Вы знали, когда Бог создал новое творение?

Did you know when God made the new creation? God created a new creation on the eighth day. After He made the new creation (новый человек), He entered His rest.

The creation of the heavens and the earth and all the host

God created the heavens and the earth, and all the hosts of them, in seven days. The creation was perfect until man sinned. When man sinned, the whole creation became affected by evil. Из-за греха, the creation wasn’t perfect anymore.

But God already had a new creation in mind: а новичок, with whom He could have a relationship again. Just like He had with Adam before he became disobedient to God and sinned.

This new creation would regain the authority in Christ over the heaven and the earth and all the hosts of them. This new creation is a son of God (это касается как мужчин, так и женщин) and would live as a son of God in obedience to the Father.

Однако, God didn’t create this new creation immediately. But God created the new creation after approximately 4000 годы (76 generations after Adam).

Иисус был Первенцем нового творения

God sent His Son Jesus to the earth to reveal God to man and fulfill the will of the Father and the redemptive work for fallen man. Иисус был Первенец нового творения. He was born of the Spirit but lived in the flesh на земле. Иисус был без греха, because He was conceived by the Seed of the Holy Spirit and not by the evil seed of man.

Имеет ли Господь великое удовольствие от приношений, как от послушания голосу Господа?. Повиновение лучше, чем жертва 1 Самуэль 15:22
Jesus grew up with the Scriptures. When Jesus was about 30 возраст, Jesus was baptised in water, to lay down His flesh.

After His baptism and during hIs prayer, Jesus received the baptism with the Holy Spirit.

The Holy Spirit led Him to the wilderness so that He would make His flesh subjected to the Spirit.

В течение 40 дней в пустыне, Jesus was tempted дьяволом. But Jesus didn’t give in to the desires of the flesh. He didn’t listen and obey the devil, but He stayed loyal and obedient to God.

After forty days, Jesus returned from the wilderness and walked as the new Creation; новый человек, as Son of God in the power of the Holy Spirit.

Jesus preached and brought the Kingdom of God to the people, со знамениями и чудесами, идущими за Ним.

The promise of the Comforter; Святой Дух

Jesus announced His death to His disciples. He explained to them, that He had to lay down His life for the people so that more ‘new creations’, more of His species, could be born.

Jesus promised them the coming of another Comforter; Святой Дух. When they would receive the baptism with the Holy Spirit, they would receive power, and it would become possible for them, to live as sons of God.

The Holy Spirit would be their Teacher and would guide them into all truth.

Just like Jesus was baptized in water and with the Holy Spirit, His followers would also be baptized in water and with the Holy Spirit. They would become the new creation; born by the Spirit of God. They would become the sons of God on the earth.

The blood of Jesus

When the time came, for Jesus to lay down His life, He became a Sacrifice for the whole humanity. Jesus took all sins and iniquities of humanity upon Himself. He gave His life for them. Jesus died on the cross and shed His blood. But He didn’t stay dead.

Он заканчивается у крестаЧерез три дня, на восьмой день, He was risen from the death.

Jesus conquered death, and had taken back the keys of authority (что дьявол забрал у Адама) от дьявола.

На восьмой день, when Jesus was raised from the death, He had all authority in heaven and on earth, and all the host (the authority that God originally had given to Adam, прежде чем он согрешил).

Jesus had made it possible, that by His blood, everyone who would believe in Him would become this new creation.

На восьмой день, when Jesus was raised from the death, the new creation began; the new covenant in Jesus Christ.

A new creation was created born by water and Spirit. Now a new era for the new creation could begin.

God made the new creation on the eighth day

Каждый, кто верит в Иисуса Христа, Сын Божий, accepts Him as Savior and Lord, and becomes born again by water and Spirit, shall be saved and receive eternal life. God has given power to everyone who believes, to become sons of God, and to walk and reign as sons of God.

Но все, кто принял его, им дал власть стать сынами Божиими, даже тем, кто верует во имя Его: Которые родились, не крови, ни от воли плоти, ни по воле человека, но от Бога (by water and by Spirit (Джон 1:12-13)).

If you would like to read more about the new covenant and the new creation, you may want to: ‘ The new covenant на восьмой день.

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