Is once a sinner always a sinner true? Mindig bűnös maradsz? If once a sinner always a sinner is true, then why did Jesus have to come to this earth and be sacrificed for mankind if we would still remain sinners? If we would always remain sinners, then why couldn’t we keep the sacrificial laws and sacrifice lambs, goats, and bulls and use their blood for the atonement of sins? What does the Bible say about sinners?
“Mi will always remain a sinner”
“Once a sinner, always a sinner” is nothing more than an excuse that many believers use, so that they can keep walking in iniquities and sins. They use this excuse, so that they can stay carnal and keep walking after their flesh.
keresztények, who say that they will always remain a sinner are not willing to repent of their lifestyle; their sinful walk. They enjoy their lives as a sinner and don’t want to change anything.
They don’t want to die to the flesh and put off the old man, but they want to obey and serve their flesh, instead of the Spirit.
Believers, who say that they are sinners and will always remain sinners, don’t have a clue what the sacrifice of Jesus, His blood, and His resurrection really means (Olvassa el is: The true meaning of the cross, Jesus restored the position of fallen man).
There are many believers, who keep walking as sinners and live just like the world. All because they don’t want to give up their flesh and don’t want to walk as righteous people after the will of God in His Truth. They love their sins and therefore they keep doing them. They don’t want to change their lifestyle and because of that they use false humility, by saying: "oh well, we are all just sinners”.
It sounds so pious, humble and godly, but it’s one big lie of the devil!
Why did Jesus have to die?
Jesus had to come to earth and had to die, because of Adam’s disobedience to God. Adam sinned and by sinning, the whole human race was affected by sin and death. When Adam sinned, he fell from his position and his spirit died and he was no longer a son of God.
Adam had disobeyed God and believed and obeyed the words of the devil instead. Therefore the devil became his new father. The devil had robbed Adam, who was the son of God, from God and he took him captive (Olvassa el is: Adam lost his son, just like God).
Mindenki, who would be born of the seed of man; the seed of Adam, would become automatically his son or daughter. The devil would be the father of every human being, that would be born in the flesh on earth.
The spirit, that possesses the character of God, died. And the flesh; lélek és test, that possesses the evil character and nature of the devil would live and reign in every human being. Therefore every man is born as a sinner (born in sin), and automatically possesses the evil nature and characteristics of the devil.
No one would be righteous before God
Because of the fact, that evil is present in the seed of man, evil would be present in every human being and therefore, no one would be righteous before God.
For in Thy sight shall no man living be justified (Zsoltárok 143:2)
As it is written, There is none righteous, no, not one: There is none that understands, there is none that seeks after God. They are all gone out of the way, they are together become unprofitable; there is none that does good, no, not one (rómaiak 3:10)
Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned (rómaiak 5:12)
God’s plan of redemption for mankind
When Adam sinned and fell, Adam was separated from God. But God had already a new plan to restore the position of fallen man. Through God’s plan of redemption, man would have the ability to be reconciled with God and become sons of God again (Olvassa el is: Jesus restored the position of fallen man).
God promised that He would put enmity between the devil, and the woman. Between the seed of the devil (every person that would be born; born of the seed of man), and her seed (Jézus, a Szentlélektől született). He promised that the Seed would bruise the head of the devil (the dominion and authority of the devil), and the devil would bruise His heel (Genesis 3:15. Olvassa el is: ‘The head of the devil bruised, mert Jézus sarka zúzódott‘)
Jézus, Isten Fia, had to come to earth, and become fully human; a son of man, nak nek teljesítse a törvényt and to take all the sins and iniquities of mankind upon Himself. Jesus had to come to be sacrificed as a sin offering Istennek.
Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfill (Matthew 5:17)
Jesus was born of the Holy Seed of God
Jézus, Isten Fia, came into the flesh and became a son of man. He was not born of the seed of man, and therefore not affected by the evil seed of man. But He was born of the Holy Seed of God; the Holy Spirit.
When Jesus was born, Jesus was holy and righteous. He lived in a human body and was fully Human. Although Jesus was holy and righteous, He had the ability to sin.
For we have not an High Priest (Jézus Krisztus, Isten Fia) which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities; but was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin (héber 4:15)
Therefore let no man ever say or use as an excuse: "yes, but Jesus was the Son of God”. So???
Jesus had the ability to sin
Jesus had the ability to become disobedient to His Father and sin. If that would have happened, the only holy Man on this earth (except for Adam, before he sinned), would be affected by sin, and become unclean, and would be separated from God. Just like the devil had done with Adam, who was also a son of God (Luke 3:38)
I think no man has ever been tempted so much as Jesus. The devil tried to seduce and tempt Jesus continuously. He tempted Jesus almost on a daily basis. The devil tried so hard to make Jesus sin, but he didn’t succeed to separate Jesus from God, His Father.
Jesus loved His Father
The devil wanted Jesus to become disobedient to His Father, just like Adam (the son of God), became disobedient to God, his Father. But Jesus loved His Father and because of that, Jesus stayed faithful and obedient to His Father. Jesus walked after the Spirit and not after the flesh. He could have walked after the flesh, but He didn’t. Jesus honored His Father, by staying obedient to Him and by fulfilling His will.
Before the whipping post and the cross, Jesus was nélkül sin and iniquity and was a pure spotless Lamb, Who would be sacrificed for whole mankind.
At the whipping post, He took and carried all iniquities, all sicknesses, and diseases of man through scourges. By the stripes that He sustained, and the blood that was shed, we were healed.
Surely He hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows: yet we did esteem Him stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted. But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon Him; and with His stripes we are healed. All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to His own way; and the Lord hath laid on Him the iniquity of us all. He was oppressed, and He was afflicted, yet He opened not His mouth: He is brought as a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep before her shearers is dumb, so He openeth not His mouth (Ézsaiás 53:4-7).
Who His own self bare our sins in His own body on the tree, that we, being dead to sins, should live unto righteousness: by Whose stripes ye were healed (1 Péter 2:24).
But the work wasn’t finished at the whipping post, Jesus had to go to Calvary, to complete the great work of redemption.
For as by one man’s disobedience many were made sinners
By one act of disobedience by the first son of God; Adam, many were made sinners. This one act of disobedience ensured that the second Son of God; Jézus, had to suffer. So that by His act of obedience many would be made righteous.
On Calvary, Jesus was crucified; He was pierced, in His hands and feet, and took all the sins of the world upon Himself. Igen, He carried all sins, there was not one sin, that He didn’t carry (Ézsaiás 54:5-7)
The cross would be the punishment for every sinner. But Jesus became our Substitute and took our punishment upon Himself.
Jesus didn’t grumble and complain, but Jesus stayed obedient to His Father.
Even at the cross, at the moment that He was separated from His Father, what must have been the most difficult moment for Him, Jesus didn’t give up, but He stayed obedient. (Olvassa el is: ‘Az igazság az elutasításról')
When Jesus died, He descended to hell. Because the death and hell had taken legal possession of Him (because He had taken all the sins and iniquities of the world upon Himself). But hell couldn’t keep Jesus there. In hell, Jesus took back the keys of authority that the devil took from Adam. With those keys of hell and death, Jesus rose from the dead.
I am He that liveth, and was dead; és, behold, I am alive for evermore, Amen; and have the keys of hell and of death (Kinyilatkoztatás 1:18)
What does the crucifixion and resurrection mean
for sinners?
Jesus had taken and carried the sinful nature of mankind and their punishment upon Himself, He had become the Substitute for sinners. Mindenki, who would believe in Him, would die in Him, and lay down their sinful nature (because Jesus had carried the sinful nature of the sons of man). Jesus had bruised the head of the devil, just like God had promised. He legally took back the dominion and authority, that God had given to His son(s).
Jesus was the first of az új teremtés; the sons of God. The new sons of God, who died to ‘self’ and the sinful nature (through the water baptism), and are born of the Seed of God; the Holy Spirit by the baptism with the Holy Spirit.
God’s new covenant entered; a new era started. On the day of Pentecost, because of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, many more sons of God were born.
The followers of Jesus were already baptized into the baptism of repentance. His followers had laid down their life as a sinner through the water baptism.
They had become new barrels, waiting to be filled (Mat 9:17) and that’s what happened on the day of Pentecost. They received and were filled with the Holy Spirit.
It was not a temporary manifestation. Nem, they had become sons of God. Their spirits were raised from the dead, a Szentlélek ereje által. The Comforter; the Holy Spirit would dwell in the new man.
Just like Adam received the Holy Spirit, but by his disobedience, his spirit died, the spirit of man on the day of Pentecost was resurrected and became alive again. God was reconciled with His sons and daughters and was able to have communion with them. Just like He had initially intended, when He created man.
The new creation
God had created egy új alkotás; Isten fia (Olvassa el is: ‘The eighth day, the day of the new creation‘). And from that moment on, many more sons of God were and are created. Sons of God; born of water and Spirit.
Many sinners megbánta and became sons of God; holy and righteous. They were not made holy and righteously by their own works and by the law, but by the perfect work of Jesus Christ, az Ő vére által.
Through faith in Jesus Christ, sinners lay down their sinful carnal life (living after their own lusts, desires and will, and walking after the flesh).
They trade their sinful life for a holy and righteous life.
Mindenki, who believes in Jesus, in His blood, és válik újra születni of water and Spirit, becomes a new creation. The person is no longer a sinner, but has become the righteousness of God. (Olvassa el is ‘What does it mean to be born again?’)
By His knowledge shall My righteous servant justify many; for He shall bear their iniquities (Ézsaiás 53:11)
The time of grace
When you have become the new creation, you’ve become a son of God, Jézus Krisztusban.
Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new (2 korinthusiak 5:17)
It is by the grace of God, that you have become His son. Now it’s time to újítsd meg az elméd and grow up into the sonship of God. This is the time of grace, where you put off the old man and his works and öltsd fel az új embert and his works.
Spiritually mature
You have laid down your old life, as a sinner; you’ve laid down your flesh. Therefore you will no longer walk as a sinner in sin. Your spirit has become alive by the power of the Holy Spirit. But your spirit is still a baby in Christ. So it’s time, that your spirit grows up, and spiritually mature. How can your spirit grow up? By feeding your spirit with the Word of God.
Only by renewing your mind, you shall feed your spirit. When you feed your spirit with the Word and apply the Word into your life, you shall spiritually mature.
During the time that your spirit grows up, you will make errors, just like a child. But when you megtérni and ask for forgiveness, you shall be forgiven. That is the love and grace of God, that even when you become a new creation, He forgives you for your error.
But….. What you shouldn’t do is keep making the same mistakes over and over again and don’t turn away from it.
Remember, that the grace of God is not a free letter to keep living in sin.
What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin, that grace may abound? Isten őrizz. How shall we, that are dead to sin, live any longer therein (rómaiak 6:1-2)
A mature spirit shall reign in life
When your spirit has become mature, your spirit will reign over your flesh. You shall walk after the Spirit, just like Jesus walked after the Spirit, during His life on this earth. You shall walk in holiness and righteousness.
When Jesus was born, Jesus didn’t walk immediately as Son of God. Although Jesus was the Son of God, Jesus didn’t walk in His Sonship until Jesus became thirty.
When Jesus was thirty, Jesus was baptized in water and baptized with the Holy Spirit. After Jesus was baptized, Jesus didn’t minister to the people immediately.
Első, the Holy Spirit led Him to the wilderness, so that His flesh became totally subjected to the Spirit. For forty days, Jézus fasted and didn’t feed His flesh.
While Jesus was fasting, Jesus was constantly tempted by the devil. But Jesus didn’t give into the temptations of the devil, and the lusts and desires of His flesh. Even at the end, Jesus was tempted three more times: in His body, His soul, and spirit. but He stayed obedient to the will of the Father and the Spirit.
You are not a sinner anymore, but a new creation in Jesus Christ
The reason that Jesus had to come to this earth, and die for mankind was, that through Him, a new creation could be created. So that God would be reunited with His sons and daughters and could have a relationship with them.
God’s sons: Adam and the sons of God (Gen 6:2) didn’t accomplish their purpose. They were tempted by the devil, and through the lust of their eyes, they sinned. Jesus was the only Son of God, who stayed obedient and fulfilled His mission.
Jesus stayed obedient to the Father. He took all sins and iniquities of the world upon Himself and ensured that everyone, who would believe in Him, and in His work, would be saved for sinful nature, and would not see death. He ensured that by His blood, sinners would be made righteous, and wouldn’t be a sinner anymore. But the sinner would become a saint.
When you receive the Holy Spirit, and He lives inside of you, then you’ve God’s nature. Therefore you’ve holy. There is no one, who can change this.
I can bring up many more proofs, of why a sinner is no longer a sinner, mikor (s)he is made righteous in Christ. But for now, I will leave it at this. I will definitely continue with this subject in my next posts. Because it is important for Christians to understand their position in Jesus Christ.
Many Christians walk in darkness, due to false doctrines
Many believers still walk in darkness and keep walking in sins and iniquities, because of false doctrines of man. Because of these hamis tanok, they have a wrong mindset. But Jesus wants you to rise up in Him, és aszerint élni His commandments and His will. He wants you to take the inheritance that you’ve received in Him. But you cannot walk in this inheritance, if you don’t know what this inheritance contains (Olvassa el is: ‘Hamis tanok, amelyek sértik Istent‘).
Most, coming back to the question of if a sinner always remains a sinner, the answer is of course “NO”. A sinner becomes justified in Jesus Christ by His work and by His blood.
When you become born again and stay in Him, you will no longer be a sinner, but a saint; a son of God.
There are many Scriptures in the Bible that confirms that as soon as a sinner repents and comes to Christ, (s)he becomes righteous and holy in Jesus Christ. But I would like to end this article, with the following scripture:
For as by one man’s disobedience many were made sinners, so by the obedience of one shall many be made righteous (rómaiak 5:19)
’Légy a föld sója’
Sarah Louis
szeptember 21, 2015 atHi Shelly,
How are you? Please find below the answers to your questions.
I am told that everyone is a sinner no matter how loving and kind they try to live but we should believe in and love Jesus. Is this true?
Nem, this is not true. If this would be true, then every person, would remain a sinner, and Jesus would have died in vain. Then His work; His death and resurrection would be of no effect. Jesus carried our sins and iniquities; He became sin, so that we would be made holy and righteous through Him.
The only way to escape sin, is by His blood, by believing in Jesus Christ and become born again (pls read: what does it mean to be born again? Why must a person get born again?)
So if by accepting and loving Jesus, one can escape from sin, I do not understand what is sin. It cant be to do with good and bad behaviour can it?.
Sin means disobedience to God (everything that goes against the will of God (A parancsolatai), and therefore is not according to the Word of God). Mint például, Adam sinned because he disobeyed God’s commandment to not eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.
Some people say it is about good and bad in people. This does not make sense as people can be good without Jesus or religion and other people could behave bad until they are really old and then accept jesus and be forgiven by jesus believer people and God? whereas people who are always good but do not know how to accept Jesus or are sceptical about history, stories and religion, are told they wont be forgiven by Jesus believer people or God. Seems like Jesus believers are judgemental and tell bad people that they can be rewarded and good people cant be rewarded if they are not repentent of bad behaviour that they have never committed. Jesus believers go out and make well behaved people feel that there is no hope for them to live forever whereas if they had things to be sorry about, they have a chance to live forever. It is upsetting when some Jesus believers pass on messages of doom to loving kind people.
Every person is a sinner, there’s no one exclude. Being a good or bad person doesn’t matter. No person will be saved by being good, and doing good works. No person will get eternal life by doing good works. Jesus says that no one is good, but God.
The only way to reconcile men back to God, to enter the Kingdom of God, and have eternal life, is through Jesus Christ, az Ő vére által, and by becoming born again (Becoming a new creation; born of water and the Holy Spirit). There is no other way (az új teremtés)
When a person repents, the blood of Jesus washes away all the iniquities and sins of the person. The person will become a new creation (by the baptism (in water) and baptism with the Holy Ghost), Isten Lelkétől született.
This new creation will have the mind of Jesus Christ, and will walk in the commandments of Jesus, and therefore in the commandments of the Father (olvasni is the commandments of God vs the commandments of Jesus).
Jesus didn’t sin because He fully obeyed the commandments of His Father, He walked in His will.
When we say that we love Jesus, than we will keep His Word, and keep His commandments, and do what pleases Him, and not ourselves.
People who love Jesus, and keep His commandments (His words), are not judgmental but they speak the truth; the words of God.
Some people find these words judgmental, and experience these messages as messages of doom, but others will find life in these words and will repent to Jesus Christ (olvasni is: Jézus Krisztus; a Cornerstone or a Stone of stumbling).
A Szentlélek, Who lives in the new creation will reprove the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment.
There is always hope for people, and His Name is Jesus. Call unto Him, and He shall answer. He never left a person unanswered.
All you have to do is open the Bible; the Word of God and you will find the Truth.
I hope that answers your question. Please let me know if you have any more questions.