How to be delivered from the power of alcohol?

Alcoholism is a destructive spirit that controls many lives. Mnoho lidí, včetně křesťanů, have an alcohol addiction and live in bondage to the power of alcohol. Nicméně, no one wants to be labeled as an alcoholic. Therefore people deny they have a drinking problem, when others confront them with their excessive drinking. When do you have a drinking problem? What are the symptoms of alcoholism? If you can’t live a day without alcohol you’re an alcoholic. You’re controlled by a spirit of alcoholism that causes an alcohol addiction. Christians should wake up and read what the Bible says about alcohol and alcoholism. They should open their spiritual eyes and see what kind of destructive character alcohol contains. Alcohol isn’t a friend but an enemy! Alcohol doesn’t add anything to lives, but destroys people’s mind, body, and life. How can you be delivered from the power of alcohol (alcohol addiction)?

Should Christians drink alcohol?

A frequently asked question is whether Christians are allowed to drink alcohol or not. What does the Bible say about drinking alcohol? When you discuss this subject with Christians, almost every time, the same three scriptures come up. Namely, that Jesus was being accused by the Pharisees and Sadducees of being a wine drinker (Luke 7:34), the wedding in Cana (John 2:1-11), a Timothy, who was instructed by Paul, to drink a little wine for his stomach and infirmities (1 Timothy 5:25).

Christians use these scriptures to approve the drinking of wine and alcoholic beverages. But they don’t address the many other scriptures in the Bible about drinking wine and alcoholic beverages and the effects, like:

Wine is a mocker, strong drink is raging: and whosoever is deceived thereby is not wise (Přísloví 20:1)

And take heed to yourselves, lest at any time your hearts be overcharged with surfeiting, and drunkenness, and cares of this life, and so that day come upon you unawares. (Luke 21:34)

Pojďme poctivě chodit, jako ve dne; ne ve výtržnostech a opilství, ne v komornictví a svévolnosti, ne ve sváru a závisti (Římanům 13:13)

Ale nyní jsem vám psal, abyste se nezdržovali ve společnosti, Je-li někdo, kdo je nazýván bratrem, smilníkem, nebo chamtivý, nebo modlář, nebo zábradlí, nebo opilec, nebo vyděrač; s takovým ne nejíst (1 Korinťanům 5:11)

wine is a mocker

Ani zloději, ani žádostivé, ani opilci, ani zloději, ani vyděrači, zdědí království Boží (1 Korinťanům 6:10)

Nyní jsou zjevné skutky těla, které jsou tyto; Cizoložství, smilstvo, nečistota, lascivita, Modlářství, čarodějnictví, nenávist, rozptyl, emulací, hněv, svár, pobuřování, hereze, envyings, vražd, opilost, veselí, a podobně: o kterém jsem vám řekl předtím, jak jsem vám také řekl v minulosti, že ti, kdo dělají takové věci, nezdědí království Boží (Galatským 5:19-21)

And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess; but be filled with the Spirit (Efezským 5:18)

A bishop then must be blameless, the husband of one wife, vigilant, střízlivý, of good behaviour, given to hospitality, apt to teach; Not given to wine, žádný útočník, not greedy of filthy lucre; but patient, not a brawler, not covetous; One that ruleth well his own house, having his children in subjection with all gravity; (For if a man know not how to rule his own house, how shall he take care of the church of God?) (1 Timothy 3:2-5)

Likewise must the deacons be grave, not doubletongued, not given to much wine, not greedy of filthy lucre (1 Timothy 3:8)

For a bishop must be blameless, jako správce Boží; not selfwilled, ne hned naštvaný, nedává se vínu, žádný útočník, not given to filthy lucre; But a lover of hospitality, milovník dobrých mužů, střízlivý, jen, svatý, temperate; Holding fast the faithful word as he hath been taught, that he may be able by sound doctrine both to exhort and to convince the gainsayers (Titus 1:7-9)

Ne, these scriptures are not mentioned. That’s because most Christians, including church leaders, don’t want to obey these Scriptures. They don’t want to be told what to do, but they want to live in ‘freedom’.

They consider rules and regulations legalistic and legalism isn’t a good thing but causes religion. And religion is, according to them, a bad thing. Namísto, they make their own rules, so that they can live like the world in ‘freedom’ and drink whatever they want, without any restrictions (Přečtěte si také: ‘Religion or Relation?‘)

The reason why many Christians become apostate and worldly, is because many people, who call themselves Christians are not znovu se narodit and are unspiritual. Because they are carnal and unspiritual, they are not able to discern the spirits and don’t see what kind of evil power is operating. Proto, they don’t consider drinking alcohol and becoming tipsy or drunk, a problem

Should wine be replaced by grape juice for communion?

They approve of drinking alcohol in their daily lives, but during communion wine is not allowed anymore. Many churches have replaced the wine by grape juice for communion.

One of the reasons is, that they don’t want to become a stumbling block for former alcoholics and use the following Scripture:

wine replaced by grape juice, communion

It is good neither to eat flesh, nor to drink wine, nor any thing whereby thy brother stumbles, or is offended, or is made weak (Římanům 14:21)

But this Scripture is taken out of context and has nothing to do with the holy Communion.

Communion is a sacred institution that the Lord Jesus Christ has instituted.

If people are going to change God’s holy institution, then people put themselves above God, just like the devil.

Jesus has never commanded to replace wine with grape juice. That’s because fermented wine symbolizes the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

That’s why Jesus drank wine during Passover and during the institution of Communion (Přečtěte si také: ‘Why the wine has been replaced by grape juice?‘).

Why do you drink alcohol?

You might ask yourself, “Why do I drink alcohol?” There are so many reasons, why people drink alcohol. Some of the reasons are, that they like the taste of alcohol, they want to have a good time, they feel more relaxed and/or feel more social when they drink alcohol, to unwind or de-stress, to ‘numb’ their thoughts and ‘switch off’ their mind, to cope with stress, problems, starosti, úzkost, fears, disappointment(s), a loss, and the pressure of society, práce, marriage, rodina, because they are unhappy and so on. There are so many reasons why people drink alcohol.

pokoj boží

Most people with an alcohol use disorder are not happy. They’re not satisfied with themselves or their lives. Because if they were happy they wouldn’t need a stimulant (a drug) to cope with things and handle the pressure or feel better.

Many people are unhappy, melancholic, depressed, stressed, and anxious. They live under high pressure from society, práce, marriage, and family life, and are overwhelmed by problems, starosti, pain, atd, To them drinking alcohol is an escape from reality.

Their thoughts and minds are numbed and they feel more relaxed and don’t have to think about their problems, starosti, and the demands of their daily lives.

When someone drinks alcohol, (s)he might experience pleasant feelings at first, but these pleasant feelings will change rapidly into unpleasant feelings.

The more alcohol someone drinks, the more the spirit of alcoholism will manifest itself and invite his ‘friends’ into the person’s life.

One of his best friends is the spirit of sexual lust and perversity. As soon as the alcohol begins to work, the person will have unclean sexual thoughts and sexual desires and an urge to satisfy these sexual feelings. Besides this perverse spirit, other spirits will manifest, like a spirit of fantasy, a lying spirit, a spirit of egoism, a spirit of selfishness, a spirit of forgetfulness, a spirit of melancholy, a spirit of depression, a spirit of self-pity, a spirit of fear, a spirit of indifference, a spirit of anger, a spirit of aggressiveness, a spirit of murder (suicide) a tak dále.

The person loses control over his or her life and shall be controlled by these unclean evil spirits from the kingdom of darkness and say or do things, which the person regrets later on or has forgotten.

If a person is tipsy or drunk, the person is controlled by a spirit of alcoholism that takes control over the person’s life. This spirit shall keep manifesting himself, by causing a persistent urge for (more) alcohol and never be satisfied.

The person shall be a slave of this evil spirit and shall obey him, by drinking alcohol.

How does alcoholism change the character of people?

This unclean demonic spirit of alcoholism has a destructive character and ensures that after a while the character and personality of the person change.

people lose their sensitivity and do not experience ‘normal’ feelings. They become easily irritated, annoyed, stressed, quick-tempered, rozzlobený, aggressive, abusive, self-centered, and selfish. They’ve unnatural sexual desires and open themselves to sexual uncleanness and perversities (including porno).

They will lose their hold on reality and be controlled by lying spirits. These spirits ensure that they do not interpret things correctly, lež, change the truth, or see and hear things that are not true, unreal, and never said. They create their own experience and imaginary world and don’t allow anyone to tell them what to do.

Alcoholics are secretive. They drink secretly and do things in secret and always deny that they have a drinking problem.

They are prideful and criticize, belittle, and hurt others with negative and offensive words, remarks, and comments.

And let’s not forget the destructive work alcohol has on the mind, organs, and the rest of the body of a person.

What is the world’s way of deliverance from alcohol addiction?

The way of the world for deliverance of the power of alcohol addiction is to go to a rehab clinic (rehab center) or AA meetings. The person must do the work and shall enter an alcohol recovery program and get therapy to be delivered from the power of alcohol.

The therapists and psychologists will dig into the life and the past of the person, to find out the cause of the alcohol addiction (Přečtěte si také: ‘Nespadněte do díry své minulosti‘).

After a few weeks or months, when the person has completed the alcohol addiction treatment and has shown and proven, že (s)he is delivered from the power of alcohol and can live without alcohol and is ‘cured’, the person shall be released and return to his or her daily life.

But in many cases, it happens that as soon as the person returns to his familiar environment and old life, the person falls back into his old habits of drinking. The person shall long for alcoholic beverages and shall start drinking again.

It is a common thing, that people, who are released from rehab, will fall back into their old drinking behavior and become addicted to alcohol again and return to rehab again. When they are released the second time and return home, many times they will fall back again into their old drinking behavior and return to rehab again. This is an ongoing process, and these people can’t seem to get rid of their alcohol addiction. Why is that and how is this possible?

That’s because the cause of alcohol addiction is sought in the natural realm instead of the spiritual realm. The alcohol addiction is treated with natural means, which is impossible. Kvůli tomu, the real cause of the alcohol addiction is not addressed and the person shall stay bound to the spirit of alcoholism.

What causes an alcohol addiction?

Alcoholism can’t be cured with natural means, through carnal methods, therapy, treatments, or drugs, because alcoholism is not a natural effect of a natural cause, but alcoholism is a visible (přírodní) effect of a spiritual cause. A spiritual cause can’t be treated with natural means.

When a person seeks a cure or treatment in the world, the person shall maybe be ‘freed’ for a while, but the person shall always struggle to stay away from alcoholic beverages because the longing for alcohol is still present. After all, the spiritual power of alcohol is not broken. Therefore the person shall struggle, when there is a bottle of alcohol in his or her presence or when others drink alcohol.

As long as the person is not delivered from the power of alcohol, the person shall stay an alcoholic and shall always struggle to stay sober. The longing for alcohol shall always be present because this spirit of alcoholism is still present.

When the person drinks wine during communion, the person shall long for more and shall struggle to control him/herself after service, to not grab a bottle and drink.

What is God’s way of deliverance from alcoholism?

Alcohol addiction is caused by a demonic unclean spirit of the kingdom of darkness. Proto, if a person wants to be delivered, you have to remove the cause and command this spirit of alcoholism to leave the person and break the power of alcohol.

Every spirit (moc) from the kingdom of darkness has to obey and bow for the Name of Jesus. Since Jesus has the highest authority in the heavens and on earth.

Proto, when a person, who is controlled and bound by this demonic spirit of alcoholism, comes to church or to you and seeks help, then don’t send that person to rehab, a lékař nebo a psychologist, because they can’t help the person. Namísto, set that person free in the Name of Jesus, by commanding the spirit of alcoholism to leave the person.

When the evil spirit of alcoholism has left the person, the person is truly delivered from the power of alcohol. If the person is truly delivered from the power of alcohol, then the person shall be able to drink during communion, without longing for more alcohol.

The person shall not struggle anymore, protože (s)he is delivered from the power of alcohol. This spirit of alcoholism, that caused this alcohol addiction and controlled the person’s life is no longer present but has left the person.

Nicméně, the person needs to stay awake and guard the gates of his or her life. Because this spirit of alcoholism will try to come back again and will search for a moment of weakness to enter. But when the person doesn’t give in to these carnal feelings of lust and doesn’t start drinking again, this spirit of alcoholism will be kept outside and leave the person.

Jesus warned about the unclean spirit

Jesus warned us about this and said: When the unclean spirit is gone out of a man, he walketh through dry places, seeking rest, and findeth none. Then he saith, I will return into my house from whence I came out; and when he is come, he findeth it empty, swept, and garnished. Then goeth he, and taketh with himself seven other spirits more wicked than himself, and they enter in and dwell there: and the last state of that man is worse than the first (Matthew 12:43-45)

Jesus didn’t say ‘ifbut He said ‘when’, therefore an unclean spirit will always try to come back. That’s why it’s so important to be aware of what things you allow in your life and feed your mind with and how you spend your time.

The Holy Spirit and the Word should fill your mind and your life, so that your house will not be empty but be filled with His Word and Spirit.

How to be delivered from the power of alcohol and alcohol addiction?

Have you come to the knowledge, that you have an alcohol problem? Do you have a secret alcohol addiction in your life? Are you bound by the power of alcohol and are you fed up with it and do you want to be delivered from the power of alcohol? Do you need help?

The only thing you need to do is to go to Jesus Christ and ask forgiveness, litovat and command this spirit of alcoholism, this spirit of addiction, to leave your life. So that the power of alcohol will be broken in your life and you will be delivered from the power of alcohol and be free in Jesus Christ.

In the Name of Jesus Christ; in His authority, this spirit of alcoholism, this spirit of addiction, must obey and has to leave your life. This also applies to other addictions like nicotine addiction, drug addiction, sex addiction, atd.

When you are delivered from the power of alcohol and this spirit of alcoholism has left your life, then your life should line up with the lítost that you confess.

You shall seek the things, which are above, where Jesus Christ is seated, and not the things on this earth. Be careful, with whom you hang out and how you spend your time. It’s so important to spend time in prayer, pray in the spirit, and study the Bible; Slovo Boží, so that you will be built up in your most holy faith and be able to discern the lies of the world from the truth of God.

The love for Jesus and for God and walking after the Spirit will ensure, that you shall not obey and fulfill the chtíče a touhy of the flesh, in this case, the lust and desire for alcohol, but that you shall obey God and bear the ovoce Ducha.

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