Do not be afraid!

Be not afraid of sudden fear, neither of the desolation of the wicked, when it comes. For the Lord shall be thy confidence, and shall keep thy foot from being taken (Поговорки 3:25-26)

There are so many people, who live in the bondage of fear. They are led by fear and allow fear to control their lives. But the Word says, that you must not fear. That you shouldn’t be afraid of the things that will happen or come, which may cause fear in your life. Like rejection, sickness, disease, pestilence, natural disasters, violence, wars etc.. Jesus predicted, that these things must take place, before His return.

When you love and follow Jesus, and abide in Him, then you shall not fear. You shall be in Him and therefore you shall experience His peace in your life.

Even when a thousand shall fall at your side, and ten thousand at your right hand; it shall not come near to you. You shall only see and be a witness of the reward of the wicked (Ps 91:7-8). His hand shall be upon your life, and as long as you stay in Him, you shall be safe.

Затоа, put your trust in Him. Make Him your habitation, because He shall keep your foot from being taken. There is nothing, and no one in this world, that you can rely upon. Jesus is the only One, that you can rely upon and trust. Because God’s Word is the only Truth in this world.

‘Be the salt of the earth

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