Náboženstvo alebo vzťah?)

God didn’t want puppets and yea-sayers. That’s why God created free will in man, so that man could make his own decision, to obey God or to disobey God.

by one man's disobedience many were made sinners

Z lásky, God gave His only begotten Son, to redeem fallen man, who’s a sinner and is trapped in the sinful flesh and lives under the authority of the kingdom of darkness.

Ježiš Kristus, Syn Boží, came to restore fallen man. He came to make up for the sin of Adam, the first son of God on earth, and reconcile man back to God (John 3:16).

In complete obedience to God, Jesus yielded Himself to God.

Jesus went the hard way of suffering. He gave His own life for the people. So that everyone, who would believe in Him could be redeemed from his sinful nature and reconciled with God. (Prečítajte si tiež: Ježiš obnovil postavenie padlého človeka).

The sinful nature in the flesh possesses the character of the devil and does the works of the devil, that go against God’s will. The sinful nature, can’t submit to God and His will. Preto, the sinful nature must die in Christ before the spirit of man can be raised from the dead and follow Jesus.

The new man submits to God and does His will

Iba, when the spirit of man is being raised from the dead, the person becomes spiritual and is able to submit to God and do His will.

But as long as the spirit of man stays dead, the flesh shall reign. The person shall continue to walk in sin and will not be able to remove the sins. No matter how much effort the carnal man puts into it, and how much the carnal person is trying. The person won’t succeed.

Because only by the spirit of man, slovo, a moc Ducha Svätého, the person is able to remove sins completely.

Jesus didn’t come to judge the world, ale zachrániť svet, cez pokánie a regenerácia. Ježiš povedal:

For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through Him might be saved. Kto v Neho verí, nie je odsúdený: ale kto neverí, už je odsúdený, pretože neuveril v Meno jednorodeného Syna Božieho. A toto je odsúdenie, že svetlo prišlo na svet, a ľudia viac milovali tmu ako svetlo, pretože ich skutky boli zlé. For every one that doeth evil hates the light, neither cometh to the light, aby jeho skutky neboli karhané. But he that doeth truth comes to the light, aby jeho skutky boli zjavné, že sú vykonané v Bohu (John 3:17-21)

The call to repentance and sanctification

Bohužiaľ, they don’t preach regeneration and the true meaning of baptism, krst Duchom Svätým. And because many Christians don’t study the Bible by themselves, but are led by the words of preachers, inde, and religious leaders of churches, they stay ignorant.

And we all know, that if you don’t know it, you can’t walk in it. Preto, the lives of many Christians don’t change. They stay carnal and persevere in sin.

Some Christians pray to God to take away those (homosexuál) pocity. But the Word of God says that you shouldn’t pray for the deliverance of demons, in the case of homosexuality a spirit of lust, but to cast out demons. You should not beg but speak in the authority of Jesus Christ.

God has given all authority to His Son Jesus Christ. And God has given everything to the new creation, who are born again in Christ, to lead a victorious life in Christ Jesus.

Skrze Ježiša Krista, Christians have received power and authority to resist the devil and rule over demonic powers and command them to leave their life.

Christians have been given power to resist the devil

As long as Christians walk after the flesh, they shall be led by their thoughts and feelings and shall always give in to the lusts and desires of the flesh. Because the flesh keeps begging and screaming.

But when Christians have received a new nature (Božia prirodzenosť) through regeneration in Christ and renew their minds with the Word of God and walk after the spirit in obedience to the Word and the Holy Spirit, they shall resist those feelings, in the authority of Jesus and the power of the Holy Spirit, and command those feelings, that don’t line up with the Word of God, to leave

Genesis 1:26 Let them have dominion over the fish of the sea over the fowl of the air

They shall take God’s Word in your mouth, which is the spiritual Sword wherewith you fight against principalities, právomoci, the rulers of the darkness of this world, and spiritual wickedness in high places until those feelings are gone and you gain victory.

Jesus nowhere said, to ask the Father to deliver you. Nie, Jesus said in My Name (autorita) they shall go and cast out devils (Marka 16:17)

But if the church doesn’t believe in demonic powers and spiritual wickedness and activity.

If the church doesn’t believe in the deliverance of demons. Ale namiesto toho, the church believes in psychology and mental illnesses, natural causes, and the terms and methods of the world, and refers people to psychologists and lekárov. How can someone, who needs help be delivered and set free from demonic powers and the power of darkness?

presne tak, they can’t. And that’s exactly what the devil wants; a passive church, passive carnal Christians, who have no true knowledge of God’s Word, Jeho vôľa, Kingdom, and the spiritual war between Light and darkness. So that the devil can continue his destructive work and steal, zabiť, a zničiť.

The church has become powerless

Vzhľadom k tomu, that the majority of the churches have become powerless, because they didn’t obey the Head of the church; Ježiš Kristus; slovo, and didn’t do what Jesus commanded them to do and the Holy Spirit is not in their midst, because of all the (sexuálne)uncleanness that takes place and is justified, they accept the evil sinful works of the people.

They accept the sins of the people because they are not able to teach and guide them into the truth and deliver them from the yoke of the sinful nature, that produces bad fruits in their lives.

They are not aware of demonic activities, which makes more and more victims. Let alone, to deliver the people from the yoke of the devil.

But because they are unspiritual and live like the world, they also believe in a natural cause. They believe in the lies of the world. The lies that say that it’s someone’s nature and that a person is born that way. Although science can’t prove that. You are talking about It is someone’s feelings. And because you should respect the person, you should not interfere and tell the truth and say that it’s wrong.

But the Bible is very clear. Biblia hovorí, že tí, who are carnal and walk after the lust, túžby, and will of the sinful nature of the flesh, shall not enter the Kingdom of God. Let alone, inherit the Kingdom of God. They are lost.

God shall not accept any excuse

The excuses and lies that are preached, used, and believed by religious leaders of the church, shall not be tolerated and accepted by Jesus, nor by God on the Day of Judgment. Because God is a holy and righteous God.

God gave everything to man to be redeemed from the old man, who is carnal and carries death. Jesus has given His own life to execute God’s plan of redemption for fallen man.

Duch Svätý karhá svet

God has given His Holy Spirit to reveal the truth and lead everyone, ktorý je znovuzrodený v Kristovi, into the truth of the Word of God, ktorý predstavuje Božiu vôľu.

God has warned enough, through the Word and the prophets, and the apostles.

Therefore there will be no excuse, before the throne of God, to justify the works of the devil.

There will be no excuse for everyone, who has believed the lies of the devil. The lies, that you are born that way, or that it’s part of the modern age, or that God created you that way and that you can’t help it.

As long as you live, there is hope. Every minute you can turn to God and repent and give your life to Jesus Christ and follow Him. Because that’s the will of God. God wants every person to come to the knowledge of the truth and be saved from (večný) smrť

Was I deceived by my feelings the whole time?

Only when you die to the flesh, during your life on earth, and your spirit is raised from the dead, and you live according to what the Word and the Holy Spirit say, then you shall enter the strait gate and walk on the narrow way that leads to eternal life.

But if you don’t do that and allow your flesh to reign in your life on earth and you walk on the broad way, you shall not inherit eternal life, despite what pastors, proroci, evangelists, elders or other religious leaders, and fellow Christians say.

Every person has to deal with Jesus; the Word as Saviour or as Judge. Je to na vás, what you choose.

It’s better to find out now, that you are deceived by your feelings, than that you keep believing the lies of the devil and persevere in sin and in due time stand before the throne of God and then find out, that your whole life, you were being deceived by your feelings.

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