
在歌罗西书中 3:17, 保罗写道, 无论你们在言语或行为上做什么, 一切奉主耶稣的名, 借着他感谢神和父. 这是什么意思? How can you do all in the Name of the Lord Jesus?

What does faith in the Name of the Lord Jesus mean?

无论你们在言语或行为上做什么, 一切奉主耶稣的名, 借着他感谢神和父 (歌罗西书 317)

每个人, who has become a new creation and is clothed with the spiritual apparel of Christ, should walk in Christ on earth and do all in the Name of the Lord Jesus. 

faith in the Name of Jesus, faith in Name of Lord Jesus

This doesn’t mean that in all you do, you use the Name of the Lord Jesus as some kind of magic formula, but this means that you walk by faith in the Name of the Lord Jesus and do His will.

You are bought with His blood and belong to Christ. He has sent you as His witness, to represent and preach Him on earth.

You do this, by obeying and speaking His words, keeping His commandments, and in His authority doing the works.

By obeying and speaking the words of Jesus and doing the works of Jesus, you execute His will on earth.

Your words and works show, to whom you belong and whom you serve. Jesus Christ and righteousness or the devil, 罪与死.

Jesus came in the name of the Father

I told you, and ye believed not: the works that I do in My Father’s Name, they bear witness of Me (约翰 10:25)

Jesus came in the Name of the Father. 这意味着, that the Father sent Jesus and that Jesus represented His Father. He obeyed the words of His Father. He spoke the same words as His Father and did the same works as His Father. 因为这, Jesus was a reflection of His Father on earth (哦. 马修 11:27, 约翰 5, 希伯来书 1:3).

The words and works of Jesus didn’t originate from His flesh (His feelings, 情绪, 还会), but the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit knows the thoughts of God and reveals the (deep) thoughts and will of the Father (哦. 1 哥林多前书 2:10-13).

Jesus came to do the will of the Father

Jesus was born of the Seed of God. He was one with the Father, which was visible through His words and works (deeds).

Through His obedience to the words of the Father and doing His Father’s will, Jesus distinguished Himself from those, who belonged to the house of Israel and were born of the seed of man. 

Image of garden with Bible scripture Matthew 26-39 Not as I will but as Thou wilt

Jesus wasn’t prideful. He didn’t put himself above the words of God. He didn’t do the things of God for selfish reasons.

Jesus didn’t have a hidden agenda and didn’t walk in hypocrisy. He didn’t preach one thing while doing the other (另请阅读: 说和做是两回事)

Jesus also didn’t speak about His experiences and all the signs and wonders, He had done. He didn’t exalt Himself, but Jesus was humble.

Jesus was humble, because He walked in submission to His Father doing His will.

Through His words and deeds, He acknowledged the Father as the one and only good God, the Almighty One, and gave all honor to Him.

By faith in God and walking in obedience to God in righteousness and truth, in His power, Jesus established the Kingdom of His Father, and exposed the darkness, and destroyed the works of darkness

Jesus did everything in the Name of the Father

时间hen answered the Jews, and said unto Him, Say we not well that Thou art a Samaritan, and hast a devil? 耶稣回答, I have not a devil; but I honour My Father, and ye do dishonour Me. And I seek not Mine own glory: there is one that seeketh and judgeth. 确实, 确实, 我对你说, If a man keep My saying, he shall never see death (约翰 8:48-51)

Jesus taught with authority and acted as authoritative. He spoke the words of His Father, which were not always pleasant to hear to the carnal man. That’s because His words called for repentance and obedience to God.

The hard words of Jesus touched the people in their flesh, whereby they were often offended and hurt and walked away and left Jesus (feeling angry).

然而, the words of Jesus were Spirit and life. His words contained the life of God and brought forth life.

Obedience to His words led the people on the narrow path to eternal life. But only a few were willing to give up their own lives and walk on that path of life.

Jesus worshiped, 崇高的, and glorified the Father through His words and deeds

Everywhere Jesus came, He came in the Name of the Father. He represented the Father through His words and deeds that derived from the Father.

And so Jesus revealed and brought God’s Kingdom to the people. He left a trace of righteousness, 和平, and joy in the lives of them, who believed in Him and obeyed Him. (另请阅读: 耶稣给地球带来了什么样的和平?)

Through His life; His words and deeds, Jesus acknowledged, worshiped, 崇高的, and glorified the Father. He gave Him all honor and thanksgiving.

And through His obedience to the Father, the Father was with Him and highly exalted Him and gave Him a Name which is above every name. (哦. 使徒行传 2:32-33; 5:30-32, 腓立比书 2:6-9).

As the Father sent His Son Jesus, even so, Jesus sent the believers, who are the sons of God

Then said Jesus to them again, Peace be unto you: as my Father hath sent me, 即使这样我还是送你 (约翰 20:21)

As the Father sent His Son Jesus, even so, Jesus sent the believers, who have faith in His Name and by faith and regeneration in Him became sons of God (这适用于男性和女性), and together are the Church.

Jesus came to do the will of the Father. The believers in Christ should do the will of Jesus and walk in His commandments. The will of Jesus originates from the Father. Therefore the will of Jesus is the will of the Father. (另请阅读: The commandments of God vs the commandments of Jesus).

In every believer’s heart, His will should reign. Just like the will of the Father reigned in the heart of Jesus by the Holy Spirit.

Christians speak the words of Jesus (这个单词), 哪些是事实

耶稣回答对他说, 如果一个男人爱我, 他会遵守我的话: 我的父亲会爱他, 我们会去找他, and make Our abode with him. He that loveth Me not keepeth not My sayings: 你们所听到的话语不是我的, 而是差我来的父. These things have I spoken unto you, being yet present with you. 但保惠师, 这是圣灵, Whom the Father will send in My Name, 他会教你一切, 并把所有的事情带入你的记忆中, 无论我对你说过什么 (约翰 14:23-26)

As Jesus spoke the words of the Father, so should Christians speak the words of Jesus; 这个单词. 然而, Christians can only speak the words of Jesus, if they know the words of Jesus. 

image bible with Bible scripture John 15-7 If you abide in me my words abide in you ask and it shall be done unto you

By reading and studying the Bible, you become acquainted with the words of God. If you abide in the Word, the words of Jesus abide in you. When the words of Jesus abide in you, you shall speak the words of Jesus.

If you speak His words, which are according to His will and the will of the Father, you shall ask what you will and it shall be done. (约翰 15:7 (另请阅读: Ask and it shall be given unto you, 寻找,你就会找到, knock and it shall be opened!)). 

Since the words of Jesus are Spirit and life, you shall speak words of Spirit and life.

These words shall be heard and obeyed by those, who belong to God and love Jesus. But these words shall be disobeyed and rejected by those, who belong to the world and love themselves.

The words of Jesus are Spirit and life

The words of Jesus derive from the Spirit and not from the carnal man. His words are life for the spirit, but death to the flesh (and its works). 

The words of Jesus reconcile the spirit of man to God, but separate the soulish man from God. His words bring unity among believers, but division and enmity with those, 谁属于世界.

但那些, who love Jesus and belong to Him, shall obey and speak boldly the words of Jesus. (另请阅读: 关于神的话圣经怎么说?).

As Jesus did the works of His Father and even greater works, the believers shall do the works of Jesus and even greater works

The work of Jesus was to do the will of the Father and to keep His commandments, whereby Jesus did the works of the Father and fulfilled the greater work; the redemptive work for fallen man.

This should also be the work of Christians; doing the will of the Father and of Jesus Christ and keeping His commandments, whereby Christians shall do the same works of Jesus and ever greater works, because Jesus went to the Father (约翰 5:20; 14:12). 

使徒行传 5-32 we are His witnesses of these things and so is Holy Ghost

As Jesus was a Witness of the Father and in the Name of the Father did His works and preached and brought the Kingdom of Heaven and called the people to repentance, Christians are witnesses of Jesus Christ and in the Name of Jesus do His works. 

These works are, first of all, obedience and doing the will of Jesus; 天父的旨意.

Then, preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ, 悔改, and the remission of sins (He that believes and is baptized in the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit shall be saved; 但不信的人将被诅咒) and bringing His Kingdom on earth.

The remitting of sins and the retaining of sins, saving souls, teaching them, and making disciples of Jesus, so that they observe all things Jesus has commanded.

And the signs that follow the believers are: In the Name of Jesus shall they cast out devils; 他们会说新的语言; they shall take up serpents; 如果他们喝了任何致命的东西, 它不会伤害他们. They shall lay hands on the sick, 他们将会康复. (马修 28:19-20, 标记 16:15-18, 卢克 24:47-49, 约翰 20:21-23).

The witnesses of Jesus preach the Word and the Lord confirms the Word with signs following

This is the commandment that Jesus gave to His disciples; His witnesses, who love Him and give their lives to Him and do what their Redeemer and Lord has commanded them to do.

And if the believers are His witness and fulfill His commandment and preach the Word, the Lord shall confirm the Word with signs following (标记 16:20).

Blessed is he that comes in the Name of the Lord

所以你们去吧, 并教导万民, baptizing them in the Name of the Father, 和儿子的, 和圣灵的: 教导他们遵守我吩咐你们的一切事情: 一, 罗, I am with you alway, 甚至到世界的尽头. 阿门 (马修 28:19-20)

The true witnesses of Jesus shall submit to the Word, which represents the will of the Father. They shall go in the Name of the Lord Jesus.

They shall not be ashamed of Jesus and shall not deny Him But they shall confess Jesus and represent Him to the people.

In the Name of the Lord Jesus, they shall speak the truth of God. They shall teach the people in the truth of God’s Word. They shall walk by faith in His authority doing righteous works, whereby they are His reflection on earth.

Whatsoever they do in word or deed, they do in the Name of the Lord Jesus. So that Christians exalt and glorify Jesus and constantly give thanks to God the Father through Him.



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