Liberado del poder de las tinieblas y trasladado a la luz.

Cada persona, quien nace de la simiente del hombre nace como pecador en el reino de las tinieblas y pertenece a las tinieblas. No hay un solo bebe, who is born in the Kingdom of God. There was only one Person, Who was born in the Kingdom of God on earth and that was Jesus Christ; el Hijo del Dios vivo, Who was not born of the corrupt seed of man, but was born of God. Although Jesus walked on the earth, Jesus didn’t belong to the Kingdom of darkness; el mundo, but Jesus belonged to the Kingdom of God. Jesus lived in that Kingdom and represented and brought that Kingdom to the people on earth. And so the living Word; Jesus Christ came in the likeness of Man unto mankind, to deliver fallen man from the power of darkness and translate them into the light (Leer también: ¿Fue Jesús plenamente humano??).

Jesús se convirtió en el sustituto del hombre caído

Jesus walked in the Name of God on earth; the highest authority in heaven and on earth. There was and is no higher authority than the authority of God. Sin embargo, there was a moment, that Jesus was put beneath the angels, when God placed the sin and iniquity of the generation of fallen man upon Jesus and Jesus became the Substitute for fallen man (Leer también: La paz, Jesus restored between fallen. man and God).

Jesús fue hecho pecadoJesus carried the sin and iniquity of fallen man and the punishment for sin, que es la muerte.

And so Jesus became a Prisoner of death and entered Hades (infierno) legally.

But the death was not strong enough to keep Jesus there, since Jesus had a mission to release the prisoners of death and take back the keys of hell and death.

Después de tres días, Jesus arose from the dead with the keys of hell and death (Revelación 1:18)

Después 40 días, Jesus ascended to heaven and took place on the propiciatorio a la diestra de Dios, de manera que la promise of the Father; the Holy Spirit could come to the earth (lucas 24:49, Hechos 1:1-11, hebreo 1:3-4).

The death of the old man and the birth of the new man

From the coming of the Holy Spirit, people had the ability to be delivered from the power of the kingdom of darkness, by faith in Jesus Christ; el hijo de Dios, His blood and through the identification with His death and resurrection from the dead, a través de la regeneración, and to be translated into the Kingdom of Jesus Christ.

This was and still is the la única manera to be delivered from the power of darkness and be translated into the Kingdom of God, donde Jesucristo es Rey.

Entra en el Reino de DiosMientras una persona no nazca de nuevo, the person can’t see the Kingdom of God, nor enter and inherit the Kingdom of God (John 3:3-5, 1 corintios 6:9-10; 15:50).

Because the person stays bound through the flesh to the power of the kingdom of darkness and the spirit remains under the authority of death and so the spirit remains dead.

When a person is delivered from the power of darkness and translated into the light by faith, the person shall change and shall live differently. Since the nature of the person has changed.

The person is no longer the old man, who is a son of the devil and has no longer the nature of the devil that is present in the flesh. The person shall no longer walk in darkness, doing the works of darkness, since the flesh is dead (romanos 6 (Leer también: La armadura de la oscuridad).

But by faith and through regeneration; the death of the flesh and the resurrection of the spirit from the death and the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, the person has become a new man; a son of God and has God’s nature and belongs to the Kingdom of God.

The person shall walk as the new man in obedience after the Spirit, doing the voluntad del Padre and shall be a witness of Jesus Christ and represent and bring His Kingdom on earth.

The mind be enlightened by the Word and the Spirit

Y no os conforméis a este mundo: pero transformaos por la renovación de vuestra mente, para que podáis probar qué es ese bien, y aceptable, y perfecto, voluntad de Dios (romanos 12:2)

Through the Holy Spirit and the renewing of the mind with the Word of God, the person shall get to know that good, y aceptable, and perfect will of the Father.

The darkened carnal mind, that was controlled by the kingdom of darkness; the world for all these years, shall be enlightened by the truth of the Word of God.

The person shall listen and yield to God and through obedience to His Word shall walk by faith in the will of God.

What fellowship has light with darkness?

No os unáis en yugo desigual con los incrédulos: porque ¿qué compañerismo tiene la justicia con la injusticia?? ¿Y qué comunión tiene la luz con las tinieblas?? ¿Y qué concordia tiene Cristo con Belial?? ¿O qué parte tiene el que cree con el infiel?? ¿Y qué acuerdo tiene el templo de Dios con los ídolos?? porque sois el templo del Dios vivo; como Dios ha dicho, habitaré en ellos, y caminar en ellos; y yo seré su Dios, y ellos serán mi pueblo. ¿Por qué salid de entre ellos?, y estad separados, dice el señor, y no toquéis lo inmundo; y te recibiré, Y seré un Padre para vosotros, y vosotros seréis mis hijos e hijas, dice el Señor Todopoderoso (2 corintios 6:14-18)

The person shall walk in the light instead of darkness and shall no longer do the works of darkness, since the person doesn’t belong to the kingdom of darkness anymore.

Because what communion has darkness with light? What has righteousness in common with sin? What has the truth in common with the lie? What has God in common with the devil? Exactamente, nada!

Por lo tanto, those who belong to the Light shall no longer be partakers of darkness and shall no longer do the same works as those, que pertenecen a la oscuridad. But they shall come out from among them and separate themselves unto God and obey and serve Jesus Christ and the Father through the Spirit (Efesios 5:5-7).

Liberado del poder de las tinieblas

¿Quién nos ha librado del poder de las tinieblas?, y nos ha trasladado al reino de su amado Hijo: En quien tenemos redención por su sangre, Incluso el perdón de los pecados. (colosenses 1:13-14)

You have made a choice for Jesus Christ, Para SIGUELO. You have decided to repent of your works as the old carnal man and no longer be controlled by the rulers of darkness.

En él no hay pecado, quien permanece en él no pecaIf you have repented and say you are born again and therefore be delivered from the power of darkness, but you keep doing the works of darkness. Where are you delivered from? Where did Jesus deliver you from?

For ye were sometimes darkness, pero ahora sois luz en el Señor: caminen como hijos de la luz (Efesios 5:8)

Before you were born again, pertenecías al mundo. You were a friend of the world and an enemy of God.

You walked in darkness, en desobediencia a Dios, since you belonged to the kingdom of darkness.

Pero ahora, que has nacido de nuevo, you don’t belong to the kingdom of darkness anymore. Because by faith in Jesus Christ, His blood and through regeneration, you have been delivered from the power of darkness and translated from the kingdom of darkness into the Kingdom of Light.

The followers of Jesus walk in the light

Entonces Jesús les habló otra vez, dicho, Yo soy la luz del mundo: he that followeth Me shall not walk in darkness, sino que tendrá la luz de la vida (John 8:12)

You shall no longer be blinded in your mind and you shall no longer live in disobedience to God in darkness. But through the resurrection of your spirit from the death, you have become spiritual and you shall live in obedience to God in the light.

This then is the message which we have heard of Him, and declare unto you, que Dios es luz, y en Él no hay oscuridad alguna,. Si decimos que tenemos comunión con Él, y caminar en la oscuridad, nosotros mentimos, y no la verdad: Pero si caminamos en la luz, como Él está en la luz, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin (1 John 1:5-7)

He venido como luz al mundo., para que todo aquel que en Mí cree, no permanezca en tinieblas (John 12:46).

God is Light and in Him is no darkness. Therefore if you are born of God and belong to Him there shall be no darkness in you. If you believe in Jesus Christ and belong to Him and He abides in you, you shall not abide in darkness, but you shall abide in the light

You shall walk after the Spirit in the Kingdom of God, just like Jesus Christ. You shall walk just like Him in the light in the truth of God and be the light of the world.

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