Do you keep your promises?

How many times do people make promises, but don’t keep them? They promise all kinds of things, but of all these promises, that may seem sincere and reliable, nothing comes of it. How reliable are the words and promises of people? And how reliable are the words and promises of Christians these days? What about you? Do you do what you say and do you keep your promises or do you promise one thing and do another? I le Mataio 21:28-32, we read about the parable of the two sons. What did Jesus want to say with this parable? What is the meaning of the parable of the two sons?

Why did Jesus ask if the baptism of John was from heaven or from men? 

While Jesus was teaching in the temple, the chief priests and elders of the people came unto Jesus and asked Him by what authority He was doing these things and who had given Him the authority. Jesus answered them and said, that He would answer their question if they would answer His question. And so Jesus asked them whether the baptism of John was from heaven or from men. 

The chief priests and elders deliberated among themselves. If they would say from heaven, then Jesus would ask them, why they didn’t believe it.

Jeremiah 23:22 If they had stood in My counsel and hear My words

Because if they would have believed that the baptism of John was from heaven and came from God, then they would have believed that John the Baptist was sent from God and they would have obeyed his words and would have been baptized (Faitau foi: ‘John the Baptist, the man who didn’t bow).

But they had not been baptized. O lea la, they didn’t believe that the baptism of John was from heaven but from men.

But the chief priests and elders feared the common people if they would say that the baptism of John came from men, because they all held John as a prophet.

O lea la, out of fear for the people, the chief priests and elders of the people answered Jesus that they didn’t know whether the baptism of John came from heaven or from man.

And because they didn’t answer His question, Jesus neither answered their question, but instead told them the parable of the two sons (Mattheüs 21:23-27).

The parable of the two sons

But what think ye? A certain man had two sons; and he came to the first, ma fai mai, Son, go work to day in my vineyard. He answered and said, I will not: but afterward he repented, and went. And he came to the second, and said likewise. And he answered and said, I go, sir: and went not. Whether of them twain did the will of his father? They say unto him, The first. Jesus saith unto them, E moni ou te fai atu ia te outou, That the publicans and the harlots go into the Kingdom of God before you. For John came unto you in the way of righteousness, and ye believed him not: but the publicans and the harlots believed him: and ye, when ye had seen it, repented not afterward, that ye might believe him (Mataio 21:28-32)

Jesus told them, that a man had two sons and commanded both sons to work that day in his vineyard. The first son said, that he would not go, because he had no desire to go, but afterward, the son regretted his action and went. The second son said, that he would go, but he didn’t go.

Jesus asked them, which of the two sons fulfilled the desire of the father and did the will of the father. They answered Jesus, that the first son did the will of the father.

Then Jesus said, that the publicans and the harlots would go into the Kingdom of God before them. Because John came to them in the way of righteousness and they believed him not, but the publicans and the harlots believed the preaching of John (and obeyed his words and repented and were baptized). And although they had seen it, they didn’t regret their action later, in order that they would believe him (and be baptized).

Although the chief priests and elders of God’s people were appointed in the office of priests and rulers of Gods people and stood in the service of God and were supposed to do the will of God, they didn’t do the will of God, and were not baptized (Faitau foi: ‘O a mea e tutusa ai taitai o tagata o le Atua i le taimi lena ma le taimi nei?‘ ma ‘What is the difference between Jesus and the religious leaders?‘)

And just like them, there are many Christians, who have made promises to God and have promised to do His will but don’t keep their promises to God and don’t do His will. They not only have made promises to God, which they don’t keep, but also to people.

What are the promises of Christians worth these days?

How many Christians enter a marriage covenant and promise to stay loyal to their spouse, but during the marriage, they forget the words they have spoken and the promises they have made and leave the will of God and break their promises and the marriage covenant and become adulterers.

How many Christians dedicate their children to God and promise God to raise their children in the fear of the Lord and in His will, but don’t keep their promise? How many parents promise their child(ren) all kinds of things, but don’t keep their promises?

How many Christians make promises to their employer and sign a contract, but don’t keep their promises and instead come up with all kinds of excuses?

How many people repent and be baptized and promise to follow Jesus; the Word and to obey Him and keep His commandments, while during their life, they leave His way and His commandments and don’t do what they have promised to do, but they go their own way and do their own will. What are promises worth these days?

E toatele Kerisiano, who make all kinds of promises to God and to other people, but eventually, they don’t keep their promises. While they do expect from God and from other people that they do what they say and that they keep their promises and otherwise become disappointed and angry and many times stay angry.

Confessing the Lord Jesus as Lord, but don’t do what He says

And why call ye Me, Alii e, Alii e, ma aua le faia mea ua ou fai atu ai? (Luka 6:46)

Many Christians promise to do the will of God, while there are only a few, who really obey the words of God and do the will of God in their lives. Many times promises are made from the flesh; out of an emotion, a feeling, or a certain state of the person.

Fa'ata'ita'iga, people can go to church and become so influenced by the atmosphere; the ambiance lighting, music, outward manifestations, and moving words, that their feelings and emotions take over and they make a promise from their carnal state, while when they arrive at the home they forget about the promise they have made and don’t keep their promise.

What if God's will is not your will?

If you have become a son of God (e faatatau lenei mea i alii ma tamaitai), then you have made a choice to give up your own life and do the will of God.

You have promised to follow Jesus Christ and to keep His commandments and therefore you shall do, mea ua Ia poloaiina ai outou e fai (Faitau foi: ‘O le mulimuli ia Iesu o le a tauia ai mea uma‘).

God has commanded every son of His to work in His vineyard, there is no son excluded from this commission.

It is written that God hates liars, and covenant breakers(adulterers). O lea la, the true sons of God, who are born of Him, are no liars and covenant breakers, but they keep their promises and stay faithful to their covenants (a.o. Faataoto 6:16; 12:22, Malachi 2:16, 1 Korinito 6:9-10, Faaaliga 21:8).

It is the will of God, that His sons are faithful and speak the truth and don’t lie, so that they will be reliable, just like Him. 

They should count the cost before making a decision and before making a promise, so that they don’t make a mockery of Jesus Christ and His Kingdom and shame God.

The sons of God do the will of their Father

The sons of God shall, just like their Father, keep their promises and shall do what they say. They are not covenant breakers, but they stay faithful to their promises, regardless of what it will cost them and despite the consequences.

O lea la, be an obedient son of God (e pei lava o Iesu), who may not want to follow the words of God and His commands at first, but out of love for Him, will do the will of God and follow His commandments, and by doing that, show your love for Jesus Christ and the Father and glorify and exalt Him through your life.

Because it’s not about the promises you have made to God, but if you have done His will.

Atonu e te Fiafia foi

    sese: E puipuia lenei anotusi